Installation of a fence made of profiled sheets: features of such a fence, site marking and selection of materials, installation work and maintenance of the coating. A fence made of profiled flooring is an attribute of a land plot that reliably protects it from outsiders and emphasizes the surrounding landscape. Many materials are involved in the construction process. Today we will tell you how to make a fence from corrugated board with their help.
Features of the fence made of profiled sheet

As a rule, such fences consist of sections and exist in two types: fences with supports from metal pipes or from brick posts. Profiled sheets on them can be located in one case at a short distance from the ground, and in the other - to lean on a foundation or a brick side connecting the fence posts.
The first option is more economical, since it involves the use of fewer materials and simplified installation. Another type of fence allows you to make it more respectable, but requires more materials and labor.
The use of a profiled sheet in the metal fencing of the site is quite justified, since it has a number of advantages:
- The fence installation process does not cause technological problems;
- The profiled sheet is strong enough;
- If such a fence is correctly mounted and then serviced, it will stand for a very long time;
- The appearance of the corrugated board fence is quite modern.
The low price of materials for such a fence makes it affordable for most land owners. And thanks to a wide range of colors and a variety of shapes of profiled sheets, the fence from them is perfectly combined with many design solutions.
Fence installation technology from corrugated board
The entire production process of mounting a fence made of corrugated board can be divided into several stages. Let's consider them in order.
Preparatory work before installing the fence

Before purchasing basic materials, you need to prepare tools and equipment for work. You will need a building level, a concrete mixer, a welding machine, pegs and a cord for marking the territory, an electric drill with drills, electrodes of 2, 5 mm. You should also organize the supply of water to the place of concrete work.
It is not recommended to build any fence without a diagram or drawing. Markup data is required to compose any of these documents. It should start by defining and measuring the perimeter of the site. To do this, in its corners, you need to hammer in the pegs and connect them by pulling a cord between them. Using a tape measure, you need to determine the length of the future fence and the required number of its supports, which are located in increments of 2-3 m, depending on the length of the sheets. The location of each pillar must be marked with a peg.
In addition, it is necessary to determine the dimensions of the foundation, the width of the entrance gate and the entrance gate. The width of the base, in order to save costs for earthwork and concrete work, can be made uneven. Then, under the supports, it is performed in their size, and under the sheets, it is narrower. Gate dimensions depend on their purpose. All pegging data will have to be transferred to the schema to calculate the required amount of materials.
If the facing of the supports with bricks is not planned, then a powerful foundation for a light fence structure will not be required. In this case, a hole 15 cm wide to a depth of 1.5 m is dug under each rack. You can use a hand drill. The depth of immersion of the supports in the ground depends on the height of the fence. The higher the fence is planned to be made, the deeper it is required to dig in its supports.
For a heavy fence with brick posts, you will need a more massive foundation. To prepare it, you need shovels, a supply of polypropylene bags for removing excess soil and time.
Trench, for example, with a volume of 4 m3 dug by a couple of workers within 4-5 hours with smoke breaks. Its depth for the foundation depends on the level of soil freezing in a certain region, on average - 1-1.5 m.
The most important thing in this type of work is soil sampling to the required depth. The level of foundation laying, its immobility and the normal functioning of the entrance gate depend on it.
The choice of materials for the fence from corrugated board

The main material of the fence is a profiled sheet. It is made from durable zinc-coated steel. All sheets have a ribbed shape, as well as markings A or C followed by numbers from 8 to 35, which indicate the wave height of the product in millimeters. For example, C10 corrugated board used for fences has a wave height of 10 mm. The larger it is, the stiffer the profiled sheet. In regions with strong winds, it is recommended to use C20 corrugated board for fencing.
The thickness of the profiled sheets should be selected depending on the height of the fence. If it is, for example, up to 3 meters, the optimal value will be 0.5 mm. For a higher fence, sheets of 0, 6 mm are suitable.
When buying, you should pay attention to the covering of the flooring. Powder coating is more resistant. Sheets should be double-sided. Their outer side has a brighter color. The inside is gray corrugated board.
For the manufacture of a fence from corrugated board, in addition to steel sheets, you will additionally need:
- Pipes and bricks for supports … Steel pipes are taken of rectangular or circular cross-section 60x60 mm with a wall thickness of 3 mm and a length of 3 m. The brick is used silicate, clay or facing. To lay the posts from it, you will need a mortar.
- Lags … These are transverse elements of the fence, designed to reliably tie the supports into a single frame. In addition, they serve as the basis for attaching profiled sheets. The material for the crossbars will be steel pipes of rectangular section 40x25 mm with a wall thickness of 2 mm and a length of 6 m.
- Fasteners … It is needed for the installation of fencing sheets. These are roofing screws or metal rivets measuring 3, 2x10 mm.
- M200 concrete for installation of fence posts … If its self-preparation is envisaged, cement, crushed stone and sand will be required.
It is not at all necessary to choose metal pipes as racks for a fence made of corrugated board. You can install wooden or asbestos-cement poles. Before installation, wooden supports should be treated with a blowtorch flame, and then with a bitumen-based primer.
Pouring the foundation for the fence

Formwork assembly is an extremely demanding undertaking. The fact is that after pouring with concrete, the admitted defects of the formwork can no longer be corrected. Therefore, in addition to a semi-edged board, a drill and screws, you will definitely need wooden jumpers and brick supports for additional fastening of the entire structure.
The assembly of the formwork panels is carried out in the trench and starts from the top board, which marks the level of the foundation. Its upper part should be 10 cm above the surface of the ground in order to avoid accumulation of dirt on it during rains.
Reinforcement of the foundation is carried out using a volumetric frame made of metal rods with a diameter of 10 mm. In the frame, horizontal reinforcement is represented by two lower and two upper reinforcement bars. Vertical reinforcement - four short bridges connecting horizontal rods at regular intervals of 1.5 m. The reinforcement is connected with knitting wire.
After installing the frame, pipes or powerful corners are lowered into the formwork to strengthen future brick posts. Installation of these elements is carried out using a plumb line and a building level. Then they are fixed in it with short boards. After fixing the formwork with lintels and props, concrete can be poured into it.
When installing a fence made of corrugated board, the preparation of concrete is carried out manually or using a concrete mixer. The composition of the mixture is used as follows: cement - 1 part, crushed stone - 6 parts, sand - 3 parts, water - 0.7 parts, additives to concrete (liquid household soap) - 0.1% of the amount of cement.
Mixing 100 liters of concrete by hand takes 30-40 minutes. After concreting, it is advisable to cover the formwork with a film to avoid drying out the top layer of the coating, and it can be removed after a week in the presence of warm weather.
A massive strip foundation for brick posts is poured in the usual way. If the pillars are not planned to be lined with stone, the bottom of the recesses under them is covered with a layer of crushed stone 200 mm, then the pillars are installed and concreted with a cement mixture.
In order to prevent the soil between them from being washed out over time, instead of the foundation, the pipes of the supports can be connected with a buried concrete tape with a total height of 20 cm. For its manufacture, a wooden box is made along the bottom of the metal racks. Its boards are fastened with wire or scraps of timber, and then lined with waterproofing from the inside. After pouring concrete into the box and setting it, the formwork is carefully disassembled. The resulting side will serve not only as protection against soil leaching, but also as an obstacle for pets to enter the territory under the fence.
Installation instructions for a fence made of corrugated board

The frame of the fence made of profiled sheets is assembled from a metal pipe with a section of 20x40x2 mm using manual welding. The pieces of the profile pipe cut to the required length in a horizontal position are lightly welded to the vertical posts in 2-3 rows, the accuracy of installation is checked by the building level. This is followed by the final welding. A 15 m long fence takes about 2 hours of welding.
After their completion, the anti-corrosion treatment of the frame elements and the places of its welding is performed. For this purpose, the GF-020 primer is suitable, which can be applied to the metal with a brush or a paint sprayer.
For the installation of brick posts, facing brick is used. Usually, experienced bricklayers are involved for such work, because the quality requires it. When laying bricks, a mortar is used in a cement / sand ratio of 1 to 3 with the addition of a small part of liquid soap for the plasticity of the mixture. The masonry of the posts is carried out alternately in 1 day to a height of 0.5 m.
The gaps between the masonry and the metal rack are filled with mortar while working on the post. Each row of masonry is reinforced with a 50x50x4 mm mesh. To protect the upper end of the post from rain and snow, decorative caps are installed on it. This gives the fence a special expressiveness.
As an option, the racks can be faced not with brick, but with artificial or natural stone. The appearance of the fence will only benefit from this. However, such a procedure will require considerable investment.
Installation of corrugated board is the last stage in the manufacture of a fence. In order not to damage the end face of the profiled sheet during installation, it is recommended to lay cardboard on the foundation. Products are fixed on a shaped pipe through a wave at the base of the corrugation. The connection is made with an overlap with self-tapping screws using an electric drill with a nozzle. You can take rivets, but they must be steel.
Aluminum fasteners can create a galvanic pair between different materials of construction, the appearance of which causes electrochemical corrosion of steel. Profiled decking sheets in the same fence are easily combined, for example, with forging. In order for such a fence to have an attractive appearance, you can use a different arrangement of its enclosing elements: the deck can cover the upper, lower part of the structure or the gap between them.
To maintain the good and attractive condition of the fence made of corrugated board, a lot of effort will not be required. It is quite enough to periodically clean it from dirt. Any solution containing soap is suitable for this. It is important that the emulsion does not contain solvents: they can damage the coating.
How to make a fence from corrugated board - look at the video:

A self-made fence made of corrugated board is a design ideal for a suburban area. Such a fence will protect it from dust and noise from the street, wind and sidelong glances. Considering all the advantages of a profiled sheet listed in this article and its convenient installation, we can safely say that it is difficult to find a more technologically advanced fence today.