How to make a hair spray at home

How to make a hair spray at home
How to make a hair spray at home

Benefits and contraindications for using homemade hair sprays. Let's consider simple recipes for different purposes and composition, methods of making them with our own hands. Hair spray is a product for the systematic care and treatment of problem curls, which is made in the form of a liquid with various useful additives. Hair reacts differently to the composition of purchased products, and making a safe home spray is easy.

The benefits of homemade hair sprays

Homemade hair spray
Homemade hair spray

Not many lucky women can boast of having no scalp problems. Most of the fair sex most often encounters not one of them, but several at once. Hair is constantly exposed to the drying effect of sunlight, suffering from malnutrition, smoking, stress. In winter, the evaporation of moisture necessary to feed the curls is facilitated by heating devices, in summer - by air conditioners. A sharp change in temperature when leaving a warm house in the cold takes their lives. In this case, it is worth starting a complex therapy with hair sprays.

Homemade curl spray has many benefits. It does not contain chemicals, consists of available elements, relieves dryness (oily), nourishes and protects hair, it is easy to prepare and apply.

Home hair sprays are no worse than purchased hair sprays in terms of their effect, in addition, they have the following advantages:

  • Composition … Almost complete absence of unnatural ingredients, preservatives. Sufficient content of useful nutrients in the liquid.
  • Availability … All components are cheap and easy to find in the refrigerator, drugstore, vegetable garden, or garden.
  • Activity … High degree of effectiveness, speed of impact.
  • Ease of manufacture … A variety of recipes, interchangeability of elements allow you to prepare a personal composition in a short time.
  • Versatility … The possibility of an integrated approach to getting rid of hair ailments.

If the strands have several problems at once, you can prepare suitable products or assemble one multifunctional composition. The liquid opens the hair scales and facilitates the easy penetration of food into it.

Home sprays are aimed not only at giving shine and beauty to curls, they can eliminate the most common diseases of the skin and scalp. Decoctions of medicinal herbs, natural oils, juices, vitamins, mineral supplements as part of home remedies will create a miracle and return the lost effect to the hair.

The useful properties of home sprays will help solve the following problems in the fight for the health and splendor of curls:

  1. Elimination of dryness, brittleness, sectioning of the ends;
  2. Treatment of seborrhea, alopecia;
  3. Getting rid of dandruff;
  4. Slowing down and completely stopping the loss, strengthening the roots;
  5. Giving shine, gloss, splendor;
  6. Hair growth activation;
  7. Normalization of the greasiness of the scalp and hair;
  8. Moisturizing, nourishing, softening;
  9. Toning effect on the scalp;
  10. Facilitation of combing, styling;
  11. Protection against negative environmental influences, seasonal weather conditions, thermal effects;
  12. Maintaining a neat hairstyle throughout the day;
  13. Giving freshness, delicate aroma, neutralization of unwanted odors after a perm, dyeing.

Contraindications to the use of home sprays

Dermatoses on the head
Dermatoses on the head

In order for the benefits to be obvious, and the negative consequences of contraindications were absent, it is necessary to carefully select the ingredients in the manufacture of the spray. The advantage of home aerosol is that it is prepared individually. This personal approach allows you to take into account all the characteristics of the user, his preferences, allergens and intolerance to certain substances.

It is necessary to make a preliminary check of the reaction of the scalp to all components of the spray. Perhaps you have contraindications to some of them:

  • A nicotinic acid … If you have never used this drug, then be sure to apply a few drops on sensitive skin inside the bend of the elbow, wait a couple of hours. If there is no reaction, then acid is not contraindicated for you. Otherwise, use pepper tincture.
  • Healing herbs … Individual intolerance to some plants can cause an allergic reaction. It is necessary to find out in advance which herbs are not suitable for you, so as not to harm yourself instead of benefit. Moisten a small area of skin with the broth, follow the reaction. If the body reacts negatively, then this plant is your allergen. When using a herbal pick, test each plant separately.
  • Essential oils … It is a mistake to think that everything natural is harmless. Aromatherapy is contraindicated in, for example, pregnant women. Some oils can lead to termination of pregnancy or adversely affect the health of the fetus. You should be careful with essential oils for people with various diseases of the heart, kidneys, endocrine, nervous system. Do an olfactory test: apply the oil to your hand or paper, and breathe over it. Assess your condition in 5-10 minutes. You should like the smell, there should be no reactions of the mucous membrane, the respiratory tract. It is better to protect yourself and consult your doctor.
  • Dermatoses on the head … If the skin is damaged, there are inflammations, open wounds from scratching, then it is better to entrust the treatment of skin diseases to a trichologist.

Important! If there are no contraindications to the components of the spray, the rules for its use were observed, and the effect after three applications is zero and your curls did not become better, then give it up, make a composition according to a different recipe, taking into account the type of hair.

Composition and components of home hair sprays

Peach oil
Peach oil

The primary purpose of the spray is moisturizing, providing complex therapy to the scalp and scalp in need of support. The liquid base mixes easily with many healing supplements. According to their predominant effect, home sprays can be conditionally divided into two large groups - medicinal and decorative. If the medicinal ones are mainly aimed at combating diseases of the hair and scalp, healing the follicles and strengthening the roots, then decorative ones improve the locks visually. Some formulations are universal, perform health-improving and caring functions in parallel.

For the systematic care of curls, you can constantly prepare one recipe you love or alternate several different formulations, achieving maximum effect. The listed ingredients included in the sprays are easy to find at the pharmacy or at home.

Homemade hair sprays are prepared in the form of a liquid solution that may contain medicinal components, most often the following:

  1. Vitamins A and E … They stabilize and regulate metabolic processes in the scalp, strengthen and nourish the hair roots.
  2. Vitamin B5, glycine … They protect hair during thermal styling, drying, restore its healthy appearance after exposure to the sun or frost, have anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties.
  3. Vitamin PP … It is an essential ingredient in a highly effective hair spray. It promotes better penetration of all other micronutrients into the skin.
  4. Keratin … Thanks to this substance, the hair has shine and elasticity. It returns liveliness, elasticity to curls, eliminates fragility, stratification of hairs, restores its structure.
  5. Vegetable oils … Oil (peach, flaxseed, almond, burdock, castor and others), first of all, is a good emollient and moisturizing component that has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair follicles and skin. Many oils are excellent hair growth stimulants, giving them strength and shine. Basic ones make them somewhat heavier, just add a tablespoon to the aerosol.
  6. Plant extracts … Decoctions, infusions, pomace of any medicinal herbs (nettle, chamomile, hops, string, calendula, mint, St. John's wort, aloe) have a complex effect: they activate hair growth, strengthen the roots, wake up inactive follicles, "smooth" their scales, prolong the life of curls. To obtain a concentrated solution, it is made with a small amount of water, evaporated until the volume is reduced by 2-3 times, cooled and filtered.
  7. Essential oils … In addition to aromatizing hair, oils (ylang-ylang, thyme, rosemary, pine, sage, coconut, lavender) provoke hair growth, restore normal nutrition to the roots and skin. Use a few drops of oil concentrate in the sprays.
  8. Magnesium, copper, zinc … They stimulate the growth of strands, restore their life cycle, strengthen the inner hair shaft, and normalize the work of the sebaceous glands.
  9. A nicotinic acid … Non-hormonal pharmaceutical preparation. Activates hair growth. Add acid by breaking the ampoule just before using the aerosol, the substance is destroyed in air.
  10. Alcohol tinctures … Tinctures (ginseng, pepper, calendula) boost blood flow to the scalp surface, increase blood circulation, introduce bulbs into the phase of active growth, and act as a preservative.
  11. Mustard … Helps to cope with oily skin, greasy strands. Be sure to wash off the mustard product no later than half an hour later.
  12. Lemon juice … An excellent tool that makes curls lush, radiant, healthy, obedient, strong. It is part of many recipes. Blondes will love its brightening effect.

Not all aerosol liquids are universal; many of them have a directional effect. Therefore, you must first analyze the condition of the curls, identify their main problems and pay due attention to the selection of the optimal composition.

To prepare a liquid with a healing effect, you will need to stock up on the following items in advance:

  • Liquid … The base of home aerosol can be micellar, thermal, distilled, mineral without gas or ordinary boiled water. Unconcentrated decoctions of medicinal herbs serve as a good base.
  • Capacity … A commercially available spray, a small spray bottle will do. Size is especially important if the product is used during the day and is in your purse. A heavy bottle is difficult to hold in your hand. Optimally - 200-250 ml.
  • A bowl … The bowl for connecting the components should not be metal, preferably porcelain, glass.
  • Ladle … A suitable saucepan or ladle for making broths.
  • Ingredients … They are selected in accordance with selected recipes.

Use the recipes listed here detailing the ingredients, cooking method, and purpose of using your home spray to get the results you want.

Homemade hair spray recipes

Natural remedies can work wonders. Correctly selected recipes for "traditional" medicine for curls are not inferior to brand names in terms of effectiveness. Systematic care, thorough preparation is the key to success in the struggle for the beauty and perfection of hair.

How to make a homemade hair spray with salt

Sea salt
Sea salt

The tool will help to preserve the hairstyle, fix the styling, make the curls wavy, and give them a pleasant aroma. To avoid dry hair, apply nourishing, moisturizing masks weekly or more often.

You will need: warm, clean water - 180 ml, sea salt - 30 g, hair gel - 30 g, coconut oil - 15 ml.


  1. Dissolve sea salt in heated water.
  2. Pour gel and oil into the liquid.
  3. Pour into a spray bottle. Shelf life is one and a half weeks.

Application: spray the liquid on the strands right before styling.

Homemade flax seed spray for dry hair

Helps dry, brittle hair, eliminates dandruff, nourishes, saturates with microelements, gives freshness.

You will need: a decoction of flax seed - 100 ml, lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l., lavender oil (ylang-ylang) - 4 drops.


  • Flax seed (1 tbsp. L.) Pour 100 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour.
  • Strain the cooled liquid, mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Pour into a bottle, put in the cold.

Shake the bottle before use, spray the composition on the scalp and skin twice a day.

Homemade hair spray with vitamins

Aloe extract in ampoules
Aloe extract in ampoules

For nutrition, growth enhancement, hair strengthening.

You will need: a decoction of medicinal herbs or mineral water - 50 ml, vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B5, B12) - 1 ampoule each (not everything is possible), aloe preparation - 1 ampoule;


  1. A compiled collection of herbs suitable for the type of hair (1 tbsp. L.), Pour boiling water (250 ml), boil.
  2. Strain the cooled broth, mix with the contents of the ampoules.
  3. Pour liquid into a spray bottle. Add vanilla or flower water to enhance the scent.

Application: after each washing of hair, work through the strands from roots to ends.

Homemade hair spray with olive and burdock oil

The composition will strengthen weak, brittle hairs.

You will need: egg yolks - 2 pcs., Olive and burdock oil - 60 ml each, a little water.


  • Combine the yolks with the oils.
  • Dilute with boiled water to a liquid consistency.
  • Pour into a container with a spray bottle. Store in refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Application: spray on the curls, watering the roots liberally for 30 minutes. before water treatments. Rinse off with warm water so that the yolks do not curl, wash the strands with shampoo.

Homemade hair growth spray with niacin

Rosemary essential oil
Rosemary essential oil

The product activates hair growth.

You will need: nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule, essential oil (ylang-ylang, rosemary, sage or other) - 3 ml, mineral water (herbal decoction) - 60 ml.


  1. Mix mineral water with essential oil in a cup.
  2. Add the contents of one ampoule with "nicotine" to the mixture.
  3. Pour the liquid into a bottle. Store in the refrigerator for up to seven days.

Application: spray the composition on the washed hair before styling.

How to make a lemon hair spray at home

The spray will protect hairs suffering from frequent use of heat-laying products (iron, hairdryer, curling iron, etc.) and the negative influence of the external environment.

You will need: purified water - 200 ml, a large lemon - 1 pc.


  • Squeeze lemon juice and dilute with water. You can add chopped leftover lemon.
  • Put the liquid in a ladle over low heat. Boil until the volume is halved.
  • Cool, filter, pour into a spray bottle. Store cold for 7 days.

Application: Spray evenly on clean, damp curls. Style with any hair appliance. Not for frequent use - lightens hair, 1-2 times a week is enough.

Spray with herbs at home for combing hair

Collection of herbs
Collection of herbs

The spray will make combing tangled strands more comfortable, giving them a fresh, delicate scent. With systematic use, the roots will be strengthened, hair growth will be activated.

You will need: a collection of herbs (mint, nettle, chamomile, string, green tea) - 1 tsp each, water - 200 ml, tea tree essential oil (dry strands - orange, oily - lemon) - 5 drops.


  1. Pour boiling water over the collection of herbs, boil for 5 minutes.
  2. Defend for 30-40 minutes, drain.
  3. Add essential oil, shake well.
  4. Pour into a spray bottle, put in the refrigerator. The shelf life is 5 days.

Application: shake the product, apply to washed curls.

Spray for hair growth at home with vodka

Home spray vodka
Home spray vodka

Stimulates hair growth. The effect will appear more noticeable and sooner with daily use of the drug.

You will need: purified water - 2 glasses, good vodka - 2 tbsp.l., lemon juice - 8 tbsp. l., essential oils (ylang-ylang, rosemary) - 2 drops each.


  • Combine liquid ingredients (vodka, water, lemon juice).
  • Add essential oils, shake well.
  • Place the composition in a spray bottle, put in the refrigerator for a day.

Application: spray the spray only on the roots, avoiding the ends of the strand so as not to dry them out.

Home spray with essential oils for dry hair

Olive oil
Olive oil

The hair will be saturated with moisture and will acquire a breathtaking scent.

You will need: water (spring, mineral, purified) - 100 ml, essential oil (grapefruit, mint, ylang-ylang) - 5 drops each, olive oil - 1 tbsp. l., vitamin B5 - 5 ml.


  1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Remove the liquid in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
  3. Pour into a spray bottle.

Application: after the specified time has elapsed, spray the curls with a spray. If it seems too heavy to you, reduce the amount of essential oils.

Spray with mustard for oily hair at home

The spray fights oily hair, normalizes the sebaceous glands, improves blood circulation.

You will need: cognac - 15 ml, mustard powder - the same volume as cognac, egg yolks - 2 pcs., Aloe juice - 20 ml, boiled water.


  • Pour mustard powder into cognac, add egg yolks and aloe juice.
  • Dilute the thick mass with clean water to the desired consistency.
  • Pour into a spray bottle. Shelf life in the refrigerator is 7 days.

. Application: work the hair roots with a spray twice a week, remove the composition after 30 minutes in the usual way.

Advice! Do not overload the formulations with numerous components, especially if you doubt their compatibility, use only purified water, fresh food, observe the expiration date and storage rules.

How to use hair spray at home

Spray on hair
Spray on hair

Any therapeutic or caring agent will be useful and effective if certain rules are followed in its manufacture and use. Homemade spray can be prepared for future use and applied within a week if it does not contain quickly perishable ingredients. In any case, the best place to store it is in the refrigerator.

The instructions for using the therapeutic aerosol are simple. Earlier, cosmetologists recommended to carry out wellness procedures in courses - 2-4 months a year. They currently advise systematic care. The spray is sprayed on curls every day, and some even in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening before bedtime, combining it with a skin massage. The rules for working with home sprays are as follows:

  1. Preparation for use … To ensure that all the constituents are combined, the liquid becomes homogeneous, shake the bottle vigorously several times.
  2. Application … To get the maximum benefit, spray the composition only on clean strands, preferably immediately after washing. With the exception of styling sprays, daily moisturizing and environmental protection - they are applied as needed (up to 3 times a day).
  3. Styling … Before working with electrical appliances for creating a hairstyle (iron, curling iron, hairdryer, styler, tongs, etc.), apply a spray, give it time to soak into the curls and scalp, then start styling the dried strands.
  4. Combing … Apply the medicinal composition to the entire length of the curls. Comb thoroughly and spray from roots to ends.
  5. Freshness of the product … Due to the fact that homemade hair spray contains natural, often perishable products, check its quality before each use. Smell the contents of the bottle, if there is an unpleasant odor, look at the light, make sure there is no mold or abnormal discoloration. Pour out the spoiled spray immediately, wash thoroughly and boil the bottle (if it is reusable).
  6. Moderation of use … To heighten the effect, do not "fill" the curls with the prepared composition. In everything, one must observe the measure. If the strands are slightly damp, then it is enough to make 5-7 clicks on the spray head in order to evenly cover everything with spray.
  7. Flushing … Some products need to be removed from the hair after the end of their exposure, others should remain and do not require final water treatments.

Ease of preparation of aerosol product for strands allows you to collect it immediately before use. There is no need to wash off moisturizing, protective drugs, on the contrary, their best effect is all daylight hours, the frequency of application is 1-3 times. Oil strengthening compounds must be removed with warm water after the time indicated in the recipe. We bring to your attention a video of making a homemade hair spray:

[media = v = bxZw5sfM0pg] The home spray will moisturize the curls, they will turn from dry straw into a shining cascade, and you will not be left without admiring glances from others without spending much effort and money. Experiment by creating your own hair-type cosmetics and enjoy the incredible feeling of thick, strong, silky hair.
