How to make a fence from a lining

How to make a fence from a lining
How to make a fence from a lining

Construction of a summer cottage fence made of lining, its types and advantages, preparation for installation and technology of work. A plastic lining fence is an excellent alternative to the above structures. Polyvinyl chloride is not a material hazardous to health, since the raw materials for its production are always carefully checked and cleaned. Due to the artificial origin of the material, a fence made of PVC lining can have any shape and color, perfectly imitates brick, natural stone or wood.

In addition, the PVC fence has excellent performance characteristics:

  • Possessing a special and rather attractive appearance, after correct assembly, it practically has no flaws in the form of cracks or irregularities.
  • A plastic fence cannot be damaged by the rays of the summer sun, seasonal or daily temperature changes, as well as any weather conditions. This allows it to extend its service life up to 100 years.
  • PVC lining does not burn. From exposure to open fire, it can only begin to melt after 3-4 hours.

Preparatory work before installing the fence

Marking a site for a fence
Marking a site for a fence

The preparatory stage of erecting a fence from a lining with your own hands includes cleaning the area for construction, marking the perimeter of the fence, drawing up a construction scheme, choosing materials and preparing tools.

Clearing the area should mean removing debris, bushes and uprooting stumps. All this is necessary for comfortable and high-quality work. Ordinary garden tools can help in this matter, and in difficult cases - special equipment.

After drawing up a diagram of the desired fence, indicating its length and location of characteristic points, you can determine the amount of materials required and start marking the fence on the ground. To do this, you need to stock up on a cord, tape measure, hammer and pegs, which should be used to mark the location of the future fence supports, not forgetting to leave space for the entrance group, that is, a gate and a wicket. The cord stretched between the pegs will serve as a guide to create straight lines for the fence.

The choice of lining for the fence depends on the personal preferences and financial capabilities of the buyer. The estimated cost of such a fence is 1000-2000 rubles / m2… It is influenced by the texture of the material, its color and the manufacturer's brand.

If the choice fell on wooden panels, there is no point in overpaying for an extra class of products, because from time to time such a fence will have to be painted, protecting it from weather conditions. Therefore, small knots on lower grade boards will be completely invisible.

Unlike metal or plastic lining, the same material from wood requires special preparation before installation, if it has not been processed in an industrial environment. First of all, the fence boards must be cleaned and then sanded. After such preparation, a special impregnation and a primer must be applied to their surface. These materials give the wood hydrophobic properties, protect it from bark beetles and decay. If you plan to install wooden pillars as supports, the same procedure must be done with them.

An important point in preparation for the installation of the fence is the availability of the necessary tools and consumables. In addition to the above-described inventory and impregnating compounds, you will need:

  1. Wooden beams or shaped pipes for cross purlins;
  2. Support pillars;
  3. Ax and hacksaw;
  4. Nails or screws;
  5. Screwdriver;
  6. Paints and varnishes, brushes or spray gun;
  7. Excavation drill;
  8. Plumb line and building level.

Fence installation technology from lining

Installation of a fence from a lining
Installation of a fence from a lining

The fence installation technology consists in the installation of support pillars, transverse girders and lining fastening.

The work must be done in the following order:

  • Along the perimeter of the site, according to the markings, it is necessary to dig or drill holes for the supports. Any fence has a sufficiently large windage. Therefore, to ensure its rigidity, the distance between the posts should be no more than 3 m. Taking this rule into account, excavations for the supports should be prepared. The depth of the pits is taken to be about half a meter.
  • The next step is to install the supports into the prepared grooves. If they are wooden, then the lower part of the posts should be wrapped with roofing material or covered with bitumen before installation. The supports should be in a strictly vertical position and on the same perimeter line, indicated by a stretched cord. The installation should be controlled with a plumb line or level. To temporarily fix the supports in a given position, you can use stops made of wooden blocks. After installation, the pillars should be concreted in the pits.
  • When the concrete has hardened, 2-3 rows of transverse girders can be attached to the posts. The distance between the bottom run and the ground surface should not be less than 30 cm. If the fence frame is metal, the runs must be welded to the posts. For the option of a fence made of wood or plastic, you will need nails or screws.
  • Fastening the lining to the girders must be performed from the street side. If the lamellas have grooves, the fence will be solid. Planks without grooves can be placed on purlins with gaps. In this case, the fence will turn out to be lattice. Fixing the fence panels in the desired position should be done with nails or self-tapping screws, using a screwdriver.

After the end of the installation, the finished wooden lining fence needs to be painted. A protective enamel film will increase the service life of the structure. Structures made of plastic or metal do not need such processing.

An interesting option is a wicker fence. Such a fence has a more decorative appearance and does not imply a significant height. They are often fenced in lawns or used for zoning the territory.

The lining for this structure should be chosen narrow - no more than 100 mm wide. During installation, it will need to be bent a little, so the thickness of the boards should be small. Wicker fence posts are installed as the spans are constructed.

In general, the manufacturing process of such a structure is as follows:

  1. First, you need to create a U-shaped mount for the lining. To do this, place a narrow board between two wide ones. The assembled part must be aligned along the edge and its elements must be fixed to each other with screws. In its finished form, it will look like a bar with a longitudinal groove inside.
  2. At the next stage, the ends of the boards must be positioned in the groove of the part and secured with self-tapping screws. Then, stepping back 1 m from it, a vertical handle should be installed between the lamellas so that each adjacent board is located alternately on its opposite sides.
  3. The free ends of the boards must be fixed in the groove of the second U-shaped part. This will show the weaving effect on the railing segment.
  4. Given the length of the span of the wicker fence, you need to dig holes around the perimeter of the site and install support pillars in them. After that, the finished segments of the fence should be fixed on the racks using self-tapping screws.

How to make a fence from a lining - watch the video:

Summing up our article, I would like to note several points in favor of building a fence from a lining. A fence made of this material is distinguished by a large selection of design solutions, sufficient strength, affordable price and unpretentious maintenance. Careful adherence to the technology of its construction will allow you to avoid possible errors and waste of material. This is especially true for those who wish to carry out the installation of such a fence with their own hands. Good luck with your work!
