Proper body drying for men: tips and tricks, program features. Menu for the week, permitted and prohibited foods.
Body Drying for Men is a nutritional program that involves changing the ratio of carbohydrates to protein in the diet in order to gain as much muscle mass as possible. Representatives of the stronger sex have to deal with body fat to a lesser extent than women, which affects both the diet and the nature of physical activity.
Features of drying the body for men

Drying the body is perfect for men: the program is designed to develop the relief of the muscles. The diet involves a limited intake of carbohydrates, which leads to the breakdown of glycogen, and then fat.
The decrease in the amount of carbohydrates occurs gradually. If you abruptly remove them from the diet, poisoning occurs. Due to the lack of glucose, the body does not have time to break down the ketone bodies formed when nutrients are burned. As a result, the blood is oxidized, and the person may fall into a coma.
The drying diet for men also takes into account the characteristics of the male body. Representatives of the stronger sex tolerate hunger harder, and therefore the portion of carbohydrates and proteins on the menu is larger than that of women. Men can safely increase the amount of protein, because it is necessary for the rapid building of muscle mass.
A diet for drying men is combined with strength training. It is optimal to practice according to the principle of circular training. The exercises follow in cycles one after the other. For one lesson, it is recommended to do 3-4 cycles, each with 15 repetitions. Load weight should be 20% less than normal muscle building workouts.
Important! When drying a body for men, avoid exhausting exercises in the gym. If you feel tired, take a break.
Body drying tips and tricks for men

Proper body drying for men implies the following rules:
- Don't skip breakfast. Deviation from dietary prescriptions negatively affects metabolic processes.
- Fats must be present in the drying diet for men. Their absence leads to hair loss, dry skin. Eat small amounts of lard, milk, butter, pork, lamb, cheeses, cocoa, fish, nuts.
- Eliminate snacks. Flour products, pickles, smoked meats, sweets, ketchup interrupt appetite and lead to weight gain.
- Don't eat late at night or at night. The drying program for men eliminates nighttime snacks. At this time, the metabolism slows down, and the body does not have time to digest the food eaten.
- Eat small meals every 3-4 hours. Switch to 5-7 meals a day. To satisfy your hunger between meals, use protein shakes or apples, citrus fruits.
- Avoid bad habits. Smoking, alcohol has a negative effect on the relief of the body.
- Drink more water. When drying the body for men, the drinking regime is 2-3 liters per day.
- Include slow carbohydrates with fiber in your diet. These products include vegetables, cereals, fruits.
- Do cardio workouts 15 minutes before and after your main activities.
- Take vitamin and mineral supplements to replenish nutritional deficiencies. Lack of minerals leads to loss of muscle mass.
- Reduce the amount of sugar. If there is no slimming effect, reduce the amount of sugar in the diet when drying for men.
Check your blood glucose regularly. It must remain stable to get a result.
Permitted and prohibited foods for drying the body for men

In the photo, food products for drying the body for men
Because strength training requires a lot of energy, carbohydrates in a body drying program for men account for up to 45% of the total diet. It is desirable that these are complex carbohydrates, which require more time and energy to break down.
BJU when drying a body for men looks like this:
- 40% - carbohydrates;
- 50% - proteins;
- 10% fat.
The amount of protein is calculated by the formula: 1.5-3 g per 1 kg of body weight, depending on the period of the diet. An athlete receives up to 70% of protein from food, 30% from food additives.
When quickly drying the body for men, it is allowed to include in the menu:
- steamed, stewed, or cooked lean meats;
- egg whites;
- boiled squid;
- fish;
- buckwheat and oatmeal on the water;
- rye flour pasta;
- zucchini, herbs, apples, grapefruit;
- herbal or green tea.
Monitor your calorie intake closely. To shake up the body and avoid slowing down your metabolism, sometimes arrange high carbohydrate days.
Avoid fatty, fried, salty and smoked foods, alcohol, sweets.
Body drying menu for men
To create your own body drying menu, use the suggested sample for a man weighing about 90 kg and 180 cm tall:
Eating | 1 day (normal) | 2-3 days (minimum carbohydrates) | Day 4 (more carbs) |
Breakfast | 200 g potatoes, 200 g boiled chicken, cabbage, tomato | 200 g fish, 100 g cabbage, tomato | 10 g boiled potatoes, 1 protein, 100 g chicken, a third of sweet pepper, half a cucumber, 3 cabbage leaves |
Second reception | 250 g cottage cheese, 2 tangerines, banana | 8 egg whites, 2 oranges | |
Third reception | 300 g of boiled rice, 3 cabbage leaves, 200 g of fish, a third of bell pepper | 200 g chicken, 2 lemon wedges, 150 g zucchini, greens | 200 g of cottage cheese, 200 ml of kefir, 4 tangerines |
Dinner | 100 g boiled veal, 150 g potatoes, 5 egg whites, cabbage | 8 egg whites, 2 grapefruits | 150 g potatoes, 2 boiled eggs, tomato, 100 g chicken meat, bell pepper, 2 lettuce leaves |
Afternoon snack | 200 g chicken, 60 g boiled rice, lettuce, tomato, a third of bell pepper | 200 g fish, 100 g cabbage, tomato | |
Second afternoon snack | 200 g fish, tomato, salad, 70 g pasta | Orange, kiwi, a third of a grapefruit, half an apple, 10 pcs. grapes and almonds | |
Dinner | 200 g chicken, a glass of orange juice | Green onions, pounded loaf, 1/2 tomato, 2 cans of tuna, 1 tsp. olive oil | 10 pieces. grapes, walnuts, orange, half an apple, a third of a grapefruit |
What is body drying for men - watch the video:

Drying the body for men is great for strengthening muscles and burning subcutaneous fat quickly. Feedback from athletes shows that with the right approach, you can get a beautiful body relief. But it is important to observe the number of calories: their excess is just as harmful as a lack of nutrition.