Pine honey: benefits, harm, recipes, applications

Pine honey: benefits, harm, recipes, applications
Pine honey: benefits, harm, recipes, applications

Calorie content of honey from pine cones, useful components that make up the composition. For what diseases does it help, for what is it contraindicated? How to make pine honey yourself?

Pine honey is a sweet viscous syrup made from young shoots, cones, conifer buds. It is more correct to call the thick syrup jam, but since its taste and appearance is very much reminiscent of a beekeeping product, more often coniferous cones boiled in sugar are called honey. This is not only a delicious delicacy, but also a useful natural medicine, the spectrum of which is very wide. However, it should be borne in mind that pine honey contains sugar, and therefore you need to be careful with it, especially for those who have a predisposition to diabetes.

Composition and calorie content of pine honey

What pine honey looks like
What pine honey looks like

Pictured pine honey

Pine honey is a fairly high-calorie product with a strong carbohydrate load, so it will not be very appropriate in the diet of those who are losing weight and diabetics.

The calorie content of pine honey is 304 kcal per 100 g, of which:

  • Proteins - 0.3 g;
  • Fats - 0;
  • Carbohydrates - 82, 3 g.

Pine honey is not so much a delicacy as a medicine, no one should eat it in large doses, and the point here is not in the calorie content and sugar content, but in the huge concentrations of biologically active components.

The composition is rich in essential oils, tannins, antioxidants, phytoncides, flavonoids, enzymes, minerals and vitamins, although the amount of the latter is significantly reduced during cooking. One way or another, the main thing is that phytoncides are preserved in integrity - special plant components that have a powerful antibacterial effect.

The benefits of pine honey

Pine honey in a spoon
Pine honey in a spoon

The beneficial properties of pine honey are revealed both in preventive and therapeutic terms. It stimulates the overall tone of the body, reduces the likelihood of developing many diseases. Recommended as an immunostimulant for both adults and children.

Let's take a closer look at the benefits of pine honey:

  1. Strengthening immunity … This is the most important useful property of the product, it perfectly stimulates the body's defenses, and helps not only in matters of prevention, but also in treatment. Particularly effective in the treatment of respiratory diseases. Pine honey is very effective against coughs, starting with a cough that accompanies a common cold, and ending with the fact that it is a companion of serious ailments such as tuberculosis, whooping cough, etc. trees are so rich in useful components that they even saturate the air around them.
  2. Normalization of metabolism … Coniferous jam has a positive effect on metabolic functions, normalizes fat metabolism, helps to lower cholesterol levels, and stimulates normal bile production.
  3. Prevention of anemia … Sweet syrup is rich in minerals, and therefore is of great importance in preventing the development of anemia, because, contrary to popular belief, this problem is associated not only with a lack of iron, but also with cofactors for its assimilation, the vast majority of which are various micro- and macroelements.
  4. Antioxidant effect … Every day, free radicals accumulate in our body, which are very dangerous in excess, they can damage cells, causing their mutations, and, consequently, the growth of tumors, early aging, and serious diseases. Antioxidants, which are very rich in antioxidants, help control the level of free radicals.
  5. Anti-inflammatory effect … As we said above, cones contain coniferous phytoncides - this is one of the most powerful natural antibiotics, respectively, this component is able to protect from many infections, both bacterial and viral genesis. In addition, it also possesses antiparasitic activity.
  6. Improving the digestive tract … The product is often used to treat diseases of the digestive tract, again, due to the presence of phytoncides, which actively relieve inflammation. Also, medicinal jam has a detox effect, which helps cleanse the digestive tract of accumulated toxins.
  7. Stabilization of the nervous system … Amazing properties of pine honey for the nervous system: in the morning it invigorates and tones, and in the evening - soothes, relaxes, helps to fall asleep. It also stabilizes the nervous system after severe stress and shock.
  8. Prevention of acute cardiac conditions … Jam is useful for hypertension, it helps to reduce blood pressure, stabilize the heart rate, and strengthen the tone. It is recommended as a prophylactic agent for recovery after strokes, heals blood vessels, and therefore is often prescribed for varicose veins.
  9. Improving skin condition … Also, cone syrup is often recommended for those who have certain problems with the condition of the skin. It is effective in the treatment of dermatitis, eczema, allergic manifestations.
  10. Strengthening the bone skeleton … Cones are very rich in minerals, this helps not only to prevent anemia, as we said above, but also to strengthen the connective tissues of the body, including hard ones. Therefore, pine jam is very useful in case of a tendency to osteoporosis - a disease of fragility of bones.

In general, coniferous "fruit" jam is very useful, its beneficial effect extends to the entire body, so every home must have a jar of this natural medicine.
