Features and principles of the Bormental diet, permitted and prohibited foods. Bormental diet menu for weight loss for the day and week. Results, real reviews.
The Bormental diet is a food system based on a strict calculation of the calorie content of dishes. As a result, obese people manage to lose weight without resorting to intense fasting. But the diet has contraindications, and they must be taken into account before starting a weight loss course.
Features of the Bormental diet for weight loss

The Bormental diet for weight loss was developed in 2001 by the psychotherapist Valery Romatsky, together with nutritionists. The author's concept is based on psychotherapeutic techniques in combination with a low-calorie diet. According to the creator of the diet, the main reason for overeating is eating disorder and trying to "seize" problems and stress.
When following a diet, the emphasis is not only on calories and strict adherence to the diet, but also on psychological work. A person forms an attitude to be slim and self-confidence.
The concept of V. Romatsky formed the basis of the principles of the clinic "Doctor Bormental". The approach to losing weight is considered the most progressive, the experience has been adopted by Western nutritionists.
Principles of the Bormental diet:
- No grueling hunger strikes. All foods are allowed, but the emphasis is still on healthy and low-calorie foods.
- During the day, a person needs to consume no more than 1000 kcal. Athletes and physically active people will need 1200 kcal.
- According to the diet, 5-6 meals a day are provided. The distribution of the daily ration is as follows: breakfast - 25%, lunch - 40%, dinner - 20%, second breakfast - 10%, afternoon tea or second dinner - 5%.
- A portion weighs no more than 200 g.
- You need to consume protein foods (meat, fish, eggs, dairy products) every day. At least 50 g of pure protein should be supplied per day.
- Breakfast, lunch and dinner remain the heaviest meals. There are at least 2 light snacks in between.
- Dr. Bormental's diet is followed until the weight stabilizes. When body weight fluctuations disappear, you can adjust the diet by adding more high-calorie foods, but at the same time monitoring the body's response.
- During the diet, it is prescribed to attend classes with a psychotherapist to increase motivation. Group sessions with experts in meditation and breathing exercises are also recommended.
- Once a week, a fasting day is observed, during which they eat vegetables or drink kefir.
- Fasting is excluded: it leads to stress and breakdowns. But it is important to distinguish between hunger and appetite. The first is born as a sensation in the stomach, the second - in the head.
- Products on a diet must be liked, otherwise the effect of weight loss will not come.
- You need to drink as much water per day as the body requires.
- To get better results from your diet, use physical activity. They should not be too heavy due to the reduced calorie content of the food. Take a walk in the fresh air, run in the morning, walk more.
- To monitor the calorie content of food, it is recommended to keep a food diary that records each meal.
- Track your weight loss weekly. To increase the plumb line, do not forget about wraps, beauty treatments, a bath or a sauna.
Despite the fact that the diet suggests an intake of no more than 1000-1200 kcal per day, these figures are an average value. Each person has its own calorie corridor depending on height, i.e. the volume within which the body functions normally, and excess calories are not stored as fat.
To calculate the lower limit, it is necessary to subtract 100 from the height value and multiply the resulting value by 10. For example, a person 160 cm tall should not consume less than 600 kcal per day, otherwise such a meager diet is dangerous to health.
To calculate the upper limit, add 300 kcal to the lower one (400 kcal if you are active). A person with a height of 160 cm cannot consume more than 900 kcal per day, otherwise they will be deposited in the form of fat reserves.
Calculations are also made based on the ideal weight. For a 170 cm woman, the ideal weight is 69 kg. Calculations are made as follows: (Height - 100) * 1, 15.
To get the right amount of calories per day, multiply the ideal weight by 24. It turns out that a woman with a height of 170 cm needs 1656 kcal per day. But if she wants to lose weight, the energy value of the Bormental diet menu for a week needs to be reduced by 20%. It turns out that the diet for weight loss should be in the range of 1200-1300 kcal.
The Bormental diet menu is good because it does not force you to give up your favorite foods. You can consume them in moderation within the established calorie content. But since the energy value of the diet is significantly reduced, weakness, drowsiness, and decreased immunity may be observed.
Also, the Bormental diet has contraindications:
- age under 18 and after 60 years;
- lactating and pregnant women;
- diabetes;
- mental and nervous disorders;
- recent stroke or heart attack.
If you follow all the instructions, follow the recommendations of experts, then you will definitely be able to lose weight.
Allowed foods on the Bormental diet

In the Bormental diet menu, the emphasis is not on the selection of products, but on the total calorie content of the food and the volumes of portions. Sweets, flour products are permissible, but in an amount that does not exceed the total energy value of the diet.
To make the right menu, you will have to choose low-calorie foods. These include vegetables, fruits, and cereals that are low in gluten. The diet involves the use of at least 50 g of pure protein per day (not protein products!).
Permitted types of meat include:
- hen;
- Turkey;
- rabbit;
- lean pork or beef.
Eggs, fish, legumes, nuts are also a source of valuable protein. The latter have a high calorie content, so they eat them little by little, 30-40 g per day. Meat and fish are used boiled or stewed.
It is allowed to drink clean water, compotes, herbal teas, fruit drinks, juices. A little sugar can be added to tea or coffee if the total calorie content of the drink is within the total energy value of the diet.
Prohibited foods on the Bormental diet

For the Bormental diet to be beneficial for every day, you will have to exclude or reduce the amount of high-calorie foods from the diet. These include:
- fresh baked goods, bakery products;
- pasta;
- smoked meats, pickles, fried foods;
- alcohol;
- sweets, ice cream;
- soda, industrial drinks;
- sugar.
There are no strict restrictions. But if you use the listed products, you will not be able to reduce the calorie content of the diet and eat fractionally. You can include 1 marshmallow or candy in the menu, but only within the established calorie content.
Alcoholic beverages will have to be completely abandoned. They are incompatible with weight loss, since they are very high in calories and provoke weight gain. When you're slim, you can add some natural red wine to your menu.
Bormental diet menu for weight loss
To compose the diet of the Bormental diet for a week, first calculate your calorie corridor using the above formula. Then decide which foods you would like to include on the menu. Do not forget about the benefits for the body. Focus on fruits and vegetables, meat, fish and eggs, but you can treat yourself to your favorite sweets in small amounts. Further options for the Bormental diet menu for the day and week, which will help everyone to lose weight.
Bormental diet menu for the day
Considering the percentage of each of the 5-6 meals, let's try to compose the Bormental diet menu for the day. If you understand the basic principles of the diet, it is not difficult to vary products and dishes in the future. Use online calorie calculators and calorie tables to calculate the energy value of food.
Here's a sample of Bormental's diet menu for every day:
Eating | Menu |
Breakfast | 80 g of boiled buckwheat, 100 g of boiled chicken breast, 1 tomato, shortbread cookies (1 pc.), 1 glass of tea without sugar. |
Lunch | 100 g of boiled pike perch, 2 whole grain breads, marshmallows (1 pc.), 1 glass of tea without sugar. |
Dinner | 250 g of pea soup, 100 g of boiled turkey meat, 100 g of beet salad, tea with a spoonful of sugar and lemon. |
Afternoon snack | 200 g of fruit salad. |
Dinner | 140 g of rice stewed with bell peppers, 100 g of pickled cucumbers, 2 chocolate bar windows, a glass of sugar-free tea. |
Second supper | 200 g cabbage soup with sour cream, 2 rye bread, a glass of kefir of the lowest fat content. |
If you follow the indicated menu, the daily calorie content is about 1200 kcal. Moreover, each meal is complete and balanced.
Bormental diet menu for the week
According to the specified sample, it is easy to compose a weekly menu within the required calorie content. Make a selection of foods needed to formulate a diet. Distribute them for each day so that dishes and recipes for the Bormental diet alternate and allow you to get all the nutrients from food.
An example of a Bormental diet menu by day by week:
Day of week | Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner | Afternoon snack | Dinner | Second supper |
Monday | 2 eggs, 50 g cookies; a glass of tea without sugar, 100 g of seaweed salad | Sugar free tea, 2 chocolate bar windows | 200 g of mushroom soup, cabbage salad with vegetable oil, 100 g of boiled potatoes, 50 g of boiled fish, tea without sugar | 100 g salad or vinaigrette | 100 g of boiled buckwheat with 30 g of beef, a glass of tea without sugar | A cup of kefir 1% |
Tuesday | Egg, 100 g of boiled pearl barley, apple, tea without sugar | A glass of low-fat yogurt, 150 g cherries | Vegetable soup, 150 g of boiled rice with beef, tea with a spoonful of sugar | 100 g boiled cod, tomato, rye bread, sugar-free tea | 100 g stewed cabbage, tea with a spoonful of sugar | A cup of curdled milk |
Wednesday | 80 g steamed chicken, tomato, sugar-free black coffee | Tea with marshmallows (1 pc.) | 150 g of boiled pollock, sweet bell pepper, 100 g of boiled rice groats, green tea | Grapefruit, beef stew with herbs | Cucumber and tomato salad, half a glass of low-fat kefir | Apple |
Thursday | 100 g of boiled buckwheat with milk, sugar-free coffee | 1 pancake, bell pepper | 200 g cabbage soup, 200 g fresh cabbage, whole grain bread | 200 g of chicken, stewed with tomatoes and peppers, a glass of low-fat kefir | 2 slices of whole grain bread, a glass of low-fat yogurt | - |
Friday | 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, sugar-free tea with cookies | Mandarin, 50 walnuts | 200 g of boiled fish with vegetables, 100 g of black bread, a glass of low-fat kefir | A cup of tomato juice, boiled chicken leg | 200 g salad with cabbage, cucumber and peas | Non-fat ice cream with milk |
Saturday | 80 g boiled buckwheat with soy sauce, meringue cake with sugar-free tea | 200 g cabbage cabbage soup with sour cream, 2 rye bread, a cup of coffee without sugar, 2 marmalades | 200 g boiled potatoes, 100 g stewed flounder, 150 g sauerkraut, tea with a piece of marmalade | 100 g of boiled beef, 80 g of boiled rice groats, 100 g of pickled cucumbers, tea without sugar | Banana with half a cup of kefir | - |
Sunday | Boiled oatmeal with milk, coffee with milk, banana | A glass of low-fat yogurt or kefir | 300 g cauliflower soup | 150 g fresh strawberries | 50 g of baked chicken with cheese, 200 g of boiled buckwheat | Tea, apple |
Considering the above recommendations, you can make your own Bormental diet menu for a month.
Results of the Bormental diet for weight loss

If you adhere to all the rules, exercise moderately, maintain a positive attitude, the results on the Bormental diet are 6-12 kg per month. The plumb line is already visible in the first week. Program participants lost 2-5 kg in 7 days.
Bormental's diet can be the basis for building your own diet of proper nutrition. Once your weight has stabilized, you can slightly increase your calories and maintain a healthy weight throughout your life.
Real reviews of the Bormental diet

Reviews of Bormental's diet are mostly positive. Everyone who has tried such a food system notes its effectiveness. Thanks to the low calorie content, it is possible to stabilize the weight in literally 1-2 months, if people are not severely obese. A properly composed diet allows you to maintain an excellent figure in the future.
Anastasia, 29 years old
After pregnancy, she recovered greatly. I learned about Bormental's diet via the Internet. Paid programs were expensive for me, and I tried to lose weight myself. At first it was difficult to maintain the mood, but I myself took up meditation, and after a week I did not feel a lack of calories. There was strength, endurance. I lost 6 kg in 2 weeks.
Alexandra, 34 years old
After 30 years, it is already difficult to lose weight. But I was inspired by Bormental's diet and decided to try it. I took the menu on the Internet, corrected it and strictly followed it. Within a week, she lost 4 kg. It inspired me, continued for a month. I didn’t feel weak. Now I continue to eat almost the same.
Marina, 56 years old
On the Bormental diet, I lost 10 kg in 3 weeks. This is my personal achievement, which came only thanks to this diet. I will say that it was morally difficult. But I had personal motivation and I was able to. Now food according to Bormental has become like a native and very convenient.
What is the Bormental diet - watch the video: