Composition and calorie content of cherry jam. How is it useful and to whom can it be harmful? Cooking recipes. Cherry jam baked goods.
Cherry jam is a traditional Russian dessert. To prepare it, the berries are washed, pitted, boiled in sweet syrup, and then rolled into sterilized jars for long-term storage. The classic recipe for cherry jam involves cooking in three stages to achieve optimal thickness. However, there are many alternative recipes in which the product is cooked faster, and although it does not turn out to be very thick, it retains more useful components. Often, other berries and fruits are added to cherry jam. A jar of dessert is especially appropriate for winter teas, as it has a beneficial effect on immunity and prevents vitamin deficiency. However, you should not abuse it: since the classic recipe for cherry jam for the winter involves the use of a large amount of sugar, its excessive consumption can not only negate the benefits, but also harm.
Composition and calorie content of cherry jam

In the photo, cherry jam
Cherry jam is a low-calorie dessert that is often used in their diet as an alternative to buns, chocolate, etc. girls who want to lose weight.
Calorie content of cherry jam - 250 kcal, of which
- Proteins - 0.4 g;
- Fat - 0.1 g;
- Carbohydrates - 61, 3 g.
Fats in the product, as you can see, are practically absent, but there are not few carbohydrates in it, and they are mainly represented by simple sugars, which the modern diet is already oversaturated, and therefore it is important not to overload the dessert, despite the low calorie content.
Nevertheless, it is not only possible, but also necessary to eat cherry jam in small quantities, because the berry itself is very useful, it contains a large amount of various vitamins and minerals.
Vitamins per 100 g
- Vitamin A, RE - 17 mcg;
- Beta carotene - 0.1 mg;
- Vitamin B1, thiamine - 0.03 mg
- Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 0.03 mg;
- Vitamin B4, choline - 6, 1 mg;
- Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid - 0.08 mg;
- Vitamin B6, pyridoxine - 0.05 mg;
- Vitamin B9, folate - 6 mcg;
- Vitamin C, ascorbic acid - 15 mg;
- Vitamin E, alpha-tocopherol - 0.3 mg;
- Vitamin H, biotin - 0.4 mcg;
- Vitamin K, phylloquinone - 2.1 mcg;
- Vitamin PP, NE - 0.5 mg;
- Niacin - 0.4 mg
Macronutrients per 100 g
- Potassium - 256 mg;
- Calcium - 37 mg;
- Silicon - 41 mg;
- Magnesium - 26 mg;
- Sodium - 20 mg;
- Sulfur - 6 mg;
- Phosphorus - 30 mg;
- Chlorine - 8 mg.
Microelements per 100 g
- Aluminum - 103 mcg;
- Boron - 125 mcg;
- Vanadium - 25 mcg;
- Iron - 0.5 mg;
- Iodine - 2 mcg;
- Cobalt - 1 mcg;
- Lithium - 3 mcg;
- Manganese - 0.08 mg;
- Copper - 100 mcg;
- Molybdenum - 3 mcg;
- Nickel - 15 mcg;
- Rubidium - 77 mcg;
- Selenium - 0.1 mcg;
- Strontium - 5, 9 mcg;
- Fluorine - 13 mcg;
- Chromium - 7 mcg;
- Zinc - 0.15 mg.
- Zirconium - 0.08 mcg.
In addition, cherries are a source of dietary fiber, organic and fatty acids, the amino acid tryptophan, and phytoncides. Of course, a certain amount of these useful components is lost during cooking and storage of the product, however, a significant part of them is still present in the composition of cherry jam.
Useful properties of cherry jam

Cherry jam is not only a delicious, but also a healthy dessert. It is important to note that in comparison with other berries, it contains an increased amount of iron, which ensures the prevention of anemia. In addition, the dessert as a whole contains an extensive group of vitamins and minerals, albeit not in record amounts, but they all make an important contribution to the overall balance.
The benefits of cherry jam:
- Beneficial effect on the hematopoietic system … Cherry jam, as we said above, contains quite a bit of iron - one of the main minerals necessary for normal blood formation. In addition, it contains the so-called coumarin, a substance that has a positive effect on blood clotting indicators.
- Strengthening immunity … Natural phytoncides stimulate the body's defenses, helping the product fight various diseases. They are especially effective for colds: the dessert helps to relieve coughing, promotes the release of phlegm, and lowers the temperature. That is why closing the cherry jam for the winter is imperative.
- Normalization of the digestive system … Due to the presence in the composition of soft dietary fibers in the form of pectin, jam helps to improve the work of the intestines, has a positive effect on its peristalsis, saves from constipation, flatulence, and bloating.
- Beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels … Dessert perfectly strengthens blood vessels, especially the walls of capillaries, in addition, it increases the elasticity and flexibility of blood vessels. Also, the product helps to normalize cholesterol levels, which in turn saves from atherosclerosis and acute cardiac conditions.
- Strengthening the nervous system … Jam promotes the production of seratonin, which is important for those who are prone to depressive conditions. In addition, the dessert improves the quality of sleep, as it has a mild sedative and hypnotic effect, and also improves mood, overall emotional tone and brain activity.
Often, the product is recommended for pregnant women who are prone to anemia and have reduced immunity. In addition, in this case, a slight anti-edema effect comes to the rescue, plus, thanks to its pleasant sweet-sour taste, this is an excellent remedy for toxicosis.
Note! The use of cherry jam in cooking is not limited to baking recipes, due to the presence of light sourness in the composition, it is often used to create original sauces for savory dishes and even marinades for meat dishes are made on its basis.
Interesting facts about cherry jam

During heat treatment, water-soluble vitamins - C and B group are destroyed to a greater extent, their amount can be reduced by 70-80%. However, fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, and other natural beneficial ingredients tend to leave the dessert in very small amounts.
One of the most valuable elements, which is not afraid of heat treatment, is the amino acid tryptophan, it not only helps to establish sleep, but also protects against overexertion during the day, which is why it is best to drink tea with jam during lunch, so that after it you can start working with new ones. forces.
Cherry jam may not spoil for several years, but it is best to eat it during the season. With prolonged storage, the amount of nutrients decreases, and the amount of oxymethylfurfural, a harmful component that is formed during the heat treatment of sugars, on the contrary, increases.
Watch a video about cherry jam:

Cherry jam is a controversial dessert. On the one hand, it is low-calorie and contains many useful components, on the other hand, it contains a lot of sugar, which suggests a logical conclusion that it is possible and necessary to eat dessert, but in moderation.