Learn how to independently peel your face with calcium: features of the procedure, skin preparation, benefits and contraindications. Chemical peeling is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures that can be used to quickly improve the condition of the skin of the face. The most common is a calcium chloride peel. This procedure is characterized by a rather high cost in beauty salons and allows for gentle rejuvenation and renewal of the epidermis.
The effect of calcium peeling on the skin

In skin cells, the processes of cell death and aging constantly occur, which are accompanied by subsequent regeneration and the beginning of renewal. With the help of mechanical action, all dead particles are removed. For this, a variety of scrubs or a chemical peeling procedure can be used, during which a dosed and controlled damage to the upper layer of the skin is carried out, as a result of which its more accelerated recovery begins. At the same time, the production of elastane and collagen by the body increases, and an effective renewal of the epithelium is performed.
Today, the chemical peeling procedure using calcium chloride can be carried out not only in a beauty salon, but also independently at home. In the second case, relatively inexpensive and readily available pharmaceutical preparations will be used.
Facial peeling, during which calcium chloride is used, is one of the low-traumatic surface procedures, during which the active substances will not penetrate into the deep layers of the skin.
The main component of the peeling is a calcium chloride solution, which will enter into a chemical reaction with soap suds, namely the soluble sodium and potassium salts contained in natural soap. The result is the formation of potassium chloride and calcium salt. These substances on the surface of the skin will form white flakes that easily roll off during a gentle massage. At this moment, all dead particles of the epidermis are removed. Excess sebum is quickly removed with soap.
Professional cosmetologists say that calcium chloride peeling is a fairly simple procedure to perform, while completely safe and effective. During cleansing of the skin of the face, there is a slight feeling of tingling, burning, tingling, a slight reddening of the epidermis, sensitivity increases for a while. This reaction is quite normal. If calcium peeling is planned to be carried out at home, it is best to do it on Friday evening, thanks to which, in a few days, the skin will regain its radiance, redness will disappear and the epidermis will regain its former elasticity and freshness.
Advantages of calcium peeling

The peeling components are comfortable to use and non-toxic. After this procedure is carried out, the skin is restored rather quickly and there is no need to change the usual way of life.
You can do calcium chloride peeling yourself at home at any time of the year. Cosmetologists advise this procedure to be carried out by both young girls and older women. This type of peeling is most beneficial for oily and normal skin, as well as if there is a tendency to breakouts. For the care of the combined type, it is recommended to peel only certain areas of the skin of the face (T-zone).
Benefits of calcium peeling

This cosmetic procedure has the following effect:
- effective cleansing of the pores of the skin of the face and their subsequent narrowing is performed - this method is more effective, in contrast to mechanical cleaning;
- ugly oily sheen and black dots are quickly removed;
- the severity of inflammatory processes is significantly reduced, the number of skin rashes is reduced;
- traces of post-acne become almost invisible, while the relief of the epidermis is leveled, small wrinkles are quickly removed;
- the elasticity and firmness of the skin of the face increases several times;
- the skin is lightened, it returns a healthy radiance and freshness again, the tone is evened out, the color is significantly improved.
Calcium peeling contraindications

Calcium peeling greatly dries the skin, therefore this cosmetic procedure is not recommended in certain cases:
- for the care of very sensitive, thin and dry skin, because in this case exacerbation of existing problems may occur - peeling provokes irritation, pigmentation, peeling, heterogeneous complexion;
- if there are various lesions and inflammations of the skin, dermatological and viral diseases of the epidermis, which are in the stage of exacerbation;
- during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.
How to do calcium peeling?

The procedure for chemical peeling with calcium chloride is used in beauty salons, while the beautician in each case will individually select the degree of concentration of active substances and the intensity of the effect. In this case, the initial condition of the skin is necessarily taken into account, as well as how pronounced the defects are.
This type of peeling is used as a preparatory procedure before deeper cleansing of the epidermis. It can also be used as a means that has a stimulating effect on the processes of renewal and regeneration of the skin, due to which in the future there is a significant improvement in its condition.
As a rule, a full course of calcium chloride peeling consists of several sessions, which are carried out throughout the month, after which a break is taken for 30 days and a second one is performed. To date, it is possible to carry out the peeling procedure with soap and chloride at home on your own, but first, a special preparation of the skin must be performed. The duration of the cosmetic procedure will take approximately 20-30 minutes.
Preparation for the calcium peeling procedure

