Basic rules for fast body drying for girls. Sample menu for 4 days. What can you eat when drying the body for girls, prohibited foods.
Body Drying for Women is a nutritional program designed to eliminate subcutaneous fat while preserving muscle mass. The diet developed for the fair sex differs from the male one, which is due to the structural features of their body. Consider what drying the body is for women, what foods are allowed on the diet, and what are prohibited.
Features of drying the body for women

Drying the body for women is a diet that is characterized by the maximum reduction in the amount of carbohydrates and an increase in the amount of protein products. The nutrition program allows you to maintain and, if desired, build muscle, reducing the amount of body fat.
However, when developing a drying menu for women, keep in mind: in women, the subcutaneous fat layer is distributed differently than in men. In the fair sex, fat stores are deposited in the thighs and lower abdomen. Thus, the body creates an energy reserve that is used to feed the fetus during pregnancy, to protect the baby from cold and damage.
It is more difficult for women to get rid of subcutaneous fat than men. The fair sex also does not have the task of rapidly growing muscle mass, and weight loss is in the first place. In this regard, girls should not consume large amounts of protein for drying, and the amount of carbohydrates should be reduced to a minimum.
Important! Split exercises and aerobics are great additions to your diet. They will speed up fat burning.
Basic drying rules for women

To correctly build a menu on a drying diet for women and get the desired result, follow these rules:
- Eat small meals 5 to 7 times a day to help maintain stable blood sugar levels.
- Drink up to 1.5-2 liters of clean cool water a day. For its utilization, the body spends additional energy.
- Count calories, gradually reducing their number with carbohydrates. However, it is impossible to abruptly refuse carbohydrate food. The depletion of glycogen stores leads to the burning of muscle mass and worsening of the condition.
- The full course is 8 to 12 weeks. Remember: fast drying of the body for girls lasts at least 6 weeks. The dietary course does not imply early weight loss. Diet changes should be gradual and planned so as not to harm your health.
- Training should be intense and include isolated exercises.
- The amount of protein products in the drying diet for women is 50-60%, or 2-3 g per 1 kg of body weight.
- Eat porridge, carbohydrate foods in the morning.
- Cut calories in moderation (100-200 kcal per week). Otherwise, the body slows down its metabolism, trying to stock up on body fat for future use.
- Fat burners can help you. They activate the nervous system, prevent metabolic slowdown, and allow fat cells to release fat.
- If the metabolism slows down while drying the body for women, increase the dosage of fats and carbohydrates for one day. This "shake-up" will speed up your metabolism.
- Include fish in your diet. It stimulates the burning of subcutaneous fat.
- Reduce the amount of salt in your meals.
When composing a nutrition program for drying the body for women, take into account your own weight and body characteristics.
Permitted and prohibited foods for drying the body for women

In the photo, food products for drying the body for women
The body drying food list for women contains lean proteins, dairy products, vegetables, and acidic fruits. Ladies are advised to increase their vegetable intake and reduce the amount of carbohydrates as much as possible.
Allowed products for drying the body for women:
- lean meat, fish, eggs;
- low-fat dairy products (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese);
- vegetables with a low starch content (cabbage, cucumbers, celery, herbs);
- sour berries and fruits (cranberries, lingonberries, green apples, citrus fruits);
- legumes;
- oatmeal, pearl barley, buckwheat porridge on the water;
- green tea, herbal teas.
Vegetables, meat, fish are stewed, baked, steamed.
Pickles, smoked products, flour products, sweets, alcohol, coffee are strictly prohibited during the drying process for women. Sweet fruits, potatoes, beets, carrots are undesirable because they contain fast carbohydrates.
Read more about the body drying nutrition program
Body drying menu for women
Knowing what you can eat when drying the body for girls, build your own menu, taking into account the above rules. To make it easier to cope with the task, we offer a sample menu for 4 days for women weighing 60-70 kg with a height of 150-168 cm:
Eating | 1 day (normal) | 2-3 days (reduction of carbohydrates) | Day 4 (increase in carbohydrates) |
Breakfast | 30 g rice, stewed fish, half an orange | Glass of milk, omelet | 30 g oatmeal in water with a spoonful of raisins |
Lunch | Glass of milk, omelet | A third of bell pepper, 60 g of boiled veal, lettuce | 30 g boiled rice, 3 egg whites, half an orange, herbs |
Dinner | Tomato, 60 g of boiled chicken, 30 g of boiled buckwheat, olives | Lemon slice, 150 g broccoli, 80 g baked fish | 60 g boiled veal, 30 g rice, olives, lettuce |
Dinner | Half an orange, banana, 100 g of cottage cheese | 300 ml of kefir | 120 ml yogurt and 120 g cottage cheese |
What is body drying for women - watch the video:

Reviews about drying the body for women are mostly positive. Many people manage to achieve the desired results. Only a few claim to have experienced severe hunger on the diet. Units have failed to lose weight. However, in general, the program works and significantly reduces body weight.