How to use lemon hair spray

How to use lemon hair spray
How to use lemon hair spray

What is lemon hair spray? Useful properties and contraindications for use. How to prepare a cosmetic product at home. Features of manufacture and use. To neutralize the effect of lemon juice - stopping sebum secretion, you can use it with dairy products. But it is impractical to introduce them into the spray. A distinctive feature of the product is that it does not require rinsing. Dairy products on the head, even low-fat, will immediately glue the hair, the hairstyle will look untidy. Therefore, for very dry hair, it is better to refuse to use lemon spray.

Lemon hair spray recipes

Squeezing lemon juice
Squeezing lemon juice

At home, lemon hair spray can be made with fresh citrus juice or citric acid. When purchasing a substance, you should make sure that the product was actually isolated from lemon juice - this acid is more expensive than its chemical counterpart.

Hair Spray Recipes:

  • Classical … The simplest one, which is done just before use. Squeeze the juice from a quarter of a medium-sized lemon and mix with a glass of ordinary or mineral water, pour it into a spray bottle.
  • To enhance hair shine … Chamomile tea is brewed - 2 tablespoons of dried pharmacy chamomile are poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted, filtered twice through cheesecloth folded in 4 layers - there should be no particles of bio-raw materials in the liquid. Chamomile infusion is mixed with juice squeezed from a quarter of a lemon. Such a composition not only softens and improves the quality of the hair, but also has a brightening effect, especially if you go out into the sun after applying the spray. If a color change is not planned, you need to abandon this recipe, despite the positive effect on the hair and scalp.
  • To normalize sebum secretion … To reduce the oily hair and increase the time between baths, you should double the amount of lemon juice.
  • Shine spray … To give shine to hair of normal fat content, you need to spray not from lemon juice, but from lemon peel. Citrus is cleaned, the peel is boiled in a liter of water, then the liquid is cooled and the broth is used as a spray.
  • To stimulate hair growth … In this recipe, lemon juice is mixed with hydrolat - flower water. With thinning hair and dry scalp, hydrolat is made from lavender, with oily curls and a tendency to allergies - from chamomile, with severe hair loss - from nettle, with inflamed skin - from St. John's wort. The lemon rinse with rose water has a universal effect. Hydrolat enhances the healing effect of the spray and extends the shelf life. To prepare the hydrolat, a bowl is placed in the middle of the bottom of the pan, and bio raw materials are laid out along the edges, the herbs are poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1 to 5, the pan is covered with a tight lid and set to boil for 1.5-2 hours. To make the hydrolat drain faster into the prepared bowl, put ice on the lid. The finished composition is mixed in the usual proportions with lemon juice and the spray is poured into a spray bottle. Unlike other products, you can store the hydrolat spray for up to 2 weeks and use it daily.
  • To strengthen and eliminate brittle dry hair … This lemon spray is used up to 2 times a day, but you have to wash your hair at least once every 3 days. The chamomile decoction is made in the same proportions as the infusion, only the tea leaves must be boiled. The juice of a quarter of a lemon, 6 drops of bey essential oil diluted in a drop of honey (without an emulsifier, the oil will float on the surface in a bold circle), 7 drops of linseed oil are added to the composition. Shake the product before use.
  • To prevent hair loss … To compose the spray, you must mix clean water, 4 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of vodka and 2 drops of rosemary or ylang-ylang essential oil. For dry hair, spray is sprayed only on the roots of the hair, for oily hair, it is distributed over the entire length.
  • For stronger styling with citric acid … To prepare a spray for increasing "manageability of hair", mix a quarter teaspoon of citric acid with a glass of pure or mineral water. You need to make sure that all the grains are completely dissolved.

In spray recipes for eliminating the increased fat content of the scalp and hair and giving shine, lemon juice can be safely replaced with citric acid, observing the proportions - a quarter teaspoon of acid per 1 glass of water. In recipes for sprays for dry and normal curls, it is advisable to use natural juice - citric acid has an additional drying effect, and this is harmful.

Homemade Lemon Spray Preservatives

Rose oil
Rose oil

Home sprays don't last long, even if kept in the refrigerator. The duration of use is a maximum of a week. When you combine lemon juice with hydrolates, the shelf life is doubled, but you also need to take care of a cool storage place.

To keep the home spray from spoiling within a month, you can add the following preservatives to your choice:

  1. Essential oils - have antiseptic and antibacterial properties. If there is already an essential oil in the spray recipe, no additional preservation is required. In combination with lemon juice, oils are used: ylang-ylang, rose, lemon, lavender, calendula.
  2. Plant extracts - grapefruit, chamomile, sage, walnut. Alcohol extracts stop the activity of pathogenic bacteria.
  3. Malavit is a bactericidal drug in the form of a solution.
  4. Colloidal silver is a liquid solution consisting of microparticles of a noble metal, a broad-spectrum antibacterial agent.

It is enough to add 3-4 drops of essential oil to a glass of spray, a quarter teaspoon of herbal extracts, the same amount of colloidal silver or half a teaspoon of Malavit. All preservatives can be purchased at the pharmacy or in the "Shop of Life" ready-made. Preservatives do not affect the main effect of the composition of the spray, but at the same time enhance the antimicrobial properties.

How to apply lemon hair spray

Applying lemon spray to hair
Applying lemon spray to hair

Hygiene rules should be followed when making lemon spray. Bio-raw materials, lemon and related ingredients must be thoroughly rinsed, it is advisable to treat the dishes with boiling water, rinse the spray bottle well. After mixing the composition, the spray is stored on the refrigerator door. The rules that are recommended to be followed in order to see the results of the wellness course in 2 weeks:

  • The frequency of procedures is 2 times a year for 2 months. The recipe usually indicates the frequency of use - daily or 2-3 times a week. The drier the hair, the less often the composition with lemon is applied.
  • If the spray is intended to stimulate the growth of hairs, then the application can be combined with massage effects on the root zone, in the fight against dandruff, the remedy is not distributed along the length.
  • Shake the bottle before each use.
  • Sprays are applied immediately after shampooing, while the hair is still damp. The exception is simple styling products, they can be used 3-4 times a day.
  • After treating the scalp, the spray should be allowed to dry a little and be absorbed, that is, you will have to wait at least 30 minutes. After distribution on the hair along the length, 15 minutes is enough before using a curling iron or hair dryer.
  • The product is sprayed from root to tip - from top to bottom, to prevent delamination of keratin scales. Hair is lifted in layers or strands, whichever is more convenient.
  • If the smell of the home remedy has changed, it should be poured out mercilessly and the bottle should be boiled. Sour spray will only ruin your hair. In addition, when using a spoiled product, the head will smell unpleasant.
  • It is not necessary to generously spray the head, it is enough to lightly spray the strands.
  • Hair sprays are not rinsed off, so they can be applied before leaving the house.

If oil preservatives were introduced into the spray, then in the evening it is advisable to wash off the substance with warm water using detergents. After washing the hair to eliminate harmful alkalization, they are treated with the simplest light lemon spray, and in the morning, the medicinal product is applied again.

How to apply lemon hair spray - watch the video:

You can get a spray bottle of lemon spray or a spray bottle with a spray nozzle at the store. But if you prepare the product yourself, you can be sure that there are no parabens and chemical preservatives in the composition. Homemade products do not have any negative effect on hair structure and hair follicles.
