Do you want to freeze strawberries for the winter for future use? I share useful tips and a step-by-step recipe for frozen strawberry puree at home. Video recipe.

Recipe content:
- Ingredients
- How to make frozen strawberry puree step by step
- Video recipe
Despite the fact that now you can buy strawberries at any time of the year, but in winter the beautiful scarlet berries that are grown in greenhouses are not to everyone's taste. Greenhouse strawberries are stored for a long time, but their taste is much inferior to ground berries. Therefore, many people prefer to consume frozen strawberries during the summer season. Strawberries are harvested in different ways: canned, jam, dried and frozen. Of all the options listed, the easiest and most delicious way is to freeze. We will talk about it in this article.
Strawberries can be frozen in several ways: whole berries, mashed with and without sugar. Any preparation method is a great alternative to strawberry jam. You can defrost the berry at any time of the year and add it to any desserts: to pancakes, to a cake, with ice cream … And on a hot denier, you can use it on its own, like popsicles. It is enough to get it out of the fridge and let it melt a little.. Therefore, if you have a lot of strawberries that are ugly, that you have nowhere to put them, and you don’t want to mess with cans, then use the proposed recipe and prepare strawberry puree without sugar for the winter. After all, frozen strawberries are a storehouse of vitamins in full and a piece of pleasant summer on cold winter evenings.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 73 kcal.
- Servings - Any Amount
- Cooking time - 10 minutes

Strawberries - any quantity
How to prepare frozen strawberry puree step by step:

1. Sort the strawberries, removing damaged and wrinkled specimens. Strawberry puree is made only from selected berries. In addition, this is important if the dessert is prepared for young children. Fold the berries in a sieve and rinse them under cool water so that dust and sand are completely separated from the berries. You do not need to rub the berries with your hands or a sponge. Rinse them gently.

2. Remove the clean fruits from the sieve, peel off the stems and put them in the chopper bowl.

3. Get a hand or bench blender. A food processor or meat grinder is also suitable.

4. Chop the strawberries until smooth. No sugar is used in the recipe, so the dish is suitable for baby food. In addition, this puree has a longer shelf life. If you want sweet strawberry puree, add sugar to the bowl with the berries. Its amount is used according to one's taste preferences. But I note that the less sugar, the more useful the preparation.

5. Dispense the puree into clean, convenient containers and place in the freezer.

6. As a container for freezing strawberry puree, you can use silicone portion molds for sweets, muffins and muffins, plastic bowls or glass containers.
See also the video recipe on how to make frozen strawberry puree with sugar: