Correctly selected essential oils help to easily cope with various cosmetic problems. Learn how to use geranium oil, its beneficial properties and application features. For centuries, geranium essential oil has been widely used as an effective natural sedative that can help normalize the nervous system. But the main advantage of this remedy is that it can be used to prolong youth.
The essential oil is obtained through the use of the aerial parts of a fresh plant, which must be harvested strictly in the middle of summer - flowers, leaves, stems. A steam distillation procedure is carried out, then a highly volatile transparent liquid is obtained, which can be light yellow in color, with a slight admixture of a green tint. When you look at the light, the raw material appears to glow. The composition of geranium essential oil also includes additional components - nerol, citroneloll, resonoxide, geraniol.
The beneficial properties of geranium oil

Today, this product is used for a variety of purposes - for example, it can become a fragrance for cosmetics, perfumes, soaps, drinks and food. It is recommended to spray this oil in small quantities indoors, due to which various insects (moths, mosquitoes, etc.) are scared away.
Geranium oil has the following effects:
- antiviral;
- anti-fungal;
- bactericidal;
- diuretic;
- astringent;
- antiseptic;
- decongestant;
- anti-inflammatory;
- the healing process of microdamages and cracks in the skin is significantly accelerated;
- there is a strong anti-aging effect, since cell regeneration is stimulated;
- the amount of sugar in the blood decreases;
- there is an analgesic and antispasmodic effect, vascular tone improves;
- antiparasitic and antitumor action;
- the work of the lymphatic system is stimulated, toxins are removed from the body faster, the protective functions of the body are enhanced;
- the hormonal background is normalized, the menstrual cycle improves;
- women tolerate menopause and premenstrual syndrome much easier;
- improves the work of the cardiovascular system, pancreas, liver.
It can be used not only externally, but internally. Geranium essential oil is effective in the treatment of various ENT diseases, as it helps to quickly relieve inflammation in the middle ear, tonsils, vocal cords, sinuses.
This remedy helps to lower blood pressure, therefore it is recommended for people suffering from hypertension. Its regular use normalizes heart rate and blood circulation.
Geranium essential oil has an anthelmintic effect, so it will help to quickly remove lice. It is effective for severe headaches, relieves migraine attacks, eliminates vascular spasms. It is recommended to use it for facial neuralgia, neuritis, arthritis, rheumatism. This oil has a strong healing and astringent effect, therefore it is recommended for use during the treatment of wounds and scratches of the skin. It can be used to remove stones from the kidneys, including during the treatment of various diseases associated with the functioning of the urinary tract.
The composition of geranium ether includes phytoestrogens, thanks to which female beauty and youth are preserved, the state of hormonal levels is normalized, it becomes possible to postpone the onset of menopause, while the transfer of this period is greatly facilitated.
Internal use of geranium oil

Geranium essential oil is taken internally to:
- remove kidney stones;
- in the form of an effective antiseptic and tonic;
- to lower blood sugar levels (useful in diabetes mellitus, but only after the permission of the doctor);
- helps with intestinal malfunctions (diarrhea);
- can be used as a natural and effective anthelmintic drug;
- helps during the treatment of gastric ulcer.
Regardless of the exact purpose for which geranium essential oil will be ingested, before using it, it is imperative that you consult a doctor, as it has certain contraindications and can cause serious harm to the body.
Topical application of geranium oil

Geranium essential oil is recommended to be used during the treatment of various skin lesions, joint pain, frostbite and wounds. It helps to quickly get rid of various dermatological diseases - for example, herpes, neurodermatitis, dermatitis, scabies, eczema, etc.
This remedy at home can be used as follows:
- For aromatizing the room. You need to take a few drops of geranium oil and place in an aroma lamp.
- For massage. As a basis, 15 ml of any vegetable oil is taken and 3-4 drops of geranium ether are injected. If acupressure is to be performed, then the base and geranium oil should be mixed in equal proportions.
- For inhalation. Such procedures are very useful and help get rid of various ailments - a couple of drops of geranium extract are taken for 500 g of hot water.
- From a headache. To relieve a migraine attack, geranium oil and base oil are taken in a 3: 1 ratio. The resulting composition is applied with fingers in the region of the temples, the back of the head and forehead, the lower part of the foot and the back of the palm are lubricated.
- For a compress. A few drops of ether dissolve in warm water. In the resulting solution, a cotton cloth is moistened and applied to the problem area.
- With otitis media. To relieve the inflammation that manifests itself in otitis media, you need to take a clean cotton swab and moisten it in a mixture of geranium oil and base oil (1: 2). Then the tampon is inserted into the ear canal and left on for a while.
- With inflammation in the oral cavity. A cotton pad is moistened in geranium oil and applied to the problematic part, but only from the outside.
- For the treatment of wounds, herpes, burns, frostbite. The affected areas are smeared with geranium oil, which should not be diluted.
- For gargling. A few drops of ether are dissolved in 150 g of warm water.
Geranium essential oil can be taken orally - 1 drop of this product is mixed with a small amount of jam or honey, can be applied to the crumb of bread. This procedure should be carried out after a meal and washed down with a glass of water, tea or kefir.
How to use geranium oil in cosmetology?

If you add a couple of drops of this product to the composition of lotions, creams and oils, you can significantly enrich their composition (for 10 g of a base mask or cream, 1-2 drops of ether are taken).
This product can be used while caring for different types of skin:
- If the epidermis is very dry or the skin of a combination or oily type, regular use of geranium essential oil will help to normalize the process of sebum production, soften the skin, while restoring firmness and elasticity.
- Geranium ether is also useful for mature skin, because it helps to accelerate rejuvenation and recovery, helps to smooth the skin, and small mimic wrinkles are quickly eliminated.
- This agent has an antiseptic effect, thanks to which it helps to cure acne, relieve irritation and inflammation of the skin. Provided that geranium oil is used regularly, it helps to strengthen the immune system of skin that is hypersensitive and prone to inflammation.
- Geranium ether has a stimulating effect on the regeneration of injured skin cells after a burn or frostbite.
To normalize the condition of problem skin, which tends to form acne, it is recommended to make a steam bath and add literally a few drops of geranium ether to the water, you can use lavender and cedar oil at the same time.
If geranium oil is applied pointwise directly to the affected areas, you can get rid of rosacea, while various types of rashes, including fungal infections and herpes, are quickly removed.
This tool helps to remove toxins accumulated in the body, restore the natural protective functions of the epidermis. Geranium ether has the ability to remove excess fluid from the body, due to which swelling is removed, and the relief of the skin is aligned. Therefore, geranium oil is widely used as an effective anti-cellulite agent.
Geranium essential oil can be used for hair care. To this end, it is enough to add a few drops of the product to any balm or shampoo, before washing your hair. One of the advantages of this procedure is that it can be performed every day. As a result, the hair follicles are strengthened, the problem of dandruff is solved.
Contraindications and restrictions on the use of geranium oil

Geranium ether is so popular due to the fact that it is a non-toxic agent and is not capable of provoking irritation. But despite this, there are certain restrictions on its use that you need to know before starting to use it.
It is strictly forbidden to take geranium essential oil by mouth on an empty stomach. This remedy stimulates an increase in activity and a surge of energy and strength. That is why its use is contraindicated in the evening, before bedtime, as there is a risk of provoking insomnia. To prevent this from happening, all medical and cosmetic procedures must be carried out no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime.
The use of geranium essential oil has the following contraindications:
- Under the age of 6, as unwanted health complications can be provoked. Treatment with geranium ether can be carried out only after the permission of a doctor and under the strict supervision of a specialist, independent use is strictly prohibited.
- If you have an individual intolerance to this remedy. Despite the fact that geranium oil is considered non-allergenic, in some cases it can cause irritation, redness and severe itching. Therefore, before using this tool, a sensitivity test is required.
- Pregnant women. The most dangerous period is the first 5 months, when the formation and development of the fetus occurs. In some cases, it is worth refraining from using geranium ether during breastfeeding.
- In the case of taking some hormonal contraceptives. Geranium oil can only be used with the permission of a specialist.
When used correctly and regularly, geranium essential oil will help to provide an effective wellness course for the whole body. And also to support youth and beauty, if you use this tool in cosmetology.
For more information on the miraculous effect of geranium oil, see here: