Phytolamination is a medical procedure for dyeing hair. Find out all the subtleties and features of its implementation. Well-groomed, beautiful and healthy hair is the key to feminine attractiveness. That is why girls pay special attention to the process of caring for curls - natural homemade masks, expensive salon cosmetic procedures, massages, the use of sprays and balms. However, despite the mass of efforts made, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result.
Simple hair dyeing can negate all efforts, since the dye contains aggressive chemicals that penetrate into the curls and disrupt their structure. All this leads to increased dryness, brittleness of hair, they become lifeless and lose their natural shine. But this is not a reason to completely abandon staining.
Japanese manufacturers of cosmetics were able to develop a truly revolutionary product, thanks to which it is possible to prevent or minimize the risk of injury to hair during dyeing, while restoring its damaged structure. This product does not contain ammonia or other harmful chemicals. A novelty on the market was launched by the Lebel trademark, presenting the LUQUIAS product for hair phytolamination.
Phytolamination: what is it?

Phytolamination is a procedure during which the strands are dyed in a certain color. At the same time, an intensive restoration of the keratin layer takes place at the same time, since the influence of biologically active substances in the composition of the drug used during the procedure is exerted.
Thanks to phytolamination, literally after the first procedure, the curls return an attractive healthy shine. Even heavily damaged hair is restored, due to which the strands become stronger, the color is uniform, and additional volume appears.
Girls who have already tried this procedure on themselves claim that the main drawback is that the result obtained will last about one month on average, as well as the rather high cost of phytolamination.
Contraindications for phytolamination

Like any other cosmetic procedure, phytolamination of hair has certain disadvantages:
- rashes on the scalp;
- scratches, cuts and other damage to the scalp.
First, you will need to cure the scalp and only then carry out phytolamination.
What is the difference between phytolamination and staining?

This procedure has a lot of positive qualities, thanks to which it becomes more and more popular every day:
- It has a sparing effect. A simple dye gives the hair the desired shade by penetrating into the deep layers of the hair - as a result of exposure to chemicals, the hair scales open, so the dye penetrates inside and the natural element is destroyed, which is replaced by dye compounds. For this reason, after the dyeing procedure, the hair becomes unprotected and porous. The influence of color phytolamination occurs according to a different principle - not only dyes, but also nutrients around each hair create a uniform and fairly dense film. In this case, the structure of the hair is not disturbed, but its internal restoration begins, nutrition with useful natural substances.
- You can carry out the phytolamination procedure immediately after bleaching or perming. As a rule, after carrying out such procedures, which have an aggressive effect, stylists are advised to give the hair an opportunity to rest and not to re-dye it, since as a result, the keratin layer of the hair can be completely destroyed. But with the phytolamination procedure, everything is a little different - there is an intensive restoration of injured hair, after a recent exposure to aggressive chemicals. Phytolamination helps to restore the beautiful natural shine of the curls and return them to a healthy and attractive appearance.
- The procedure gives a healthy shine to the strands, which will last for about 8 weeks. At the end of the staining procedure, as a rule, a special balm is applied to add shine. But after the first wash, you can notice that the color becomes duller and the beautiful shine disappears. Phytolamination has a regenerating effect due to the influence of natural polymers, returns to its natural shine and lasts for several months, and it does not matter how often the hair is washed.
- Overdose is impossible. During phytolamination, the hair is saturated with valuable trace elements and vitamins of natural origin. Each hair absorbs as much nutrients as needed. That is why it is simply impossible to cause harm by carrying out the procedure too often. But with each procedure, the curls will become stronger, more obedient and more beautiful.
What is included in the phytolamination preparation?

All drugs that will be used during the procedure have only a natural and natural composition, therefore, they practically have no contraindications. As a rule, these are essential oils, herbal extracts and vitamins. Therefore, the phytolamination procedure can be carried out even with a tendency to allergies, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, for owners of sensitive scalp.
The composition of preparations for phytolamination includes:
- Hydrolyzed natural silk proteins. This substance in its structure and composition is as close as possible to the composition of the keratin layer of the hair. During the procedure, under the influence of a stream of warm air, protein molecules are broken down, due to which they penetrate much more easily into the structure of the hair, which is filled from the inside, its surface is leveled, the integrity of the keratin sheath is restored, a protective film is formed around the hair along its entire length. As a result, the strands return their natural elasticity, smoothness, shine, and easier combing after washing.
- Sunflower seed extract. This substance has the ability to create a reliable protective barrier, preventing negative effects from ultraviolet rays, chlorinated and sea water.
- Grape seed extract. This substance is a natural and completely natural antioxidant, thanks to which the hair receives reliable and long-term protection from the negative effects of various environmental factors. Grape seed extract helps to restore the correct moisture balance of the hair, provides saturation with essential nutrients and vitamins.
- Soy bean extract. This substance provides deep moisturizing as well as conditioning curls.
- Corn proteins. This element provides the saturation of the hair with the necessary nutrients, it has a stimulating effect on the growth of curls. Also acts on the condition of the scalp, normalizing the process of sebum production.
Advantages of the phytolamination procedure

Phytolamination of hair has a lot of advantages, thanks to which every day it becomes more and more popular procedure:
- curls look well-groomed literally after the first procedure;
- this procedure is used for long and short hair;
- strands acquire additional volume (about 10%);
- a fairly persistent effect is achieved;
- strands become more obedient and the styling process is greatly facilitated;
- it turns out to be uniform toning and washing off of color;
- along the entire length, the curls become smooth, soft and obedient;
- the shade of the hair becomes as natural as possible;
- the ends are sealed, so that they will not have to be cut;
- after the procedure, the problem of electrification completely disappears;
- reliable protection of hair from various types of negative effects is provided - for example, ultraviolet rays, hot styling, sea water, etc.;
- a transparent product can be used during the procedure, due to which the natural shade of the hair is preserved;
- normalized lipid and water balance;
- a fairly diverse palette is presented to perform color phytolamination;
- ideal for hair of different types and structures;
- with the help of colored phytalamination, you can mask gray hair;
- this procedure has almost no contraindications;
- due to the influence of natural substances, hair is strengthened;
- the laminating agent used is safe for women in an interesting position;
- there is no negative effect on the condition of the hair;
- the composition used for the procedure does not have an unpleasant odor;
- the duration of the procedure is about 1, 5 hours.
How is the phytolamination procedure done?

First of all, the diagnosis of the condition of the hair is carried out, before the master starts directly with the phytolamination procedure. It is determined in what condition the hair is, since the choice of composition for the procedure will depend on this.
Then the hair is washed well, slightly dried with a hairdryer so that it is not wet, but a little damp.
A basic composition is applied to the strands, the main function of which is to ensure a better interaction of the hair with the drug used.
A laminate is applied to each individual strand, but it is important to step back a few mm from the roots.
After the product is evenly distributed along the length of the hair, the curls are covered with a plastic cap and such a compress is left for exactly half an hour. It is very important that a constant supply of warm air to the strands is ensured, so the master uses a hairdryer. It is thanks to the effect of high temperature that active penetration of biologically active components into the hair begins, and it is restored from the inside.
After the specified time has elapsed, the laminate is washed off the hair with a large amount of running water. Then a special balm is applied to secure the result. With the help of a hairdryer, the hair is dried, if necessary, styling can be done using an iron.
The duration of the procedure is about 1, 5 hours, it all depends on the length of the hair. After 2 weeks, a gradual washing off of the composition will begin, and the effect obtained will last for about 6-8 weeks. The phytolamination procedure is completely safe, so it can be carried out at any convenient time, but it is better to trust the hands of an experienced master. It is not recommended to carry out additional staining with simple paint after this procedure, since there is a risk of losing the result obtained.
You will learn more about the phytolamination procedure from this video: