Israeli diet for weight loss: principles, menus, reviews

Israeli diet for weight loss: principles, menus, reviews
Israeli diet for weight loss: principles, menus, reviews

The principles of the Israeli diet, prohibited and permitted foods. Diet options, daily menu, reviews and results.

The Israeli diet is a weight loss method developed on the basis of the principles of separate nutrition. The diet is designed for 10 days, during which you can lose 2-3 kg. The diet cannot be called strict, but everyone can lose weight according to it.

The principles of the Israeli diet

Breakfast on an Israeli diet
Breakfast on an Israeli diet

Israeli cuisine is simple and hearty. She absorbed the traditions of the surrounding cultures:

  • the peoples of the Mediterranean;
  • the population of Eastern Europe;
  • Bedouins;
  • ideas of Shelton (nutritionist-innovator in the field of separate nutrition).

Although Jewish cuisine is high in calories, it is simple and healthy. Israeli scientists are convinced that people are gaining excess weight not because they eat hearty food, but because of its improper use.

Diet advocates assure that foods are better absorbed when eaten separately. Scientists urge not to give up certain types of food, because it is good for the body (with the exception of fast food and other harmful products). Make the right menu and rationally correlate the products in it.

Important! Refusal to eat any type of food leads to health problems.

Nutritionists give clear recommendations on which foods you can combine or try to eat separately:

  • Meat, fish, eggs, cheese, seafood, i.e. proteins of animal origin, combined with vegetables containing a minimum of starch. Cook vegetables or avoid cooking vegetables. For consumption with animal proteins, cabbage, herbs, onions, tomatoes, asparagus are suitable. Do not eat beets, potatoes, carrots, as they contain a lot of starch. Do not combine fermented milk products, citrus fruits, milk, vegetable and butter with meat and fish.
  • Juices, compotes, fermented milk products, milk are considered food, not drinks. Accordingly, this is a separate meal or snack.
  • Fruits and berries cannot be combined with dairy products. They are best consumed separately as a snack. The exception is sour fruits and berries: green apples, cherries, kiwi, currants, etc.
  • You cannot combine different types of dairy products, for example, cottage cheese and sour cream or cottage cheese and yogurt. Better to eat them separately.
  • Bananas and grapes as high-calorie foods should be consumed in the morning.
  • You can only drink non-carbonated water during the day.
  • You can only fry in olive oil.
  • It is advisable to subject food to gentle processing: steam, simmer or bake.
  • You need to eat fractionally 5 times a day: 3 main meals and 2 snacks. Another option is biological clock. In the morning, the body assimilates food better and spends more energy, so breakfast should be hearty, and lunch and dinner light.
  • You need to eat between 10 am and 5 pm. Have dinner 4 hours before bedtime.
  • To restore metabolic processes in the morning on an empty stomach, drink 1-2 tsp. olive oil. A quarter of an hour before a meal, drink a glass of yogurt or yogurt without sugar.
  • With psoriasis, the Israeli diet recommends eating mainly vegetables and fruits with low-fat protein foods, including more cereals in the diet.
  • It is worth giving up food high in fat and carbohydrates, since it does not bring benefits, but contributes to the deposition of fat in the body.

Important! Although the Israeli diet for weight loss is designed for 10 days, it can be followed for longer. It does not harm the body. Nutritionists say: if you follow these principles, excess weight will not return.

Allowed and Prohibited Products

Sugar as a prohibited food on the Israeli diet
Sugar as a prohibited food on the Israeli diet

The classic Israeli diet menu permits almost all foods. There are no strict restrictions, but they are present in small numbers.

Prohibited foods in the Israeli diet include:

  • sugar;
  • fatty foods, pickles, smoked meats;
  • fast food;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • sweets, especially of industrial production.

The rest of the products are consumed in small portions in combinations provided by the diet. It is important not to overeat and remember that you are on a separate diet for the sake of losing weight.

Israeli diet for weight loss menu

There are different types of diets, tailored to different nutritional needs and conditions. Diet days and meals can be alternated in any sequence, observing the indicated principles.

Three meals a day menu

The option is suitable for those who spend a lot of time at work. You can stock up on the necessary dishes in advance and take them with you.

In the morning you should drink a spoonful of olive oil. Nutritionists recommend a glass of kefir 15 minutes before breakfast.

Israeli diet menu with three meals a day:

Day Breakfast Snack Dinner Dinner
First Omelet in olive oil, with onions and herbs, green tea without sugar Cucumber and tomato salad Boiled lean beef, 2 fresh cucumbers Baked fish, cabbage salad, black tea
Second Low-fat cottage cheese with green apples Non-starchy vegetable salad, coffee Baked chicken fillet, coffee Vegetable soup with broccoli, tea
Third 2 boiled eggs, cheese, green tea Shrimp or squid salad Steam cutlet with potatoes, tea Baked turkey, broccoli

Dishes can be alternated or new ones added. It is important to follow the principles of nutrition.

Menu with five meals a day

The food option is suitable for beginners. It is easy to carry, does not cause hunger.

Israeli diet menu with five meals a day:

Day First Second Third
Breakfast Egg, whole grain bread, oatmeal porridge Buckwheat porridge with 2 toasts Rice porridge with honey, apples
Lunch Yogurt A glass of kefir Sweet and sour berries
Dinner Vegetable soup, boiled chicken, broccoli Baked turkey with vegetables Borscht without meat, beef, cauliflower
Afternoon snack Non-starchy fruits Nuts Fruits
Dinner Steamed fish, green salad with lemon juice Stewed fish with tomatoes and eggplant Fish with green salad

Israeli diet menu by biological clock

Israeli diet by biological clock
Israeli diet by biological clock

The main rule of the diet is that at least 12 hours should pass between dinner and breakfast. In this regard, you can eat from 10 to 17 hours. During this period, food is completely digested and is not deposited as fat.

In the interval between the indicated hours, you can drink fermented milk products, tea, eat fruits and berries. There is no specific menu. You can eat all the permitted foods of the Israeli diet according to its principles.

Important! The diet is not suitable for people who work late or night shifts, as they will have to experience severe hunger.

Low Carb Israeli Diet

For those looking to lose weight quickly, a low-carb diet is recommended. It allows you to lose up to 5 kg in 3 days, while you do not experience discomfort and hunger.

Low Carb Israeli Diet Menu:

Day First Second Third
Breakfast Omelet of 3 eggs with herbs and onions, tea Cottage cheese, green apple, tea 2 boiled eggs, cheese, tea
Snack Vegetable salad with olive oil, cottage cheese Vegetable salad with olive oil Celery and seafood salad
Dinner Boiled meat, vegetable salad Boiled chicken with lemon juice and lettuce Boiled cutlets, vegetable soup
Dinner Baked fish with tomato and cucumber salad Vegetable soup with broccoli, cheese Boiled turkey with broccoli

The diet can be extended for a week or longer if the body tolerates it normally.

Bread Israeli diet

The diet was developed by Olga Raz, a nutritionist from Russia who moved to Israel. She made a connection between serotonin and certain foods. It turned out that when protein is consumed, this hormone is not released, and the person does not feel satisfaction.

Serotonin was released the most when eating bread. Olga Raz has developed a bread diet. Unlike other weight loss diets, where bread is a prohibited food, bread is allowed here. But you need to eat it separately from the main meals in combination with low-fat foods. It is better to eat low-calorie bread and exclude fatty foods from the diet.

During the day, be sure to eat fermented milk products, drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water. You can drink coffee or tea without sugar, eat vegetables and fruits.

Bread Israeli diet menu for the day:

Time Typical day Meat or fish day (3 times a week)
7-9 hours 1 tbsp. mineral water 1 tbsp. kefir or yogurt
9-11 hours 4 slices of bread, grated carrots, tea or coffee 3 slices of bread with sauerkraut, onions, tea
12-14 hours Apple or 1 tbsp. yoghurt Orange or 1 tbsp. low-fat yogurt
15-17 hours Stewed cabbage with butter, 4 slices of bread, soft-boiled egg, 1 tbsp. tomato juice Meat or fish with stewed vegetables or fruits, 1 tbsp. carrot juice
16-18 hours 1 tbsp. mineral water 1 tbsp. mineral water
17-19 hours 4 slices of bread, tomato and cucumber salad, vegetable soup, tea or coffee 3 slices of bread, vegetable soup, cauliflower, tea or coffee
18-20 hours 1 tbsp. carrot juice 1 tbsp. tomato juice
19-22 hours Vegetable stew with vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. water Stew with vegetables, cucumber, tomato, 3 radishes, 1 tbsp. water
21-24 hours 1 tbsp. yoghurt 1 tbsp. tea or water

The diets are followed for 2 weeks. If you want to extend your diet, add small portions of cereals, durum wheat pasta, and legumes to the menu.

Results of the Israeli diet

Results of the Israeli diet
Results of the Israeli diet

The Israeli diet has many critics. But it has proven to be effective thanks to the results obtained. The advantages of the development of Israeli nutritionists include:

  • Stable weight loss … Many people hardly manage to achieve a plumb line of 2-3 kg in 10 days. But the Israeli diet guarantees this result, and over the long term. Thanks to gentle weight loss, the body does not experience stress. For six months following a separate diet, you can get rid of 12-18 kg of excess weight.
  • No hard limits … Almost all foods are allowed to eat, with the exception of those that are really harmful to the body. To lose weight, it is enough to follow the diet rules.
  • Improvement of well-being, normalization of metabolism … Thanks to nutrition, it is possible to get rid of some diseases associated with digestion and metabolism. A person feels a surge of strength, efficiency increases.

In addition, there is no feeling of hunger, irritability, and fatigue on the Israeli diet.

But the opinions of nutritionists about the effectiveness of the diet vary. Some scientists argue that it is impossible to lose even a few kilograms, since it contains fast carbohydrates.

If a person follows a biological clock, one may experience severe hunger in the evening. It is especially difficult if you have a habit of having dinner late. The diet is also not suitable for people who get up early and have to be at work before 10 am. It will be difficult to endure without breakfast, and at work it will not come out to eat well.

To find out if the diet is effective, you need to try it yourself. To reduce the calorie content of the diet, you can exclude fast carbohydrates from it and give preference to a low-carb diet.

Important! You can take the principles of diet as a basis, but select products yourself. Thanks to this approach, you can regulate the process of losing weight. Increase your physical activity to be more effective.

Despite criticism, the Israeli diet is showing good results. Most people who have tried to follow its rules confirm: in 10-14 days, you can easily lose 2-4 kg.

Real Reviews of the Israeli Diet

Reviews of the Israeli diet
Reviews of the Israeli diet

In reviews of the Israeli diet, those who lose weight indicate its advantages: it is easily tolerated, there is no feeling of hunger, weight loss occurs smoothly, metabolism is normalized, and well-being improves. Of the minuses, they note the impossibility of losing weight quickly, when, for example, you need to prepare for a party or a holiday, but the result lasts for a long time.

Inna, 45 years old

I learned about the Israeli diet by chance from the Internet. I wanted to lose weight by summer, but starving and following a low-calorie diet is difficult. 2 weeks followed the prescribed rules. It turned out to be easy. She reduced the amount of carbohydrates, ate mostly protein foods with vegetables and fruits, drank water. The results were impressive. After 2 weeks, I got thinner, my friends and colleagues noticed it. To consolidate, I continue to follow a diet.

Anna, 25 years old

After giving birth, she recovered greatly. But you can't starve while breastfeeding, but you wanted to lose weight. From the proposed diets I chose the Israeli one. She seemed rational and not hungry. I tried it for a week: I lost 2 kg. I got excited and continued. I lost 10 kg in six months. I like the result, I look and feel good. I will continue to stick to my diet. Hunger is not felt, well tolerated.

Marina, 18 years old

All my life I have been a complete child. When I began to grow up, it became a real problem for me. I went to the doctors, got tested, but found no abnormalities. Then I decided to act with the help of diets. But the doctors warned: you cannot starve, as the metabolism and the reproductive system are developing, health problems may begin. I liked the Israeli diet. I did not feel hungry, you can eat everything that the body requires. For 3 months on a diet I got rid of 5 kg.

What is the Israeli diet - watch the video:

The Israeli diet, despite its minor restrictions, works. Its secret is that it speeds up the metabolism. The body burns fats, nutrients are absorbed. Thanks to the find of Israeli nutritionists, people have improved the quality of life.