Before peeling with calcium, it is necessary to take into account the fact that there is a possibility of an individual intolerance to the active substance or the manifestation of a strong allergic reaction. That is why, a small allergy test is carried out beforehand.
For this purpose, a little calcium chloride solution is taken, after which the composition is applied to the inside of the wrist or forearm, then you need to wait about 10 minutes. If there is a slight burning sensation, do not worry, as this is a completely normal skin reaction. However, if there is a sharp and severe irritation, itching, burning, rash, it is worth abandoning this procedure.
If you plan to independently carry out calcium peeling at home, you must first prepare:
- Calcium chloride solution 5 or 10%, which is sold in almost every pharmacy and is dispensed without a prescription. The product is produced in a glass bottle or ampoules. Before buying, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date - the drug can be stored for 2 years. However, the solution in the bottle has a shelf life of 10 days. If this calcium peeling procedure is the first, it is recommended to first use a 5% product, with normal tolerance to the solution, a 10% product can be used. If necessary, if it is not possible to purchase a 5% solution, you can take a 10% product and dilute with a small amount of saline.
- A simple soap is pre-prepared, but not liquid. It is important that the soap does not have aromatic fragrances or any additional additives. Simple baby soap is ideal.
- Several clean cotton pads.
The main stages of calcium peeling

At home, face peeling with calcium chloride is carried out according to the following scheme:
- Soap, a couple of cotton pads, a solution of calcium chloride and a mirror are prepared so that it is convenient to carry out the peeling procedure.
- Then the skin is prepared - the active ingredients are applied to a clean and dry face.
- The skin must be cleaned of the remnants of cosmetics, impurities, then you need to wash with warm water and dab your face with a soft towel, then you must wait until it dries completely.
- An ampoule or bottle with calcium chloride is opened, then the contents are poured into a clean container.
- A clean cotton pad is taken and moistened with a solution of calcium chloride, after which it is applied to the skin with gentle movements.
- As soon as the liquid dries, subsequent layers of the solution are gradually applied on top - if the peeling procedure is carried out for the first time, these movements are performed 4 times. In subsequent sessions, you can gradually increase the number of layers until 8 is reached.
- You need to soap your hands or a cosmetic disc well, after which the skin is treated with it, while the area around the eyes and above the upper lip should not be affected.
- A gentle facial massage is performed, after which the solution gradually rolls off the skin.
- During the chemical reaction of calcium chloride and soap, characteristic whitish flakes begin to form on the surface of the epidermis.
- All movements should be directed strictly along the massage lines and at the same time, soap pellets, which contain particles of dead skin, are removed.
- If during the procedure the skin becomes very red or an unpleasant burning or tingling sensation appears, this is a sure sign that you have overdone it. In this case, you must stop peeling and rinse your face with plenty of clean water.
- If necessary, you need to re-wet the cotton pad or fingers in soapy foam, then continue rolling and you cannot stay in one place for a long time.
- The procedure lasts until a slight creak of clear skin appears.
- After the peeling is completed, the skin must be rinsed with plenty of warm water, but then the face cannot be wiped off with a towel, it will be quite enough to get wet a little.
Calcium peeling skin care

For the skin to look perfect, after the calcium peeling procedure, it must be moisturized and softened. For this purpose, you can use any mild moisturizer or soothing mask.
An excellent option would be to apply the following moisturizing face masks:
- Aloe juice (2 tbsp. L.) And olive oil (0.5 tbsp. L.) Are taken, liquid honey (1 tsp. L.) Is added and all components are thoroughly mixed. The ready-made composition is applied to the previously cleansed and damp skin of the face, after which it is left for half an hour so that the product is well absorbed. The remains of the composition are washed off with water at room temperature.
- You need to take ground oatmeal (2 tablespoons) and pour over a decoction of chamomile or lime blossom, then add banana gruel (1/3 of the fruit). All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and the finished composition is applied to the skin for 25 minutes, after which the remaining mixture is washed off with warm water.
- Egg yolk is mixed with sour cream (2 tbsp. L.) And honey (1 tsp. L.). The finished mask is applied to damp skin, washed off after 15 minutes.
Useful tips for calcium exfoliation

- Do not use calcium chemical peels on areas where there is irritation, flaking or very sensitive skin.
- To avoid chemical burns, the peeling composition should not be left on the skin for longer than the prescribed time - immediately after applying the product, it is necessary to start rolling it.
- After the peeling procedure is completed, the skin will be very sensitive for some time, so you should not sunbathe in the sun or visit the solarium.
- For several days after the peeling, sunscreen must be applied to the skin before going outside.
To care for normal skin, chemical calcium peeling will be quite enough to be carried out once every few months. If the procedure is performed on oily skin with enlarged pores, it can be done every 10 days using a 5% calcium chloride solution. In cases where there is a tendency to acne, to bring its condition back to normal, calcium peeling can be done 2 times a month.
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