Correct detox diet and menu from 1 to 10 days. What can and cannot be eaten during cleansing? Detox results and doctors' opinions. A detox diet is a diet and a set of rules that help cleanse the body of harmful compounds that accumulate in the body every day. Our daily food is not always rational - it is a fact. Usually it is not planned according to biological benefits, but according to different taste preferences. As a result, the entire body experiences the consequences of such a prioritization, responding to us with weight gain, the development of cellulite, the formation of bags under the eyes, sagging skin and other effects of an improperly composed diet. A detox diet will help get rid of unwanted manifestations. However, it must be carried out wisely - thoughtfully, carefully, in accordance with the recommendations that we will describe below.
Detox diet rules for weight loss

So, we set out to improve our well-being and appearance. Where to begin? Of course, with cleansing the body, by drawing up a tasty and healthy menu. It was not in vain that the ancient sages said that you are what you eat. To understand what foods you can include in your detox diet, a few words should be said about the general principles that characterize this healing process.
There are a myriad of detox diets, with many arguing over whether or not to use animal products, but the basic principles remain the same. The following features of detoxification should be borne in mind:
- We observe the preparatory period … An obligatory part of the detox diet is preparation for it, which takes place from one to two days to a week. It is needed in order to carefully and carefully prepare your body for a new and unusual regime for it. The longer you expect to stick to your chosen diet plan, the longer the preparatory period must be. No preparation is required for detox during the day, just try not to eat at night the day before, and also not to eat heavy meals or overeat. Otherwise, the whole detox will be reduced to digestion and excretion of yesterday's "leftovers". During the preparatory period, gradually switch to the main detox diet, preferring light cereals, vegetables and fruits, lean boiled meat with a minimum of salt to fatty, fried and sweet ones.
- We take into account restrictions on age and health … A detox diet should not be used by adolescents under 18 years of age (if you need to lose weight, replace it with another, take time to physical education) and the elderly. If you have any kind of acute or chronic illness, be sure to check with your healthcare provider regarding the need for detox and possible modifications. It should be remembered that this may result in a loss of muscle mass, slight weakness and even a temporary decrease in immunity (the body will simply be "busy" with other processes, but will soon recover), which is unacceptable in the case of fighting certain diseases.
- Reducing the total calorie content of food … Foods to be consumed when detoxing should be low in calories and easily digestible. We give priority to vegetables and fruits. They contain a lot of fiber that stimulates bowel cleansing, as well as vitamins, minerals, essential trace elements.
- We eat soft and liquid foods … We remove difficult and long-digestible foods from the menu, the whole diet is easy to carry out on broths, vegetable soups and mashed potatoes, juices, teas and herbal decoctions.
- Less salt, sugar, caffeine, alcohol … All products that irritate the mucous membrane and increase appetite should be promptly excluded in order to avoid an irrational increase. In addition, the above components hinder the metabolism. However, it should be remembered that with excessive consumption of water, salt is also excreted from the body. Sodium contained in its composition is the most important ion of the body, responsible for both the transmission of nerve signals and the work of the body at the cell level. Be moderate in your fluid intake so as not to lead yourself to negative clinical conditions.
- Whether to consume dairy products in the detox diet is a personal matter … Milk is not a strictly prohibited product, but it is better to abstain from cheese. Numerous disputes about the inability of an adult's body to digest dairy products do not make sense, since as a result of a natural mutation, the ability to process the lactase enzyme in humans appeared many millennia ago. The residual effect of intolerance can manifest itself in the form of an individual allergic reaction.
- We plan accompanying procedures … In order for a detox diet to be as effective as possible, to bring you benefits and joy, you need to carry it out according to a certain regimen. This includes a healthy and satisfying sleep, at least 8 hours a day, without late awakenings; Light physical exercise - for example, daily half-hour walks, yoga and tai chi exercises; in warm weather - sunbathing, without overheating or intense tanning; contrast shower or douche. Depending on the result you want to achieve, along with the detox, it is recommended to carry out the appropriate procedures: masks to cleanse the skin, self-massage to get rid of flabbiness and cellulite, and so on.
- We replenish fluid reserves in a timely manner … During the detox diet (and preferably also after it), you need to monitor the amount of water you drink. Together with broths, teas and other liquid substances, its amount should be 1.5-2 liters per day. At the same time, it is advisable to drink in small portions throughout the day.
- We observe the diet … Food intake should be evenly distributed throughout the day. Even if you traditionally do not want to eat in the morning, you need to accustom yourself to breakfast, lunch and dinner at a certain time, diluting them with small snacks. Salt and seasonings in cooking should be eliminated or kept to the absolute minimum.
- Don't forget about the right exit from the detox regime … This point is similar to the first, but many ignore it, trying to finally get out of the unusual diet plan and return to the standard one. Without a rational and gradual transition, the detox diet will give minimal results, and the body will begin to accumulate excess substances in an increased mode - just to compensate for the lack of calories.
- Remembering the Difference Between Diet and Detox … Essentially, detoxing the body is more than a diet. It should not be observed frequently and over long periods of time (a month or more). To a greater extent, a detox diet is a healing system for the whole organism, a “spring cleaning”, which should be started about 2 times a year. During detoxification, the kilograms can be lost less intensely than with other diets, but more efficiently. This happens due to cleansing the body of toxins and toxins, excess fluid, harmful deposits and other compounds that are useless for normal life. As a result, we will get a more "long-lasting" weight loss, as well as an overall improvement in the condition of the skin, hair, immunity, the work of all systems and organs.
- Controlling emotions and mental balance … It is well known to many that the tendency to overeat and the desire to "pamper" oneself with tasty, but useless, grows in proportion to nervous tension. So as not to break down and finish the detox ahead of time, take care of learning relaxation techniques, consider how to overcome the urge to relieve stress by absorbing food.
Allowed Detox Diet Foods

If you are in doubt about the use of a specific product during detox, test it for compliance with criteria such as low calorie content, easy digestibility, fiber, vitamins, freshness and naturalness, seasonality, minimum of fats, carbohydrates, seasonings and spices, but plenty of fluid. Consume food in small portions and slowly, chewing each bite thoroughly. Avoid the urge to “eat a little more” when you’re already feeling full. Based on the rules listed above, there are 10 categories of useful detox products:
- Vegetables … It is allowed to eat almost any (potatoes and other high-calorie foods should be excluded from the list) raw, boiled and baked, with a minimum amount of oil. The latter should be said separately - you don't need to ignore it at all, add olive or vegetable oil to salads. This can and even be done because most of the vitamins in vegetables are fat-soluble, that is, the oil helps them to be absorbed. The vitamins consumed without it will be absorbed in much smaller quantities (you should not assume that the body will use subcutaneous fat stores for these purposes - this is not the case).
- Fruits … In general, they are also useful, it is worth excluding or temporarily limiting the intake of high-calorie types with a large amount of sugar - bananas, grapes, melons, pineapples, apricots. Naturally, a couple of pieces will not hurt anyone, but it's absolutely impossible to build the whole diet on their use.
- Dried fruits and nuts … Use them for taste and in minimal quantities - up to 20 grams, that is, several pieces a day. They are extremely useful, but also high in calories, so they are not allowed to be overused.
- Porridge … Certainly useful within the allotted portion (see the daily menu below). We give the palm to oatmeal, you can also eat rice, semolina in the water and other cereals to taste.
- Dairy products … As mentioned above, they will not bring harm. Use them as you see fit. For example, you can include low-fat cottage cheese or milk tea so respected by the British people in your diet plan. It is advisable to take skim milk, homemade milk is easy to defend and carefully remove the top layer of cream to use it after a diet, or in less concentrated quantities. It is better to make yoghurts at home or carefully read the description on the packaging - preservatives, sweeteners and dyes should not be present in our diet, especially during a detox diet.
- Beverages … Here you will have to limit yourself to clean water, green and herbal teas, natural cocktails of our own preparation, fresh juices. No strong coffee, alcohol, sugar in tea is also undesirable.
- Fish, meat and eggs … It is recommended to consume no more than 150 g per day, removing fat and skin. Cooking should be steamed, boiled or baked, exclude frying. On the one hand, protein foods will help you avoid hunger and support your muscles, on the other hand, they can be easily replaced with plant analogues. If you are in the mood for a serious detox and feel the strength to give up animal products, it is better to do so.
- Soybeans … The same plant-based protein substitutes mentioned above. At the same time, you should not get carried away with them during detox either - these products can be difficult for the body to digest. Any legumes should be soaked before boiling and cooked to a puree to avoid stomach heaviness and excess gas.
- Mushrooms … Poorly digested by the body due to the high content of chitin. Even edible specimens can accumulate harmful substances from the soil, so they are excluded during detox.
- Honey … Perhaps the only allowed sweetness during a detox diet. You can afford one to two teaspoons a day to maintain sugar levels and saturate the body with vitamins and antioxidants. In addition, with a given amount of honey, you can prepare drinks and fruit waters, using also pollen. It is very good if you can buy honey "off hand" from a reliable beekeeper who produces a reliable product in an ecologically clean place.
Detox Detox Program

Much has been said about nutritional guidelines during detox, but let's briefly summarize once again under what should not be consumed. Canned food, fast food, ready-made products from the supermarket - let's say to them a confident "No!" Anything on store shelves containing dyes, preservatives, salt and sugar, seasonings and flavor enhancers should not be present on our table. This includes all kinds of ketchups and mayonnaises, dressings and semi-finished products, chips, crackers and other analogues. Read the package carefully before consuming its contents. Among the exceptions: agar-agar, with which you can make jelly, coconut flakes (added to ready-made dishes for taste), nori seaweed and some other products. You should not eat foods that are heavy for the body - fatty, fried, excessively sweet and salty, smoked meats and generously seasoned foods. In addition, if detox is followed, it is strictly prohibited to:
- Sharply, excluding the period of preparation, "sit down" on a similar diet, as well as get out of it.
- Observing for longer than two weeks - depletion and metabolic disorders are possible (if necessary, it is better to switch to a more gentle and balanced diet after cleansing).
- Detox during pregnancy or lactation, until adulthood, or during severe illness.
- Drink alcohol, caffeine, and other artificially stimulating or relaxing substances. The detox period is a great time to quit smoking, as following this addiction will reduce the cleansing effect.
- Expose yourself to intense physical, mental, emotional stress. During detox treatments, it is preferable to be at rest or do some simple work. Take quiet walks, take time to your thoughts, and communicate with family and friends, avoiding conflict and controversy.
- In no case do not ignore the doctor's recommendations - consult with specialists in any suitable case.
- Do not overheat and do not overcool (in the summer, a long, intense tan is excluded, in the winter - extreme temperatures, drafts, cold rooms).
- Since immunity can be weakened during the detox period, take precautions when dealing with carriers of the infection, carefully observe personal hygiene (if someone is sick in the office or at home, do not hesitate to wear a special protective mask).
- Sauna and bath: not strictly excluded, but it is better to observe moderate temperatures in order to avoid deterioration of well-being.
Detox diet menu at home
Since a wide variety of foods are allowed during detox, they can be successfully combined to achieve maximum results. In addition to intensive cleansing and renewal of the body, improving the digestive tract and losing weight, you will experience extraordinary lightness and improved mood. These menus can be used "as is" or modified in accordance with the rules of the detox diet.
1 day detox diet menu

If we feel good, are not overweight (or a small amount of it), are not subject to harmful food and other habits, or just want to find out for ourselves what a sensational detox is, a one-day cleansing regimen is suitable. As already mentioned, it does not require a long preparatory period - it is enough not to overeat the day before cleaning, and also not to eat too densely.
Features of the menu for the detox program for 1 day:
- The detox begins immediately upon waking up. To make your digestive tract work, drink a glass of warm water with half a fresh lemon squeezed into it. It works better than any coffee, providing the body with a decent dose of vitamin C.
- You cannot skip breakfast. In addition, it should consist of a small amount of carbohydrates to saturate us with rapidly released energy (strawberries will play their role), and proteins for a longer satiety effect (take peanuts). Fiber, on the other hand, will aid in digestion. Nuts and fruits can be eaten fresh or made into a delicious smoothie: in a blender, mix 1 cup of strawberries, half a banana, 2 teaspoons of organic peanut butter or pre-ground peanuts, 80 g of skim milk (you can take low-fat kefir or yogurt), ice to taste … Alternative vitamin cocktail: 80 g of yogurt, a teaspoon of almond paste, half a glass of finely chopped pineapples, the same amount of blueberries and kale, and a quarter of a glass of water if the drink is too dense in consistency.
- The first "snack". Many find it difficult to give up morning coffee, therefore, already before lunchtime, the gravitation towards "doping" makes itself felt. Replace it with green tea, you can eat an apple, a handful of any seasonal berries, a few nuts. Before lunch, it is advisable to warm up a little and walk around, if the workplace and current workload allow it.
- If you have to dine at work, it is advisable to prepare a light soup in advance and take it with you. We recommend trying a simple broccoli and ginger vegetable broth to which basil, zucchini, beans, or any other vegetable that the table and wallet allows will be added. An equally healthy alternative available to everyone is cabbage salad. Here, you can not limit yourself in portions by adding sweet peppers or avocados of your choice to the cabbage. Season the salad with a small spoonful of olive or hemp oil, add lemon or lime juice. Lovers can afford to flavor the dish with a teaspoon of sesame or flaxseed seeds. Second "snack". The time has come for the juice - it is better if it is "green", that is, from vegetables and fresh herbs. A glass or a half of your choice is easy to grind in a blender using spinach, carrots, celery, apples or citrus fruits.
- Dinner. If you are considering taking a session like a sauna or massage, do it before you eat. When the evening comes to a close (but at least 3 hours before bedtime), indulge yourself with 100-150 grams of lean fish fillets baked in the oven with vegetables. Try to eat slowly, chewing each bite well. If you feel hungry - prepare yourself another glass of "green" juice, but no more.
After completing personal hygiene procedures and finally waking up, you can do light exercises for 5-7 minutes before breakfast. After lunch, it is also recommended to walk around so that the dish is better absorbed. Don't take breaks at the computer, push yourself to move!
Sleep should be calm and complete. Put problems and gadgets aside at least an hour before going to bed. Take time for yourself.
Detox diet menu for cleansing for 3 days

A three day detox will usually last a little longer. It is advisable to devote the day before and the day after to the preparatory periods. If you have only three free days at your disposal, it is better to use the extended version of the "one-day" - the preparatory and final days, by analogy with the fasting menu, a detox day. If there is more time, we recommend the following recipes.
All three days you need to eat according to the same scheme:
- On breakfast … We are preparing a detox cocktail, in which we add warm water (half a glass), a shaving of ginger root (a tablespoon), the juice of half a lemon. Alternatively, steep a tablespoon of chopped prunes in a cup of hot water. After drinking the drink, prepare a smoothie from apples, spinach or cabbage, celery, cucumber. Just put the indicated ingredients in the blender bowl to taste, after chopping, consume immediately (since contact with air destroys vitamins). If the mixture remains, use it for snacks.
- For lunch … Light soup, vegetable broth, boiled or stewed vegetables are our best detox friends. Cook three small zucchini together, a couple of tomatoes, some celery, thinly chopped carrots, herbs, or bake them in the oven. You can add 70 g of boiled chicken meat (without fat, skin and salt) to the soup, any vegetable salad.
- For dinner … Duplicate breakfast by drinking a detox cocktail and consuming one serving of fruit and vegetable puree (no more than 150 g). If you are still hungry, make yourself fresh apple or carrot juice, and drink herbal tea for a good sleep.
Detox diet menu for 7 days

Cleansing the body within a week should be carried out, having previously tested on yourself at least a three-day option. This will allow you to determine if you can withstand such a load, especially if you have to combine it with work or study.
Detox diet for 7 days for cleansing also does not exclude a preparatory "lean" period, lasting two days at the beginning and end of the period. The essence of the seven-day cleansing program goes beyond the three-day detox described above and consists in gradually increasing the load on the gastrointestinal system. Every day, something new is added to the dishes of the previous days. This way, it will be easier and more rational to get out of the detox.
Features of detox food for a week:
- Monday … On this day, a drinking detox diet is carried out - we drink a lot of fluids, all day we drink freshly squeezed juices with pulp, herbal tea, mineral water without gas. In any order and at the available time, you need to drink 8 cups of liquid, which will replace breakfast, lunch and dinner.
- Tuesday … With each juice intake, we allow ourselves to eat a little fruit - up to 300 g in total (per day). Choose unsweetened fruits with soft fiber - mango, plum and similar.
- Wednesday … From this day of the week, vegetables and herbs are allowed. Subsequently, give them preference by reducing the serving of fruits to 200 g and consuming the same amount of vegetables.
- Thursday … Add porridge to vegetables - for example, rice, buckwheat, semolina in water. We do not add salt, oil, spices to them, we combine with vegetables and fruits.
- Friday … We allow ourselves to eat a couple of any nuts (not salted, without spices) with each meal (3-4 times a day).
- Saturday … Today, dairy products are acceptable in the diet. If you are tired of vegetables and cereals, replace them with low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, combining with herbs, juices and fruit and vegetable purees. Keep track of the total calories in your food. During detox, it is undesirable for all the nutritional value of the eaten to exceed 800 kcal.
- Sunday … Time to indulge yourself with lean fish, cooked in the oven or steamed. We leave the detox diet by analogy with Sunday afternoon, or relying on lean dishes.
Recipes and menus for 10 days with a detox diet

The 10 Day Detox Detox Diet includes many of the recommendations from the first three points. It is slightly more nutritious, as the body needs to stay on the low-calorie menu for about two weeks, given several days of preparation for entering and exiting detox.
Day 1
- Breakfast: The standard ginger and lemon detox cocktail described above. Green tea with half an apple, orange, grapefruit or apple of your choice. A portioned piece of bread with bran or a ready-made loaf from a mixture of cereals (20-30 g).
- Lunch: rice with boiled vegetables, 150-180 g.
- Snack: An apple, orange, or other suitable fruit, fresh or baked.
- Dinner: vegetables cooked in a suitable way (150-180 g), one small boiled egg. An additional detox cocktail with a tablespoon of prunes poured into a glass of boiling water.
Day 2
- Breakfast: detox drink and cabbage salad with a teaspoon of olive oil. Herbal tea, a slice of bread.
- Lunch: vegetable broth or puree soup within 200 g.
- Snack: small fruit (orange, apple, etc. - any seasonal, within 50-80 g)
- Dinner: boiled egg, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese or 200 g of vegetables of your choice, a drink from dried fruits before bed.
Day 3
- Breakfast: a glass of water with citrus juice, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt, herbal tea, an apple or a few unsweetened seasonal fruits.
- Lunch: vegetable puree soup, baked vegetables, or a glass of fruit smoothie.
- Snack: half a grapefruit.
- Dinner: 150-200 g of boiled fish, 100 g of vegetable salad (cabbage, pepper, tomatoes), unsweetened decoction of dried fruits or fresh compote.
Day 4
- Breakfast: detox cocktail, 50 g of nuts, 100 g of fruit salad, tea to taste.
- Lunch: puree soup, you can increase the portion up to 300 g.
- Snack: half an apple or grapefruit, a small banana or 5-6 nuts.
- Dinner: up to 150 g of boiled lean meat, a light vegetable salad, a traditional decoction of prunes or other dried fruits.
Day 5
- Breakfast: a drink in double volume (lemon + orange), 150 g of cottage cheese with fruit, tea.
- Lunch: vegetable casserole (what to diversify - carrots + pumpkin), up to 300 g.
- Snack: a few small fruits or nuts.
- Dinner: 150-200 g of fish fillet, a small portion of salad, fruit broth.
Day 6
- Breakfast: drink, fruit salad and tea.
- Lunch: 200 g of porridge with vegetables.
- Snack: a glass of yogurt or kefir.
- Dinner: 200 g of boiled chicken fillet, a salad of your favorite vegetables, a fruit drink.
Day 7
- Breakfast: a double cocktail, a slice of bread, 2 halves of your preferred fruit (grapefruit, avocado, banana, apple), tea.
- Lunch: 300 g vegetable casserole, alternatively lean borscht.
- Snack: 150 g fresh or baked fruit.
- Dinner: 300-350 g of vegetables in any form, detox broth.
Day 8
- Breakfast: two glasses of cocktail, vegetable or fruit salad.
- Lunch: broccoli soup with fresh herbs.
- Snack: a glass of fruit and vegetable puree.
- Dinner: 350 g of various steamed vegetables: cauliflower, carrots, fresh green peas, up to 350 g in total.
Day 9
- Breakfast: drink, fruit and curd salad or vegetable salad with boiled egg and herbs.
- Lunch: 300 g of any vegetable soup.
- Afternoon snack: whole apple or grapefruit.
- Dinner: 150 g of boiled meat, vegetable salad, fruit broth.
Day 10
: all day we drink juices, in the amount of 8 cups, that is, by analogy with the first day.
Detox diet results

In each case (staying on a detox diet for one to 10 days), people reported significant improvement in digestion, light stomach, healthy loss of appetite, reduction of puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. The most tangible result is provided by a 7-day detox diet for weight loss, the effects of which include:
- Weight loss - from 3 kg per week, depending on the amount of fluid in the body, as well as the strictness of the menu;
- Reduction of cellulite and a more pleasant appearance of the skin, tightened and firm;
- Normalization of the intestines, from physiological indicators - adequate production of bile, reduced stress on the liver;
- Cleansing the lymphatic system and blood;
- Due to detox - prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system;
- Decrease in oily skin, decrease in the number of acne;
- Removal of cholesterol from the body, which heals the cardiovascular system.
Despite the fact that doctors treat the detox diet with a certain degree of skepticism (after all, in medicine there is no concept of "toxins and toxins" accumulating in the body - otherwise a person would be in a state of poisoning), most of its enthusiasts note a significant improvement in their physical states.
Watch the detox diet video:

A detox diet will help you lose weight, get rid of negative eating habits, saturate the body with fiber and vitamins, teach you to drink enough fluids and enjoy the consumption of fruits and vegetables. If you, for health reasons, do not have a prescription that prohibits such a strict dietary plan, you should definitely try at least a three-day detox. This will help you evaluate it on your own experience and understand whether it is worthwhile to carry out a longer purification.