Rye flour: varieties, benefits, harms, recipes

Rye flour: varieties, benefits, harms, recipes
Rye flour: varieties, benefits, harms, recipes

Description and peculiarities of making rye flour. The main useful properties and possible contraindications, composition and calorie content. What baked goods are ideal for, recipes.

Rye flour is a product obtained by grinding rye grains. The main application is baking, although it is also suitable for making kvass and alcoholic beverages. Throughout the history of mankind, rye bread was very much loved and appreciated, as if intuitively realizing its high nutritional value. They preferred rye to wheat before, not only for this reason, but also in view of their greater resistance to bad weather and less whimsical cultivation in principle. Today, this culture has receded a little into the shadows against the background of unassuming wheat varieties bred by breeders, but there are many reasons why rye should certainly be present in our diet.

Description and varieties of rye flour

Seeded rye flour
Seeded rye flour

In the photo, rye flour

There are several varieties of rye flour, the main difference between them is the fineness of grinding and the amount of bran in the finished product. There are 3 main types:

  • Seeded … The variety is very finely ground, it does not contain bran, it is prepared exclusively from a part of the grain called the endosperm - the embryo and shell are not involved. The product yield is 63-65%, which means that 6, 3-6, 5 kg of seeded varieties can be obtained from 10 kg of grain. Color - white with a slight bluish tone.
  • Rough … In this case, the product yield is already 86-87%, since not only the endosperm is ground to obtain a variety, but also a significant part of its shells, as well as the embryonic part. The color of the variety is more gray than white, you can catch a brownish, bluish and even greenish tint.
  • Wallpaper … The variety with the highest content of bran parts, the product yield is 96%, only 400 g is lost out of 10 kg of grain. The color is gray with brown splashes.

You can also find such types of rye flour as peeled, which is an even more thoroughly filtered seeded variety (60% yield), and whole grain, which, on the contrary, is a minimally processed product - it contains 100% of the grain.

It is worth noting that the finer the grind, the higher the baking properties of the variety, however, one way or another, recipes from rye flour are always savory baked goods, since the product has a pronounced taste and aroma that will not be appropriate in sweets and pastries. …

It is noteworthy that although finer grains are more convenient for the baker, they are less desirable for our body. The larger part of the grain is removed during the manufacture of the variety, the less useful components remain in the finished product.

Rye is also divided into three types: northern winter, southern winter and spring rye. Winter crops, in addition, are also of different types, depending on the area of cultivation. This classification is of great technological importance, as it determines the subtleties of processing a particular variety.

Features of making rye flour

Making rye flour
Making rye flour

The production of rye flour is a multistage responsible process that includes several mandatory steps:

  1. Grain preparation … The preparation of the product begins with quality control, several grains from the batch are taken to the laboratory, in which a series of tests are carried out. If all of them are passed successfully, the batch is sent for processing.
  2. Washing … A critical stage, at which a special hydrothermal machine thoroughly rinses the grain from dirt, upper shells and debris.
  3. Primary processing … It includes two stages - peeling and grinding, which are carried out using special ceramic, steel, wood mills or crushers.
  4. Drying … Next comes the drying process on the conveyor, the temperature is set in accordance with the hardness of the grain and can be from 30 to 50OWITH.
  5. Secondary processing … The dried grain is sent back to the mill or crusher, where the required grinding is already carried out.
  6. Screening and packaging … After grinding, the product is sieved and now it is ready for packaging. Further, the flour either immediately leaves the plant, or is sent to warehouses for storage.

It is worth saying that making rye flour at home is quite problematic, since the grains of the culture have increased hardness and grinding them with simple home appliances can be very difficult.

Composition and calorie content of rye flour

Rye flour
Rye flour

The seeded variety has excellent baking properties but low nutritional value. Wallpaper, on the other hand, is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, but without the addition of flour more suitable for baking into the dough, it is almost impossible to get tasty bread out of it. A peeled variety is the most optimal option - it is suitable for baking, and a good amount of nutrients is stored in it, therefore, it is with this example that we will analyze the nutritional value of the product.

The calorie content of rye flour is 298 kcal per 100 g, of which:

  • Proteins - 8, 9 g;
  • Fats - 1, 7 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 61, 8 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 12.4 g;
  • Water - 14 g.

Pay special attention to the high fiber content, this component is very important for the normal functioning of the intestines.

It is also important to note that the carbohydrate part is represented by complex carbohydrates - starches and dextrins, simple sugars (mono- and disaccharides) only 0.9 g out of 61.8 g.

Vitamins per 100 g:

  • Vitamin B1, thiamine - 0.35 mg;
  • Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 0.13 mg;
  • Vitamin B4, choline - 20.6 mg;
  • Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid - 0, 492 mg;
  • Vitamin B6, pyridoxine - 0.25 mcg;
  • Vitamin B9, folate - 50 mcg;
  • Vitamin E, alpha-tocopherol - 1.9 mg;
  • Vitamin H, biotin - 3 mcg;
  • Vitamin K, phylloquinone - 5, 9 mcg;
  • Vitamin PP, NE - 2, 8 mg;
  • Niacin - 1 mg

Macronutrients per 100 g:

  • Potassium - 350 mg;
  • Calcium - 34 mg;
  • Magnesium - 60 mg;
  • Sodium - 2 mg;
  • Sulfur - 68 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 189 mg

Microelements per 100 g:

  • Aluminum - 270 mcg
  • Iron - 3.5 mg;
  • Iodine - 3, 9 mcg;
  • Manganese - 1.34 mg;
  • Copper - 230 mcg;
  • Molybdenum - 6, mcg;
  • Selenium - 14.4 mcg;
  • Fluorine - 38 mcg;
  • Zinc - 1.23 mg

Fatty acids per 100 g:

  • Saturated - 0.2 g;
  • Monounsaturated - 0.16 g;
  • Polyunsaturated - 0.84 g.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids:

  • Omega-3 - 0.1 g;
  • Omega-6 - 0.74 g.

It must also be said that rye baked goods contain a complete list of all essential amino acids that are not produced by our body on its own, as well as a large list of essential amino acids.

The benefits of rye flour

What does rye flour look like?
What does rye flour look like?

Rye flour contains many useful nutrients, it is especially valuable with B vitamins and various minerals. The predominant ones are B1 (23% of the daily dose in 100 g of the product), B6 and B9 (12.5% each). We can also note the high content of vitamins E and K - in the wallpaper variety, they are about 13% of the daily dose of 100 g.

As for minerals, 100 g contains 67% of the daily intake of manganese, about 25% of phosphorus, copper and selenium, 20% of iron, 15% of magnesium.

Let's see what benefits of rye flour are determined by the components contained in it in large quantities:

  1. Regulation of metabolism … B vitamins are the most important participants in all metabolic processes; thiamine regulates the assimilation of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. B6 is of particular importance for the production of various enzymes and hemoglobin. B9 is also necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin and new cells, which is why it is so important during pregnancy, although those who are not expecting a child should not forget about it, since the cells of our body are constantly renewing.
  2. Normalization of the nervous system … This is the second important function of B vitamins. Thiamine is an essential component in the exchange of nerve signals; pyridoxine is involved in the normal production of neurotransmitters that determine a person's mood and degree of motivation. Folic acid is indispensable in the formation of the fetal neural tube.
  3. Antioxidant effect … Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals and protects cells from mutations caused by the bombardment of these aggressive particles. This helps to keep the body from developing serious diseases, including cancer.
  4. Improving the properties of blood … Vitamin K is important for the hematopoietic function, it ensures its normal coagulation.
  5. Strengthening the bone skeleton … Also, vitamin K plays an important role in the metabolism of calcium - the main mineral that makes up our skeleton, phosphorus is also an assistant in bone calcification. However, note that there is no calcium itself in rye, which means that milk should be added to the product from it in order to get the most from both.
  6. Prevention of anemia … Anemia is a blood condition that develops when there is insufficient iron intake in the body. Rye bread is a good source of iron, and by consuming it, you can promote the synthesis of healthy blood cells. By the way, iron is not the only mineral required for the reproduction of red blood cells; the copper present in the product is also required.
  7. Normalization of the immune system … Iron is involved in the production of not only red blood cells, but also white, that is, leukocytes - cells in our immune system. Thus, when consuming bread made from rye flour, one can count on an increase in the body's defenses. Iron in stimulating the immune system is also helped by selenium, which is actively involved in the immune response.
  8. Strengthening the cardiovascular system … Here, of course, the role of magnesium is very important - one of the main elements for stabilizing the rhythm, regulating pressure, maintaining proper vascular tone. But it is important to note that, in addition, magnesium as a whole is extremely necessary for our body, since it is involved in more than 300 metabolic reactions.
  9. Improving overall tone and energy levels … Manganese is also involved in many metabolic processes, it is especially important for the normal construction of bones and connective tissue, adequate transmission of nerve impulses.

Finally, it is important to note the high content of fiber in the composition of rye flour, which is a kind of "broom" for the intestines, it collects all the "litter", that is, toxins and toxins, and removes it from the body.

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Contraindications and harm to rye flour

Disease of the digestive system in a girl
Disease of the digestive system in a girl

Baking from rye flour is more useful than baking from wheat, however, when using it, one way or another, it is important to take into account a number of features. First of all, it is worth remembering about moderation in consumption, although rye bread is healthy, food should be varied. A couple of pieces of quality baked goods without artificial additives is a very good norm.

However, there are those for whom it is contraindicated even in small quantities. Rye flour can harm people who:

  • Suffer from diseases of the digestive system- especially we are talking about increased gas production, colitis, ulcers, increased acidity of the stomach.
  • Have celiac disease or gluten intolerance - in rye flour, contrary to popular belief, as well as in wheat, this component is present.

Since the product tends to stimulate gas formation, it is prohibited in the postoperative period and is not recommended for pregnant women.

Please note that there is also a moment of individual intolerance to rye flour. If, after consuming the product, you feel one or another negative symptomatology, it means that this nutritional component simply does not suit you.

Note! If you are prescribed a therapeutic diet, be sure to consult with your doctor about whether you can eat rye in one form or another.

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Rye flour baking recipes

Rye flour gingerbread
Rye flour gingerbread

The main dish made from rye flour is, of course, bread. However, if you add another type of flour to the recipe, which compensates for the too characteristic taste of the cereal, you can also bake various pies, pancakes, gingerbread cookies, and cookies.

Let's take a look at some interesting rye flour recipes:

  1. Pancakes with caviar and original sauce … Beat eggs (3 pieces) with milk (400 ml), add sour cream (4 tablespoons), sugar (1 tablespoon), salt (1/2 tsp), stir. Dissolve yeast (1/2 tsp) in warm water, transfer to the prepared mixture. Gradually add rye (100 g), then wheat flour (100 g). Leave it on for half an hour. Mix separately sour cream (100 g), finely chopped green onions (50 g), cilantro (20 g), unrefined sunflower oil (1 tablespoon), lemon juice (2 tablespoons), Dijon mustard (1 tsp. l.). Then add red caviar (50 g). Put salt, sugar, pepper in the prepared sauce to taste. Preheat a skillet, bake pancakes, serve with sauce.
  2. Sour cream cookies … Break eggs (2 pieces), add sugar (3 tablespoons), melted butter (50 g) and sour cream (2 tablespoons) - add each ingredient gradually. Pour in baking soda (1/2 tsp), the rest of the flour (2 cups). Roll out the dough into a thin layer, brush it with beaten egg yolk. Slice cookies, bake at 180OC for 15-25 minutes.
  3. Gingerbread … The properties of rye flour make it possible to bake excellent gingerbread from it, so there is no need to add wheat flour here. Melt the butter (60 g), add sugar (70 g), cocoa (2/3 tbsp), separately beaten egg (1 piece), cinnamon (1/2 tsp), ginger (1/2 tsp), coriander (1/2 tsp), stir. Put flour (1 glass), soda (1 tsp), after extinguishing it with vinegar. Knead the dough, mold balls from it, bake at a temperature of 200OC for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Wickets with potatoes … What else can and should be baked from rye flour is gates - open pies with potatoes according to a special Karelian recipe. They are prepared simply, and the taste is very unusual. Make mashed potatoes according to your favorite recipe, or use this: boil potatoes (6 pieces), mash with a beaten egg (1 piece), cream (200 ml), sour cream (1 tablespoon), butter (50 g) - this and there will be a filling. Now let's do the dough: mix rye (1 cup) and wheat (1 cup) flour, kefir (1 cup), add a little salt to taste. Knead the dough, cut it into small pieces, roll each into a cake, put the filling in the middle, fold the edges of the dough to make something like a tartlet. Mix sour cream (2 tablespoons) and an egg (1 piece), brush the pies with this sauce. Bake at 180OFrom until golden brown.
  5. Charlotte with apples and plums … Mix eggs (3 eggs) with sugar (170 g), beat well so that the contents of the bowl increase at least 2 times. Add rye (2 tablespoons) and wheat (1 tablespoon) flour, baking powder (1 teaspoon), vanillin and chopped walnuts to taste. Lubricate the pan with butter. Cut apples (2 pieces), plums (5 pieces), transfer to a mold and cover with dough. Bake for about an hour at 180OWITH.

As you can see, the potential of the product is huge, but because you can make more from rye flour, you can easily invent it yourself - add it to all your favorite recipes, making them not only more original, but also healthier.

Interesting facts about rye flour

What does rye flour look like?
What does rye flour look like?

Ground rye grains are good not only in baking, but also in folk medicine, as well as cosmetology. Various masks, homemade shampoos, ointments for skin health are made from them, which, judging by the reviews, are very effective.

Rye baked goods have always been prized by Christians during Lent, because they are rich in vitamins and minerals, and are able to eliminate the deficit of a depleted diet due to the prohibition to consume animal food.

According to GOST, rye flour can be additionally enriched with macro- and microelements - such bread is even healthier, be sure to look for it in the store.

Ground rye grains can be brewed like coffee - the taste is practically indistinguishable, and the benefits of the drink are much higher, while there is no threat to the heart and blood vessels.

On the shelves of health food stores, you can find a variety of rye products - all kinds of breads and breads, pastries, cereals and even pasta!

Rye bread is stored in a plastic bag better than in paper - it loses its softness more slowly.

Watch a video about the properties of rye flour:

Rye flour is a healthy and tasty product. It is rich in important biologically active components to a much greater extent than its wheat "sister". Be sure to check out rye bread in the store or add healthy ground grains to homemade baked goods yourself. However, consider consumption rates and contraindications.