Homemade almond peeling

Homemade almond peeling
Homemade almond peeling

Almond peel is a type of chemical peel that uses a special acid. Before carrying out this cosmetic procedure, familiarize yourself with its advantages and contraindications. Content:

  • Benefits of peeling for the skin
  • Benefits of Almond Peel
  • Almond Peel Recipes
  • Step-by-step instruction
  • Face care
  • Contraindications and complications

Almond exfoliation is performed using mandelic acid obtained from bitter almonds. This is a procedure for superficial cleansing of the skin of the face, which helps to solve various cosmetic problems.

Benefits of almond peels for skin

Almonds for face
Almonds for face

This procedure is one of the most effective ways to cleanse the epidermis, as it has the following effect:

  1. Under the influence of mandelic acid, the stratum corneum softens, making it much easier to separate.
  2. The top layer of the skin is smoothed and lightened.
  3. All metabolic processes in the epidermis are enhanced, which contributes to the acceleration of cell renewal. The skin tightens, becomes elastic and youthful.
  4. Rashes, comedones are eliminated. As a result of exposure to mandelic acid, hair follicles are released.
  5. Almonds have an effect similar to antibiotics, therefore they destroy all bacteria on the surface of the skin. Helps relieve inflammation.
  6. Mandelic acid has the ability to bind heavy metal ions, therefore, has a strong antioxidant effect. Due to this, the upper layer of the skin will be much less affected by external factors.

Almond peeling is suitable for all skin types and helps to gently remove dead cells and impurities. And the antibacterial action not only eliminates rashes, but also prevents their reappearance. This type of peeling is recommended when the first signs of age-related skin changes appear, removes pigmentation and improves complexion.

Benefits of Almond Facial Peel

Chopped almonds for making cosmetics
Chopped almonds for making cosmetics

This method of cleansing the skin has a number of advantages, it does not require special training, and after completion, side effects do not appear.

Almond peeling will help to solve various cosmetic problems, since in the process of its implementation:

  • The processes of cell renewal and regeneration are started;
  • The skin is rejuvenated, wrinkles are removed, the appearance of new ones is prevented;
  • Pores are cleared and narrowed;
  • The spots left after acne or post-acne are eliminated;
  • The work of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • The production of elastin and collagen is stimulated;
  • Oily sheen is removed and matted, so almond peeling is suitable for problem and oily skin;
  • The structure and tone of the skin is evened out;
  • Eliminates acne and pimples;
  • Age spots and freckles are removed;
  • The metabolic process is accelerated;
  • Removes inflammation and irritation;
  • Solves the problem of black dots.

After almond peeling, skin cells begin to renew themselves and fight various cosmetic defects.

Almond peeling recipes for facial skin

Preparation of a scrub with almonds for skin exfoliation
Preparation of a scrub with almonds for skin exfoliation

To perform this type of peeling on your own, you can use the following recipes, taking into account your skin type:

  1. For oily skin … 1 tsp is mixed in a glass container. white clay with 1 tsp. chopped almonds and 1 tsp. flax seeds. First, the clay is diluted with a small amount of water until it acquires the consistency of a slightly liquid sour cream. Use a coffee grinder or blender to grind almonds and flax seeds. Then all the components are combined and mixed well. The resulting scrub is used to treat the cleansed skin of the face, and a gentle massage is done for several minutes. Then you need to wash yourself with warm water.
  2. For dry skin … You will need to take 1 tbsp. l chopped almonds, 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal and 1-2 tbsp. l. olive oil or fat milk. Almonds and oatmeal are crushed in advance, then mixed. Oil or milk is added: so much liquid is injected so that the resulting composition is easily applied to the skin and does not drip. A mask is applied to the cleansed face, the skin is slightly massaged. You have to wait 10 minutes and wash yourself with cool water.
  3. For problem skin … Take 1 drop of tea tree essential oil, 1 tbsp. l. cream, 1 tbsp. l. green tea, 2 tbsp. l. oat flour, 2 tbsp. l. chopped almonds. Almonds are mixed with oat flour, cream is added, in which essential oil and green tea are dissolved in advance. The tea should be brewed in the usual way. All peeling ingredients are thoroughly mixed. If the mass is too thick, you can add a little more tea or cream. The product is left on for about 20 minutes to infuse well. Then it is applied along the massage lines to the steamed skin, left for 10 minutes, the composition is washed off with warm water. Regular use of this mask will help get rid of acne, breakouts, acne and inflammation.

Homemade almond peeling: step by step instructions

Almond peeling
Almond peeling

All the components that are needed to perform this type of peeling are sold in almost any pharmacy. It is important to carefully study the expiration date: in no case should an expired product be used, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable, and there is a risk of severe burns.

Almond peeling procedure is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Make-up, grease and impurities are removed from the face. The skin is wiped with a soft towel, then treated with a tonic that does not contain alcohol.
  • The skin is steamed to open up the pores and be ready for the upcoming deep cleansing.
  • The face is cleaned using a special lotion containing mandelic acid (5%).
  • The skin is prepared for the upcoming cleansing procedure using a pre-exfoliation. The composition of such a substance should contain a 10% solution of almond acids. Thus, it is checked whether the skin is ready for a higher concentration.
  • Then the cleaning procedure begins. A 30% acid solution is used for peeling. It is important to treat the skin gently and very carefully so as not to damage its surface or cause burns.
  • At the end, a special neutralizing mixture is applied, which soothes and stops the effects of mandelic acid.
  • Any soothing and healing mask must be applied to the face.

Facial treatment after almond peeling

Shea butter for dry skin
Shea butter for dry skin

After cleansing the face, a feeling of slight tightness and dryness may appear as a result of the chemical reaction that has occurred, therefore it is necessary to properly care for your face - use moisturizers and various sunscreens:

  1. To get rid of the unpleasant feeling of tightness, it is recommended to use any moisturizer or mask. A cream containing algae extract, collagen or lactic acid is ideal.
  2. The mask, which contains these substances, brings benefits. It moisturizes, nourishes and soothes the skin, bringing the water balance back to normal.
  3. The next days it is useful to use fatty creams, preferably containing aloe, hyaluronic acid, shea butter.
  4. It is not recommended to expose the skin to prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation, therefore, during the first few days after the peeling, you cannot stay in the sun for a long time, you should refrain from visiting the sauna or bath.
  5. Any sunscreen is applied to your face before you go outside.

Contraindications and complications of almond peeling

Rash on the face
Rash on the face

Despite a lot of positive properties, almond peeling also has contraindications: the presence of individual intolerance to individual components that make up the peeling agent, somatic diseases, herpes, pregnancy, breastfeeding, rosacea, various violations of the integrity of the skin.

If you use almond peeling in the presence of contraindications, it can provoke the following complications:

  • Redness of the skin. It disappears on its own in a few hours after cleaning.
  • Allergic rash. Before starting the peeling, a sensitivity test should be performed.
  • Intense burning sensation. Disappears after using any moisturizer.
  • Puffiness. It is necessary to apply special ointments.
  • Feeling very dry. It passes after the use of special post-peeling preparations.
  • Rash. They appear in case of improper use of post-peeling agents, if hormonal disruptions have occurred in the body, the use of low-quality cosmetics, or the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Peeling. It disappears on its own after a few days.
  • The sensitivity of the skin increases. To solve the problem, you need to use shea butter or black currant.

How to do almond peeling - watch the video:

[media = https://www.youtube.com/watch? v = Vev4zQTjXlQ] A unique feature of almond peeling is that, like any other fruit acid, it gently and effectively cleanses the skin, nourishes, has antibacterial and anti-aging effect, helps to get rid of comedones completely. Recommended for the normalization of the sebaceous glands and is suitable for all skin types.
