What is peeling with calcium chloride, what are the indications for the procedure, the benefits and possible harm, the formulation and methods of applying the product to the face, the rules of post-peeling skin care. Calcium chloride peeling is a chemical method for deep cleansing of the face. You can carry out the procedure at home, its cost will be low, and the result is amazing - fresh, cleansed and toned skin.
Benefits of Calcium Chloride Facial Peeling

Calcium chloride is a medical product with a wide range of uses. Injections with this substance help to get rid of allergies, inflammation, bleeding and in many other cases. This tool has found application in cosmetology. In particular, it is used for chemical peeling, which is based on the removal of the upper layer of cells, stimulation of the skin to natural renewal and collagen production. Domestic beauties have been using calcium chloride for scrubbing for several decades. In the 80s and 90s, this substance was almost the only one with which it was possible to deeply cleanse the face. Then it was called "Hollywood peeling" or "rolling". This method of dry cleaning of leather has several significant advantages:
- Matting, drying oily skin;
- Cleansing, narrowing pores, removing blackheads;
- Alignment of the structure of the epidermis;
- Renewal of the upper skin layer;
- Elimination of redness and pits from post-acne;
- Elimination of fine wrinkles.
It is recommended to use this peeling for owners of oily and thickened skin. If your skin is combination, then carry out the procedure only in the T-zone.
Contraindications for peeling with calcium chloride

Any peeling is a noticeable stress for the face. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to the choice of means for deep cleansing for owners of too sensitive and dry skin. Calcium chloride is categorically unsuitable for such an epidermis. You should not get involved in chemical peels and women with normal skin. Otherwise, you can disrupt the fat balance of the epidermis and cause a number of problems: peeling, redness, allergic rashes, oily sheen.
Contraindications to the use of this substance as a peeling agent are:
- The presence of wounds, injuries, scratches, acne on the skin;
- Skin diseases of any etymology;
- Activation of the herpes virus;
- Pregnancy, lactation.
Uncontrolled use of calcium chloride for cosmetic purposes can lead to irreversible negative effects on the skin and even necrosis. The risk of an allergic reaction should not be discarded. An allergy test is recommended before using the peel. To do this, a little 5% calcium chloride must be applied to the inside of the elbow. Soak it for about 20 minutes. If during this time there is no reaction from the skin (redness, burning, itching), then the peeling procedure can be carried out.
Composition and components of a mixture with calcium chloride for peeling

As a rule, the main components of chemical peels are calcium chloride and natural soaps. As a result of the reaction, a film of calcium salts is formed, which do not dissolve in water. They roll off the skin and slough it off, taking with them dead cells of the epidermis.
Let's consider in more detail the components of a mixture for chemical peeling:
- Natural soap. In its production, vegetable and animal fats are used, where potassium and sodium salts of higher tricarboxylic acids are present, with which calcium chloride reacts. For chemical peeling, it is recommended to take baby soap prepared exclusively with such fat without additional chemical additives. You can also use tar or laundry soap. Remember, not all detergents, foams, gels, which contain lauryl sulfate or sodium laureth sulfate, are capable of giving the desired reaction in combination with calcium chloride.
- Calcium chloride. The substance can be bought at any pharmacy. Its price is quite budgetary. The drug is sold in the form of a solution in ampoules. Its concentration can be different - 5 and 10%. To begin with, you do not need to take too concentrated a substance. It is best to use a 5% composition for peeling for the first time. If you have a 10% solution, you can dilute it in half with water. One ampoule is usually sufficient for the procedure.
To make a high-quality chemical peel at home, you will need to prepare, in addition to calcium chloride solution and soap, cotton pads.
Solid soap contains sodium salts of higher tricarboxylic acids, liquid soap contains potassium salts of the same acids, and should not be confused with laureth sulfate.
Preparing the skin for calcium chloride peeling

Before carrying out the peeling procedure, you need to examine the skin of the face for scratches, wounds, scratches, cuts, and inflamed acne. If you find even a slight damage from a combed or squeezed pimple, then it is recommended to postpone the procedure, as you risk causing a chemical burn. Wait until all mechanical damage to the epidermis is completely healed.
At this stage, we carry out a thorough cleansing of the face. For this we use a soft foam or skin care gel. We remove cosmetics with milk or special liquid. After you cleanse the epidermis, you need to wipe your face dry with a napkin - and you can proceed to the next stage of the procedure.
How to peel your face with calcium chloride
To get the maximum effect from the procedure, it is important to take a responsible approach to the choice of the method of its implementation. The peeling technique itself is not difficult if you carefully follow our recommendations.
Facial peeling with calcium chloride on clean skin

This method of peeling is simpler and will suit those women who first decided to try it on themselves. The procedure does not require any new devices or tools. We process the face in this order:
- We open the ampoule of calcium chloride and moisten a cotton sponge or disc with the substance, apply the solution to the skin, avoiding particularly sensitive areas.
- After the first layer has dried, apply the second and repeat the procedure until the entire contents of the ampoule are over.
- We take a bar of soap and moisten it with water, lather our hands until foam forms. You can also lather a cotton pad separately. However, you should be careful: during the procedure, you need to use as little water as possible, and cotton wool absorbs a large amount of moisture, so you should not use discs, especially if you are inexperienced and are peeling for the first time.
- Massage the face with soapy fingers (cotton pad) along the massage lines. Do not feel sorry for the lather, add it constantly in the process. Your movements should be smooth, without pressure, soft. You don't need to stay in one place for a long time.
- Whitish pellets will gradually appear on the skin during the massage. When new ones have ceased to form, the remnants of the mixture from the face should be washed off with warm clean water.
Facial skin peeling with calcium chloride on soap

This option of calcium chloride peeling is more suitable for those who are not doing the procedure at home for the first time. The difference from the first method is only in the order in which the components are applied to the skin.
The process goes according to the following scheme:
- Moisten a bar of soap and beat a little lather in your palms.
- Apply lather to the skin in several layers.
- We break the ampoule of calcium chloride into a small container and, picking up little by little with your fingers, apply it to the face.
- Rub the substance into the soapy skin with massaging movements.
- From time to time we wet our fingers with a solution of calcium chloride and wipe our face until we begin to feel the pellets.
- After you feel the "rolling" creak, the skin needs to be massaged for some time.
- When all the pellets fall off the face, it should be washed with clean warm water without soap.
During the procedures, it is important not to apply any soap or calcium chloride to the skin around the eyes and around the upper lip.
Post-peeling facial skin care

After carrying out cosmetic manipulations with the skin of the face, you will feel a feeling of tightness. Hyperemia is also common. After a while, these unpleasant manifestations disappear, and the skin looks rejuvenated and fresh. But still, it is imperative to carry out post-peeling procedures, which are aimed at actively moisturizing the epidermis.
If possible, apply one of the following regenerating masks to your face:
- Banana Oatmeal Mask … For this mixture, you will need a tablespoon of pounded banana, oatmeal, chopped into flour and chamomile decoction. Apply the composition to the face for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
- Mask based on baby powder and banana … To prepare it, take baby powder (half a teaspoon), a couple of drops of tea tree oil, a tablespoon of herbal decoction (mint, chamomile, calendula, sage, eucalyptus), banana gruel (tablespoon). All components are mixed and applied to the face for 10-12 minutes. Wash off with plenty of water.
Any peeling is aimed at restoring youthfulness to the skin, but at the same time it leads to a lack of biologically active substances that prevent damage to the epidermis and aging. These substances are, first of all, alpha-tocopherol and coenzyme Q. It is possible to restore their content in skin cells by applying creams, emulsions and vegetable oils, which contain many of these components, after peeling with calcium chloride for the face.
Useful vegetable oils for rebalancing are jojoba, macadamia, grape seed, avocado. It is recommended to apply them on the face after the mask. If none of the above means is at hand, then you need to at least lubricate the skin after peeling with calcium chloride nourishing cream.
Recommendations for calcium chloride face peeling

Calcium chloride may have adverse effects on the skin. This usually happens when the rules for its use are not followed, so it is important to know some of the recommendations of cosmetologists for its use.
- If your skin is combination (has the so-called T-zone), then the substance should be applied only on the forehead, nose and chin. As a last resort, you can reduce the number of layers of calcium chloride on the cheeks to one.
- When applying the preparation on the face, go around the areas under the eyes, eyelids, the red border of the lips, the area from the upper lip to the tip of the nose.
- Make sure your skin is completely dry before applying the calcium chloride solution.
- In the process, it is important to minimize the use of water.
- If you feel a strong burning sensation, then you should not immediately rinse off the solution with copious amounts of water. First of all, you need to wipe the skin as dry as possible with a napkin or soft towel. Only after that we wash off the composition from the face.
- It is recommended to peel in the evening. This is necessary so that the skin can recover and calm down overnight.
- Bed linen should be changed after the procedure. This will prevent bacteria and dirt from entering the open pores of the epidermis.
- After peeling, you need to use sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 50.
- For a couple of days after peeling, you should refrain from strong physical exertion, sauna. This is due to the fact that active sweating can slow down the regeneration of the skin.
Peeling with calcium chloride should be carried out in courses: one procedure once a week for 21 days. After that, it is important to take a break of 2-3 months. If your skin is of normal type or combination, then you can limit yourself to one procedure every month.
How to peel with calcium chloride - watch the video:

This is an effective method of cleansing and rejuvenating the skin. It will not be difficult to carry out the procedure at home, and all the components of the product are quite inexpensive. The effect will surprise: matte and smooth face.