Plantain for face

Plantain for face
Plantain for face

Is there such a recipe that will help to make your face clean and well-groomed, and at the same time will consist of natural remedies? We know the answer to this question! Read about the properties of plantain for the face - only it will make all your dreams come true! All women want to stay young and beautiful as long as possible. Before the advent of today's creams, lotions and other care products, they had no choice but to use herbal teas. All the girls knew by heart the recipes for various drugs and lapping, and also used them in food. Over time, people have learned to recognize which herbs are suitable only for food, and which can be effectively used to prolong beauty, youth and treat ailments.

If you have decided to become a herbalist, then you should have learned about the wonderful properties of plantain. It was popular in ancient Egypt. It is known that Arab, Persian and Chinese doctors included it in traditional medicine.

The composition of plantain and its beneficial properties

As the name implies, plantain grows on roadsides, on river banks, forest edges, fields and pastures. The leaves contain flavonoids, phenylcarboxylic and organic acids (chlorogenic, fumaric, vanillic, ferulic, para-hydroxybenzoic, protocatechuic, para-coumaric), vitamins C and K, aucubin, bitter and tannins. Thanks to this unique composition, the herb has a tonic effect: heals wounds and restores damaged cell structure, cleanses and rejuvenates the face, and the juice is excellent for boils, swelling due to insect bites.

Today we will tell you all the plantain recipes that have survived to our time. Apply them regularly and you will have a clean, youthful face filled with freshness and radiance!

Video about the beneficial properties of plantain:

Plantain for the face: folk recipes

Plantain for the face: folk recipes
Plantain for the face: folk recipes

1. Care for oily skin

  • A decoction of this herb will help you to eliminate oily sheen and pores that occur more often near the nose. Pour water over the dry leaves (400 ml per 2 tablespoons). Boil over low heat for 5-10 minutes, strain. Wash porous and oily skin with this broth in the morning and evening. You can store it in the refrigerator for 3-5 days.
  • Rinse fresh plantain leaves with boiled water and pass through a meat grinder. You will get a gruel, squeeze the juice out of it through cheesecloth (folded in 2 layers). Lubricate your face with the resulting juice twice a day. After 2-3 days, you can see how the face has freshened up, the constantly appearing oily sheen on the forehead and around the nose has disappeared, the skin has become young and beautiful.

    This treatment is also suitable for tightening pores and relieving inflammation (for sensitive skin). It is recommended to rub in the juice of the grass with blackheads and apply as a lotion for boils.

2. Folk recipe for dry skin care

  • This folk recipe should be used if you have a chapped dry face with peeling, which lacks moisture so much, can be easily restored with the help of plantain. Prepare the juice. Take 1 tablespoon and dilute with water in a 1: 3 ratio. With normal skin, these ingredients are taken equally.
  • Pound fresh, washed leaves in a mortar. Add some honey and water in equal proportions. Stir, apply on face for a quarter of an hour. Rinse off with warm water. This mask is ideal for dry skin of the face, preventing the appearance of expression lines, acne and flaking.

3. Preparing homemade plantain lotion

  • This recipe is perfect for oily skin care. Dilute fresh juice (1 tablespoon) with half a glass of vodka. You will get a lotion that should be used to wipe your face twice a day.
  • If you have fresh milk at home, try the following lotion. Pour the plantain leaves with milk in a ratio of 1:10. Insist for 20 minutes, strain through cheesecloth folded in half. You can only store it for 2-3 days so that the milk does not turn sour. It is recommended to slightly warm it before using the milk lotion.

4. Cooking ice cubes

It is known that Queen Catherine herself rubbed her face with ice cubes, which allowed her to remain beautiful and young for a long time. Grind plantain leaves and cover with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew, then strain the cooled infusion and pour into ice cube trays. Wipe them on oily skin. The recipe helps with deep and sharp wrinkles.

5. Plantain rejuvenating cream

Add the plantain juice to the fortified cream and stir well. Drain the remaining juice. The cream helps to moisturize the face well and removes the first wrinkles. It is better not to squeeze out the entire tube, but only a little, so that it is enough for a couple of times.

6. Plantain from acne

Thoroughly rinse the plantain leaves, chop finely and apply the resulting mass on your face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with cool water. With regular use, it can easily get rid of acne.

Use the gifts of nature and be always beautiful!