Delicious cherry compote for the winter will help you keep a piece of summer warmth. A recipe with step by step photos for everyone who wants.

Recipe content:
- Ingredients
- Step by step cooking
- Video recipes
Cherry, sweet and aromatic, follows the strawberry. And if we have already managed to close the strawberry compote, now it's time for cherries. It is best, of course, to get vitamins from fresh fruits, but you should not neglect the preparations for the winter. After all, the sweet and fragrant cherry compote will delight you on winter evenings.
You can prepare sweet cherry compote in different ways. We offer you the simplest and most cost-effective not only in terms of budget, but also in terms of time. In this way, you can close 10 cans and not notice how you do it. The main thing is to find a large container for boiling water.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 47 kcal.
- Servings - 2 cans
- Cooking time - 30 minutes

- Water - 2–2.5 liters
- Sweet cherry - 800 g
- Sugar - 200-300 g
- Mint - 1-2 sprigs
Step-by-step preparation of compote for the winter from cherries with seeds

There is no need to sterilize jars for preparation according to this recipe. Wash them thoroughly with baking soda and then rinse them under running water. Pour the cherries with water in a large bowl. Let stand for 20-30 minutes. If you are not sure about the absence of worms in cherries, add 1 tbsp. l. salt for every liter of water. After 20 minutes, all the pests will emerge and you will only have to rinse the fruit. Cherry does not absorb salt, not a single gram.

Now we sort out the cherries, removing the stalk. We also put all the spoiled berries aside.

We lay out the cherries in jars, add mint leaves.

Fill the jars with boiling water to the very top.

We leave the jars for 15 minutes, covering with a lid. After that, we pour the water into a saucepan and add sugar to it to taste. The syrup should taste slightly sugary.
Bring the syrup to a boil and fill the jars. We immediately roll them up with lids, which were previously sterilized in boiling water.
After the cans have cooled completely, we transfer them to storage in the basement or pantry. It is not recommended to store the workpiece in the form of a compote with seeds for more than two years.
See also video recipes:
Cherry compote for the winter with mint