Pros and cons of botox

Pros and cons of botox
Pros and cons of botox

We will consider all the advantages of Botox injection, as well as find out what are the negative aspects of this procedure and how to avoid them. The dream of every woman is to prolong youth and beauty as long as possible. And in order for this dream to go astray, the beautiful half of humanity is ready for anything. Thanks to modern achievements in the field of cosmetology, fighting aging has become simple and painless. The most effective way to lift your face and get rid of age-related imperfections is with Botox injections.

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What are Botox injections?

For the first time, the anti-aging effect of Botox was discovered back in the 80s. At that time, such injections were used in ophthalmology. They included botulinum toxin, but since the doses used were very weak, it did not harm the body. And quite by chance, doctors noticed that patients who took botulinum toxin (botox), the face became elastic and beautiful. Investigating the principle of action of this drug, scientists have found that it has the ability to interfere with the work of muscles, due to which, the natural aging process slows down. After that, botox began to be used in aesthetic medicine as a means of rejuvenation.

How is the Botox procedure performed?

How is the Botox procedure performed?
How is the Botox procedure performed?

The choice of a specialist plays an important role in performing the Botox procedure. He must have a special medical education, be experienced and recognized in this area. After all, unskilled actions of a cosmetologist can greatly harm your health.

Before the injection is carried out, the skin must be treated with an antiseptic. In order not to injure the skin, it is necessary to mark the future introduction of the needles. When carrying out Botox injections, very thin needles are used that do not leave wounds or marks on the skin. They are injected into the most problematic areas: around the eyes, lips, on the forehead and in those areas where wrinkles appear most.

The depth of insertion of the needles should be accurately calculated, because if this is not done correctly, bruises or seals may appear on the face. The procedure is carried out for 10-25 minutes, and after this time you can see the result. It is advisable not to take an upright position within 5 hours after the procedure. Also during this time you need to "make grimaces" face. This must be done in order for the botox to spread evenly over all the muscles where the injections were made.


In the photograph of patients' faces before and after the Botox procedure. The price of Botox (calculated per injection unit) is from 230 to 350 rubles per unit. Some beauty salons offer a price list for a complete procedure, for example, the average price of Botox in Ukraine:

  • Horizontal forehead wrinkles - 1700 UAH
  • Glabellar wrinkle - 1600 UAH
  • Wrinkles in the outer corners of the eyes ("crow's feet") - 1500 UAH.
  • Dropped eyebrows (lifting eyebrows) 950 UAH
  • Wrinkles on the back and wings of the nose 850 UAH

Pros of Botox

Pros of Botox
Pros of Botox

The main positive aspect of Botox injections is that, unlike plastic surgery, skin trauma is minimized. And if we compare the recovery period from surgery and Botox, then after such injections, a person can almost immediately return to everyday life. In addition, there are many other benefits that this procedure provides:

  1. Smoothing wrinkles. Perhaps this is the most common requirement among clients for Botox. Indeed, at an early age, wrinkles can be dealt with with the help of creams and other cosmetics (for example, Liqiuskin anti-wrinkle cream). But in whiter, mature skin becomes flabby and loses its elasticity. Botulinum toxin injections help restore skin elasticity without damaging it.
  2. The ability to change facial features and remove imperfections. You can easily change the oval of the face and its asymmetry. You can also get rid of small scars and irregularities.
  3. Painlessness and lack of discomfort. The injection is carried out under local anesthesia, which avoids the harmful effects of general anesthesia and difficult recovery from it. In addition, after completing the procedure, the person will not experience unpleasant sensations and after a while can begin to the usual rhythm of life.

Cons of botox

  1. Not long-term result. The result after the Botox injection lasts no more than three months, since during this time the botulinum toxin is excreted from the body. Therefore, in order for the face to be always beautiful, the procedure must be repeated every 6-7 months.
  2. A lot of contraindications. While Botox has anti-aging effects, it can also be contraindicated in some cases. For example, you should not do it during pregnancy and lactation. Botulinum toxin can be especially dangerous in chronic diseases and infections. It is not advisable to do it if a person has skin diseases, since the skin can be severely damaged.
  3. Side effects. As already mentioned, the Botox procedure should only be carried out by a professional, because improper execution or violation of the process can lead to many health problems. Most often, inflammation can appear in the places where the Botox injection was carried out. But in the worst case, its poor-quality conduct can unnaturally change the shape of the face, lead to hematomas and bruises. Sometimes, the patient may complain of a headache, but more often it goes away after a few days. Typically, side effects depend on how many times a year the injection is given and the age of the patient.

When deciding to do botox, one must take into account not only the state of health, but also the possibility of a negative effect. Therefore, interference with the natural processes of the body must be done correctly and with caution. But choosing a method of rejuvenation, such injections are the most gentle and effective method to be beautiful and attractive.

Video on how to do the Botox procedure and tips on how to find a specialist: