Vegetable weight loss diets - the best menu

Vegetable weight loss diets - the best menu
Vegetable weight loss diets - the best menu

Rules of conduct, benefits and harms of vegetable diets for weight loss. Approximate diet and types of vegetable diets. With the onset of spring, every girl strives to lose weight, because the beach season is not far off. And there are all the conditions for this, since it is in the spring that fresh vegetables, berries, fruits and herbs appear in our diet.

Over a long winter period, excess body fat may appear on the waist, which is real to get rid of, but for this you will have to reconsider your eating habits and rebuild the body to a new regime. In order to get the desired result in a short period of time, a wide variety of diets are used.

Recently, vegetable diets have become increasingly popular, which help not only to bring weight back to normal, but also to effectively cleanse the body of toxins and other harmful substances. In this case, only natural and healthy products will be present in the diet.

However, it is necessary to adhere to one main rule - only natural vegetables should be used, during the cultivation of which no harmful chemicals were used. One of the advantages of a vegetable diet is that the diet does not have to be boring, because you can use spices and seasonings. Thanks to this, food becomes not only healthy, but also really tasty.

Vegetable diets: benefits and harms

The girl bites the bell pepper
The girl bites the bell pepper

The presence of a large amount of plant foods in the diet has many advantages:

  1. The body is saturated with the necessary amount of valuable substances and microelements, which has a positive effect on the condition of the hair and skin.
  2. The diet contains a large amount of fiber, due to which the work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.
  3. Fresh vegetables are easily and quickly absorbed by the human body.
  4. During the ripening period, products have an affordable price.
  5. Vegetables are allowed to be consumed even before bedtime and not to worry about the figure.

At the same time, vegetable diets also have certain disadvantages, which manifest themselves in the case of an unbalanced diet or too long adherence to this method of losing weight:

  • loss of muscle mass occurs;
  • there is a problem with the chair;
  • worried about a strong feeling of hunger;
  • during physical activity, rapid fatigue and lack of strength appear.

It is necessary to choose only balanced diets, subject to which it is allowed to consume a small amount of black bread, olive or vegetable oil, fish or boiled lean meat, honey, dairy products. Thanks to this, all negative consequences are minimized, and the body tolerates dietary restrictions much easier.

Vegetable diet: permitted foods

A plate of vegetable salad close up
A plate of vegetable salad close up

It's nice to know that eating a variety of foods, but in moderation, also contributes to gradual weight loss. They can be a great alternative to unhealthy and high-calorie desserts, including snacks. This allows you to avoid sweets, rolls and high-calorie pastries.

Most of these products help accelerate metabolic processes in the body, due to which it processes food much faster and gets rid of extra pounds. It may sound a little strange, but the fact is that eating small amounts of even high-calorie foods can help you lose weight.

Almonds, pine nuts and walnuts

Nuts have gained fame as very fatty and high-calorie foods, but they help to quickly get rid of hunger. It is quite enough to eat a small handful of nuts, but not to break into harmful sweets.

Fresh fruits

  1. Fruits will help you get rid of hunger. Ripe pears and apples are ideal for this. They are practically free of unhealthy calories, so they are a great option for a snack. If you eat one apple before a meal, you can reduce your appetite, at the same time, you can get rid of the desire to eat a large portion.
  2. Grapefruit is very popular in the fight against excess weight. It is enough to consume half of the fruit daily before each meal or drink fresh juice, the subcutaneous fat deposits are split. Provided a moderate intake of carbohydrates with fats, in just two weeks, you can lose about 2 kg of excess weight.
  3. For lovers of large portions, it is useful to eat such fruit as pineapple. If you eat a small slice of pineapple, the feeling of hunger is significantly reduced.

Fruits are not only delicious, but also a really necessary component of various fruit and vegetable diets.

Fresh vegetables

  1. Many vegetables are just perfect for maintaining proper and complete functioning of the whole body. The diet should contain not only the usual cabbage, carrots, tomatoes and cucumbers, but also seaweed, which helps to normalize metabolism.
  2. The composition of seaweed contains a large amount of iodine, thereby minimizing the likelihood of hypothyroidism, which can provoke obesity.
  3. Nettle leaves, spinach, and celery provide metabolic benefits.
  4. Nutritionists advise not only to follow long diets, but also periodically spend vegetable or fruit fasting days for your body. Once a week is quite enough, and soon you will notice not only an improvement in the body's work, but also that you are gradually losing weight without harm to your health.

Fish dishes

Fish dishes contain a large amount of polyunsaturated fats, so there is no hunger for a long time. In addition, fish helps in the fight against excess weight. But for this, it is recommended to steam the fish, so that the dishes become more useful for the whole body, including the figure.

An excellent addition to a side dish of cereals and vegetables will be sea fish, which is also an invaluable component in protein and vegetable diets.

Spices and condiments

In ancient times, spices were worth their weight in gold and this is not surprising, because they are able to add sophistication and sophistication to any dish. But this is not their only valuable quality. Many people know that it is spices that can prolong the freshness of products, and at the same time are very useful for the human body, as they help speed up metabolism.

Nutritionists say that hot spices can increase the burning of subcutaneous fat deposits, and there is an effective cleansing of blood vessels from excess deposits. A wonderful and very tasty substitute for sugar will be such a spice as cinnamon, but you need to add it in minimal quantities.

Tea and water

To ensure the proper functioning of the body and normalize the metabolism, it is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of plain pure water during the day. It is without water that it is difficult for the body to digest fats, carbohydrates and fats.

To maintain a slim figure, it is recommended to regularly drink plain green tea, which helps to speed up the metabolism. However, it is forbidden to use it in large quantities, as it has a tonic effect on the nervous system.

Dairy products

The diet should contain low-fat kefir, cheeses and yogurt. These foods help you feel satisfying for a long time. Plus, dairy products go well with almost any diet. To prevent depletion of the body, you can alternate protein days with fruit or vegetable days.

Vegetable diet for weight loss 10 kg - menu options

The girl tied a measuring tape at her waist
The girl tied a measuring tape at her waist

For quick weight loss, special strict vegetable diets have been developed. These methods are based on only one vegetables or fruits, but you cannot add milk, meat, or nuts.

The duration of this diet option should be no more than 7 days, since there are practically no carbohydrates and proteins in the diet. According to the reviews of people who have experienced a vegetable diet, in just one week, you can lose about 5-7 kg of excess weight. At the same time, the state of health remains excellent.

To achieve maximum effectiveness, it is recommended to take a break for 10 days after the diet, return to the usual diet, then switch back to vegetables. However, a diet according to this scheme is allowed to be used no more often than once a year.

The first diet option

You can use the following example diet, which is based only on the use of vegetable broth and fresh vegetable salad.

Day 1, 3 and 5:

  • morning - salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers and herbs;
  • snack - stew the zucchini with herbs and tomatoes;
  • day - prepare a broth from tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, bell peppers, celery and onions;
  • snack - prepare a salad of carrots and Jerusalem artichoke, you can add a little lemon juice;
  • evening - make a vegetable stew with tomatoes, onions and cauliflower.

Day 2 and 6:

  • morning - salad of red pepper, celery and red cabbage;
  • snack - boil potatoes, season with fresh herbs;
  • day - make a vegetable broth with bell peppers, cauliflower and parsley;
  • snack - fresh salad of tomatoes, herbs and sweet peppers;
  • evening - cook stewed eggplant, carrots and onions.

Day 4 and 7:

  • morning - salad with celery and carrots;
  • snack - bake the pumpkin pulp;
  • day - make vegetable broth with cabbage, peas and bell peppers;
  • snack - fresh salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, fresh herbs;
  • evening - cook eggplant stew with zucchini, cabbage and bell peppers.

This week, there should be not only a fairly varied vegetable diet, but also the correct drinking regimen, which also has a direct impact on the process of losing weight. It is important that you drink not only teas and juices, but also plain clean water, unsweetened green tea is allowed, but without added sugar.

The second diet option

If you plan to lose 4-6 kg of excess weight in a few days, you can use another diet option. It is based on the use of vegetable soup, which is also called Bon soup. According to the diet, it is necessary to regularly consume broth made from vegetables that contribute to weight loss. It is advisable not to use salt during cooking, due to which it will bring more health benefits.

Today, there is a wide variety of recipes for making vegetable soups, but Bon soup is prepared according to a certain scheme:

  • finely chopped cabbage, carrots, onions, tomatoes and bell peppers;
  • water is added;
  • the soup is cooked over low heat until cooked.

The 7-day vegetable diet, which is based on the use of Bon soup, consists of the following diet:

  • Day 1 - Bon soup is consumed three times a day, fruit snacks are allowed;
  • day 2 - Bon soup three times a day, baked potatoes are allowed for lunch or dinner, but only in small quantities, raw vegetables will be an excellent snack;
  • 3rd day - vegetable soup three times a day, fruit or vegetable snacks are allowed, potatoes are prohibited;
  • 4th day - Bon soup three times a day, a ripe banana will be a great snack;
  • day 5 - Bon soup three times a day, ripe tomatoes in any quantity are allowed for snacks;
  • day 6 - Bon soup three times a day, lettuce for a snack;
  • 7th day - vegetable soup three times a day, you can add a small amount of wild rice.

Mixed diet for weight loss 10 kg

A girl sitting in front of a plate of salad
A girl sitting in front of a plate of salad

Diets that allow the use of fruit, vegetable, dairy and meat dishes contain more calories than pure fruit or vegetable options. In addition, such diets are more satisfying, tasty, and most importantly, balanced.

Diets that consume lean protein foods can be followed for a longer period of time. In this case, there is a slow and gradual weight loss. At the same time, one does not feel too sharp a transition from a simple diet to a dietary one. Throughout the diet, you feel more comfortable, physical activity does not decrease. Moderate exercise is recommended to speed up the weight loss process and avoid saggy skin.

Such a diet allows you to lose 10 kg or more, ved only you yourself will decide when to stop losing weight and return to your usual diet.

The first diet option

  1. Morning - dried fruit compote or green tea, but without added sugar, lettuce, boiled egg.
  2. Day - cook cabbage stewed with zucchini, boiled chicken (100 g), kefir (200 g).
  3. Snack - fresh pumpkin casserole with honey.
  4. Evening - Prepare boiled cauliflower.

The second diet option

  1. Morning - boil the beets and season with a little sour cream.
  2. Snack - fresh salad with celery and carrots, use linseed or olive oil for dressing.
  3. Day - make soup with cabbage, tomatoes and carrots, 2 slices of black bread.
  4. Snack - low-fat cottage cheese (100 g).
  5. Evening - prepare a fresh salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs, season with linseed or olive oil, stewed zucchini, cabbage and tomatoes.
  6. Before going to bed - low-fat kefir (200 g).

Well-formulated vegetable diets that can be combined with moderate consumption of fresh fruits and protein produce excellent results. In a short time, you can get a slim figure and lose existing excess weight.

For more on the vegetable diet, see the video below:
