How to use a mesoscooter for hair?

How to use a mesoscooter for hair?
How to use a mesoscooter for hair?

What is a hair mesoscooter, indications and contraindications for the use of the device. How to choose a model, instructions for use. Results, real reviews.

Mesoscooter for hair is a device for stimulating hair growth, which, thanks to microscopic needles, creates a slight traumatic effect on the epidermis, enhancing cell regeneration. The device improves the nutrition of hair follicles, stimulates hair growth. The device is used both in beauty salons and at home.

What is a hair mesoscooter?

Hair mesoscooter
Hair mesoscooter

In the photo, a mesoscooter for hair

Mesoscooter for hair growth is a device that looks like a shaving machine. The device consists of a handle and a roller with fine needles of various lengths and diameters. They are available in stainless steel or titanium and are angled at 15 degrees. Their number can reach 200-500 pieces.

The principle of the device is similar to acupuncture. During the procedure, biologically active points are affected. A short-term local effect creates a mild stressful situation for the body. Sleeping hair follicles "wake up" and become capable of cell regeneration.

Hair mesotherapy with a mesoscooter, despite the simplicity of the device's operation, gives stable positive results:

  • areas responsible for hair growth are activated;
  • stagnation disappears;
  • the regeneration of skin cells is enhanced;
  • the production of collagen and elastin increases;
  • hair follicles work as actively as possible.
Mesoscooter DNS Roller BioGenesis London 0.5 mm for hair
Mesoscooter DNS Roller BioGenesis London 0.5 mm for hair

Photo of a mesoscooter DNS Roller BioGenesis London 0.5 mm for hair, the price of which is about 3 thousand rubles.

To enhance the effect of the mesoscooter, special hair cocktails are used - products made on the basis of hyaluronic acid and "working" at the deep levels of the dermis. When the device is applied to the skin, they penetrate through punctures, enhancing the effect of the device. If you wish, you can do without cocktails, but the effect will be less pronounced.

Important! The result of mesotherapy is thick hair and blockage of baldness.

Indications for the use of a mesoscooter for hair

Hair loss as an indication for the use of a mesoscooter
Hair loss as an indication for the use of a mesoscooter

The main indication for the use of a mesoscooter is hair loss. Its action is aimed at:

  • prevention of hereditary baldness;
  • strengthening the structure of curls;
  • strengthening the growth of strands;
  • elimination of alopecia caused by improper care.

But there are situations when they do not expect rapid results from the use of the mesoscooter. For example, if the loss occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance, or a person has a small number of hair follicles from birth, which cannot be increased by any means. In these cases, the mesoscooter maintains the density of the curls by enhancing skin nutrition, but does not completely cope with the problem.

Contraindications and side effects of the hair mesoscooter

Dermatitis on the head as a contraindication to the use of a mesoscooter for hair
Dermatitis on the head as a contraindication to the use of a mesoscooter for hair

Mesoscooter is not a massager, as many tend to perceive. It launches deep processes in the skin, so be careful about contraindications and adhere to them carefully.

It is forbidden to use a mesoscooter for hair at home in such cases:

  • inflammatory processes on the scalp (dermatitis, psoriasis and others);
  • acne and other damage in the work area;
  • epilepsy;
  • oncology;
  • violation of blood clotting;
  • viral infections accompanied by fever;
  • pregnancy;
  • allergy;
  • diabetes;
  • smoking and alcoholism.

Sometimes, when exposed to the skin, drops of blood appear, soreness. Reduce the intensity of exposure. Stop using the device if allergies develop.

How to choose a mesoscooter for hair?

Mesoroller 1.0 mm Almea for hair
Mesoroller 1.0 mm Almea for hair

In the photo Mesoroller 1, 0 mm Almea for hair at a price of 3000 rubles.

Modern manufacturers offer various models of devices, so it is difficult to choose one of them. To get the best hair scooter, consider the following parameters:

  • Needle length … The principle of operation is simple: the deeper the puncture, the stronger the effect of the device. But long needles can be very painful. Their optimal length is from 0.5 to 1.5 mm. For home use, choose a mesoscooter for hair with minimal needles.
  • Material … In budget devices, the needles are made of steel, but they quickly become blunt and unusable. More reliable titanium needles. They are more expensive, but durable, durable and do not cause allergies.
  • Removable drum … Such a device for the mesoscooter for the head and hair allows you to change the needles that come with the device.
  • Number of needles … A standard device contains about 200 needles. But the more there are, the more intensive is the regeneration of the skin and follicles after the procedure. The main thing is not to overdo it and choose the right option for yourself.

Which mesoscooter is best for hair depends on the model of the device. The principle of operation is the same for all devices, but the design, price, quality and technological features are different. Further, the optimal models of devices from leading manufacturers:

  • Mesoderm, model H-001 … The plastic and the drum are made of high quality plastic. The length of the needles is minimal, their number is about 200 pieces. There are no materials in the composition that could cause allergies. The price of a mesoscooter for hair is 1600-2000 rubles.
  • Mesoroller 1.0 mm Almea … Lightweight and handy plastic device. 540 needles are made of medical steel, their length is 1 mm. With intensive work, the device can cause pain, therefore, for beginners in mesotherapy, it is better to start with a mild effect on the epidermis. You can buy a mesoscooter for hair for 3 thousand rubles.
  • DNS Roller BioGenesis London 0.5 mm … One of the most reliable models. The needles are made of titanium, protected by special plastic tips. The assembly of the device in production is carried out manually, the needles are coated with gold plating. The cost is about 3 thousand rubles.
  • KD-DRS540 DRS TITANIUM … Reliable device with needles 0.2-0.5 mm long. The model provides different levels of penetration of meso cocktails and reduces their consumption. The price is 3-4 thousand rubles.
Mesoscooter KD-DRS540 DRS TITANIUM for hair
Mesoscooter KD-DRS540 DRS TITANIUM for hair

In the photo, the KD-DRS540 DRS TITANIUM mesoscooter for hair, the price of which is 3-4 thousand rubles.

How to choose a cocktail for a hair mesoscooter depends on the problem, the type of skin and possible contraindications to the drug. The most popular lotion is Kirkland Minoxidil Kirkland, which contains collagen, Protectol and a complex of biologically active components. Serums on peptides give good results.

Effective and affordable remedies include:

  • nicotinic acid (activates hair growth and strengthens their structure);
  • B vitamins (prevent baldness, strengthen hairs at the roots);
  • aloe extract (fights dandruff, enhances regeneration).

The price of special means for mesotherapy ranges from 600-800 rubles per bottle.

Instructions for using the mesoscooter for hair

How to use a mesoscooter for hair
How to use a mesoscooter for hair

The use of a mesoscooter for hair in a beauty salon and at home is the same. Make sure that you are not allergic to the materials from which the device is made, or meso cocktails. To do this, test in advance on a different part of the body, such as the bend of the elbow. The whole mesotherapy procedure will take about an hour.

Further recommendations on how to use the hair mesoscooter:

  • Prepare your scalp. Shampoo your hair to remove dust, dirt, and dandruff. Dry thoroughly.
  • Disinfect the device and the working areas of the skin. Use alcohol solutions or Miramistin, but each model of the device has its own instructions given by the manufacturer.
  • Carry out the procedure. Divide the head into working areas. Work each of them, starting from the top of the head. Do not make great efforts: the effect of the device should be similar to the operation of a massager. To avoid tangling strands of hair, do not reverse the direction of the drum. Beginners are advised to first learn how to work out the area from the crown to the forehead, and then master other areas.
  • Use meso cocktails for hair, they significantly enhance the effect of the device. Serums and lotions are massaged with fingertips about 4 hours before bedtime to allow the product to be absorbed into the skin. The drugs are sold ready-to-use. After a mesotherapy session, do not wash your hair so as not to remove the care products.
  • Sanitize the mesoscooter. For this purpose, alcoholic infusions or other antiseptics are required.

How often you can use a mesoscooter for hair depends on the condition of the strands. Usually 2 times a week is enough. The number of sessions within 1 course - no more than 10, then take a break for 2-3 months.

After each use, the disinfected device is placed in the case. You should not give it to your friends or relatives for temporary use: this is an individual device.

If over time the procedure begins to seem more painful, this means that it is time to change the mesoscooter, as the needles on it are dull.

Important! Knowing how to use a hair mesoscooter, you can independently conduct sessions at home without spending extra money on visiting beauty salons.

How to care for the scalp after using the mesoscooter?

Infusion of calendula for hair care after using the mesoscooter
Infusion of calendula for hair care after using the mesoscooter

If the skin seems irritated after the procedure, brew chamomile or calendula infusion and rinse your hair and head with it. Herbal decoctions will disinfect the skin, relieve inflammation.

Perform the procedure before bedtime. During the night, the skin will calm down, and during the day you will not feel soreness. Do not go to the sauna or solarium, limit physical activity. Wear hats in hot weather.

Remember: during the procedure, the body is under stress, and your task is to help it as much as possible.

The results of using a mesoscooter for hair

The results of using a mesoscooter for hair
The results of using a mesoscooter for hair

After applying the mesoscooter, the hair becomes thicker and thicker. But this is not the only positive result:

  • sebaceous discharge is normalized;
  • cellular regeneration is accelerated;
  • improves the nutrition of hair follicles;
  • the scalp becomes more elastic and the hair looks shiny and healthy.

Regardless of which one you prefer to choose a mesoscooter for hair, the use of the device will certainly lead to a positive result.

Real reviews of the hair mesoscooter

Reviews about the mesoscooter for hair
Reviews about the mesoscooter for hair

Women's reviews of the hair mesoscooter are mostly positive. The device helps to improve the quality of the hair, to make it thicker. As a result of several courses of using the device, the number of hairs increases (dormant follicles wake up), the hairstyle becomes more voluminous. User reviews of the hair mesoscooter confirm: the tool works and gives a positive effect, although sometimes side effects do occur.

Marina, 35 years old

A friend gave me a mesoscooter for my birthday, seeing how I suffer with my thin hair. At first, she reacted to the device with caution: she was afraid of getting hurt. But gradually I got used to the sensations, I even began to like them. A month later, I noticed: the hair began to crumble less, and the hairstyle became voluminous, easy to fit. The mesoscooter really works.

Sofia, 23 years old

With the problem of hair loss, I first turned to a beautician. She examined me, prescribed a number of drugs and mesotherapy. The sessions were carried out in a beauty salon, there was no device at home. At first the procedure seemed painful, but gradually it got used to it. After a month, the hair almost stopped falling out. I don't know exactly what helped - drugs or a mesoscooter, but I bought the device and now I use it at home.

Irina, 30 years old

I faced alopecia after pregnancy. It turned out that the hormonal background was disturbed, and therefore hair began to fall out. I took vitamins and minerals, but little helped. The beauty salon advised me to try the mesoscooter. I bought a device for my home, I used it for a month. I noticed that the hair on the comb became less. After a couple of months, the problem disappeared.

How to use a mesoscooter for hair - watch the video:
