Diet oatmeal cupcakes on beer on a steam bath

Diet oatmeal cupcakes on beer on a steam bath
Diet oatmeal cupcakes on beer on a steam bath

Diet beer cakes with oatmeal and strawberries on a steam bath. A step-by-step recipe with a photo of making delicious pastries. Calorie content and selection of products. Video recipe.

Ready-made beer muffins with oatmeal and strawberries on a steam bath
Ready-made beer muffins with oatmeal and strawberries on a steam bath

Oatmeal is an excellent healthy product for a hearty but light breakfast or afternoon snack. However, not all babies are happy to eat them in the form of porridge. To saturate their body with useful substances, it is necessary to come up with a variety of recipes, cooked dishes based on oatmeal. A great solution would be soft, not dry and super-aromatic oatmeal beer muffins with strawberries on a steam bath. Dessert will help you enjoy delicious food and get a boost of vitamins and energy.

Do not worry that the products are baked on the basis of beer hops. During the heat treatment, all alcohol will go away, and only a pleasant bread aroma will remain. Therefore, such muffins can be served for an afternoon snack even for the smallest fidgets with a fruit drink or herbal tea.

These muffins are healthy baked goods. After all, oatmeal and strawberries are a storehouse of nutrients. Moreover, the method of heat treatment is a steam bath, which makes the product dietetic. The dough is not homogeneous, interspersed with oatmeal and strawberry slices are felt in it. The beauty of the recipe is its versatility and product interchangeability. Other seasonal fruits can be used in place of strawberries. Nuts and dried fruits also go well with muffins. Ready-made muffins can be decorated according to your taste: pour hot chocolate, grease with fondant or sprinkle with crushed nuts.

See also how to make carrot cake.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 236 kcal.
  • Servings - 3
  • Cooking time - 30 minutes


  • Beer - 50 ml
  • Strawberries - 6-7 berries
  • Oatmeal - 3 tablespoons
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Sugar - 1-2 tablespoons or to taste
  • Sour cream - 3 tablespoons

Step-by-step preparation of diet cakes on beer with oatmeal and strawberries on a steam bath, recipe with photo:

Beer poured into a bowl
Beer poured into a bowl

1. Pour room temperature beer into a deep mixing bowl.

Simetane added to beer
Simetane added to beer

2. Then add sour cream.

Beer with sour cream mixed
Beer with sour cream mixed

3. Whisk the sour cream and beer until smooth.

Oatmeal added to liquid foods
Oatmeal added to liquid foods

4. Add oatmeal, a pinch of salt and sugar to the food. Mix everything well.

Added strawberries to the products
Added strawberries to the products

5. Wash the strawberries under running water and dry with a paper towel. Remove the ponytails and cut into slices of any size. If you wish, you can generally grind it into a puree consistency.

The dough is poured into containers
The dough is poured into containers

6. Stir the dough and pour into the cooking tins. Conveniently and quickly prepare products on the steam bath in portioned silicone cupcake containers.

Cupcakes are cooked on a steam bath
Cupcakes are cooked on a steam bath

7. Build a steam bath. Pour water into a saucepan and boil. Place a sieve or colander on top, in which place the containers with the dough. Make sure that boiling water does not come into contact with the products. Place the lid on the colander and steam the Oatmeal Strawberry Diet Beer Cupcakes for 10-15 minutes. The finished product can be served hot directly in the containers in which it was cooked. Although after cooling, the dessert will be no less tasty.

See also a video recipe on how to cook a cupcake in a water bath.
