Beetroot: beneficial properties and use in medicine

Beetroot: beneficial properties and use in medicine
Beetroot: beneficial properties and use in medicine

Everyone's favorite beets are good not only as an ingredient in a salad, but also as an excellent remedy to fight various diseases. It is available to everyone, but not everyone knows and uses its useful properties. Find out more about this … Beets contain a huge amount of nutrients, so it is proudly called a "capsule of nutrients". It is a storehouse high in proteins, sugars, organic acids and pectin. Particular importance is attached to the presence of folic acid and vitamin P in it, which have an anti-sclerotic effect, and it is very valuable for pregnant women as well.

Beets - useful properties

Everything a person needs: sodium - 120 mg%, potassium - 160 mg%, calcium - 40 mg%, as well as trace elements such as iodine, iron, cobalt, manganese, zinc, copper, which regulate the processes of hematopoiesis.

Beets - useful properties
Beets - useful properties

Thanks to this composition, beets are an excellent nutrition for red blood cells. And the chlorine contained in beets has a cleansing effect on the liver, kidneys and gallbladder. Iodine in beets will help people suffering from goiter, obesity, and atherosclerosis. In terms of iodine content, beets remain the number one vegetable among other vegetables.

Can beets affect blood pressure?

With the help of beets, which contain a significant amount of magnesium salts, you can lower blood pressure. For this, in order to treat and prevent hypertension, traditional medicine suggests taking beet juice in a quarter of a glass for 4 times a day. You can also treat hypertension with alcohol tinctures. This will require 1 glass of freshly squeezed beetroot juice, 1, 5 tablespoons of dried swamp and 1 glass of natural honey. Mix everything, pour 0, 25 glass of vodka and insist it for two weeks in a dark place, then strain. Take two tablespoons up to three times a day.

What to do with vascular spasms?

In case of vascular spasms, it is recommended to take beet juice together with cranberry juice in a two-to-one ratio, or together with honey in an equal amount, that is, 1: 1.

Can beets help with intestinal disorders?

Include as much beetroot in your diet as possible and then no intestinal disorders you will not be afraid! If there was such a nuisance as constipation, then you can eat boiled beets on an empty stomach. However, the best effect for prolonged constipation can be obtained from a decoction of beets.

To prepare such a medicinal broth, peel one medium beetroot, chop finely, pour in two liters of cold water and leave for 8-10 hours, then strain. Such a decoction is used in the form of an enema for 12-15 procedures.

How to use beets for sore throat, ear, headaches and toothaches?

If you have a sore throat, then prepare a decoction of beets and gargle with them, you can also chew slices of fresh beets (not boiled) for a long time. Earache will go away with warmed beetroot juice. To do this, inject a couple of drops into each ear three times a day.

Headaches can be relieved with thin slices of beets or crumpled beet leaves. The headache will also go away by putting pieces of cotton wool soaked in beet juice in your ears. If torments toothache, then keep the pieces of beet in your mouth on the sore tooth until the pain begins to release.
