Description of eucalyptus honey, calorie content and chemical composition. The benefits and harms of a natural product, dishes with it. Interesting Facts.
Eucalyptus honey is a rare product with an unusual menthol flavor. The color is nutty or amber, often dark, the taste is menthol-camphor, with a caramel flavor, the smell is mint, the texture is thick, creamy. Fast crystallization - 21-28 days. No foliation occurs during compaction. The bees harvest their raw material from eucalyptus, a perennial evergreen in the Myrtle family. Once trees, and accordingly honey, could be found in Tasmania, Australia, Indonesia and New Zealand, but then the plant took root in the southern states of the United States, Greece, Israel, Spain, the Caucasus and Crimea. But since eucalyptus flowers are inconspicuous for insects, they have a weak smell, the product is prefabricated. Collecting nectar in tropical countries is year-round, and in the Caucasus, Crimea and Mediterranean countries it is carried out in late spring.
The composition and calorie content of eucalyptus honey

Few people can afford to introduce this type of product into the diet - it is quite rare. But if this happens, it must be borne in mind that the nutritional value depends on the surrounding melliferous plants.
The calorie content of eucalyptus honey is 320 kcal per 100 g, of which:
- Proteins - 0 g;
- Fat - 0 g;
- Carbohydrates - 80 g;
- Organic acids - 1.2;
- Water - 17.4 g;
- Ash - 0.3 g.
Vitamins per 100 g:
- Vitamin B1, thiamine - 0.01 mg;
- Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 0.03 mg;
- Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid - 0.13 mg;
- Vitamin B6, pyridoxine - 0.1 mg;
- Vitamin B9, folate - 15 mcg;
- Vitamin C, ascorbic acid - 2 mg;
- Vitamin H, biotin - 0.04 μg;
- Vitamin PP - 0.4 mg;
- Niacin - 0.2 mg
Macronutrients per 100 g:
- Potassium, K - 36 mg;
- Calcium, Ca - 14 mg;
- Magnesium, Mg - 3 mg;
- Sodium, Na - 10 mg;
- Sulfur, S - 1 mg;
- Phosphorus, P - 18 mg;
- Chlorine, Cl - 19 mg.
Microelements per 100 g:
- Iron, Fe - 0.8 mg;
- Iodine, I - 2 μg;
- Cobalt, Co - 0.3 μg;
- Manganese, Mn - 0.03 mg;
- Copper, Cu - 60 μg;
- Fluorine, F - 100 μg;
- Zinc, Zn - 0.09 mg.
Digestible carbohydrates per 100 g:
- Starch and dextrins - 5.5 g;
- Mono- and disaccharides (sugars) - 74.6 g.
Eucalyptus honey contains:
- Essential oils, among which cineole (eucalyptol) and menthol predominate. They give the specific camphor-mint aroma and taste.
- Tannins - improve the function of the hematopoietic system and protect the stomach from the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid.
- Flavonoids - strengthen blood vessels, stimulate reverse blood flow, stop the release of histamine and have antimicrobial and immunomodulatory effects. Most of all are tricetin, myricetin, ellagic acid, quercetin, kaempferol, luteolin.
- Organic acids - most of all coumaric and cinnamic. They irritate the taste buds of the mucous membrane, improve appetite, and promote the production of digestive enzymes.
- Diastase - so far it has been established that this substance, which is found in all types of honey, accelerates the transformation of starch and protein compounds in the body.
Not all housewives have a kitchen scale, and not all use them when preparing meals or preparing a diet. When introducing a product to a weight loss menu or when preparing food, it is advisable to know the compliance with the kitchen measures of the nutritional value of eucalyptus honey, depending on the weight.
Measure | Weight, g | Calorie content, kcal |
Tea spoon | 12 | 36-36, 5 |
Tablespoon | 35 | 106-106, 1 |
Cup | 360 | 1090-1091 |
Cup | 380 | 1151, 4-1152 |
The presence of impurities - nectar from other honey plants - is allowed in this product, but no more than 10%. If there are more of them, then honey is not offered under the original name.
The first sign of counterfeiting is a change in crystallization. If it does not occur within 21-28 days or the thickening is uneven, then the collection or pre-sale preparation was carried out incorrectly.
Useful properties of eucalyptus honey

The original taste itself suggests which diseases can be cured with this product. More often menthol is used to ease breathing and to relieve the oral mucosa. The most pronounced beneficial properties of eucalyptus honey are antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic. But the beneficial effect on the body is not limited to this.
The benefits of eucalyptus honey:
- Stimulates the production of protective mucus by the respiratory system, is a mucolytic, improves expectoration, eliminates bronchial spasms.
- Prevents colds, stops the appearance of sore throat, runny nose, cough.
- Helps get rid of stomatitis, pharyngitis, gingivitis, prevents the development of periodontal disease. To speed up recovery from these diseases, it is enough to dissolve 2 times a day, half a teaspoon of the product.
- Eliminates spasms and pain in arthritis and exacerbation of arthrosis, rheumatism, muscle or ligament sprain.
- Eliminates swelling, improves blood circulation, has a warming effect.
- Has a mild effect on blood vessels, expands, tones the walls, improves venous outflow.
- Soothes, relieves insomnia and accelerates recovery from stress.
- It activates the functions of the central nervous system, improves memorization and coordination.
- It is a strong immunomodulator and immunostimulant.
- Increases the production of hemoglobin, helps to get rid of anemia, replenishes the reserve of nutrients in the body.
- Normalizes the functions of the endocrine glands.
Local application of eucalyptus honey accelerates the regeneration of the skin, which makes it possible to use it in the treatment of injuries - scratches, ulcers, burn wounds. The bactericidal effect allows you to use instead of hydrogen peroxide - to treat minor abrasions.
Eucalyptus honey is especially beneficial for women. Oral use stops age-related changes, topical application prevents the formation of wrinkles, whitens, improves skin relief, and helps get rid of acne.
It is allowed to introduce the product into the diet of pregnant women, young children upon reaching the age of one year (in a dose corresponding to this age), during lactation, with diabetes mellitus, while controlling the level of glucose in the blood.
The properties of eucalyptus honey vary depending on how it is consumed. Dissolve in warm water to reduce acidity, and in cold water to increase it.
Traditional healers recommend that in case of varicose veins or persistent cramps in the body, take baths with a bee product, dissolving it in water. When treating conjunctivitis, it is recommended to rinse the eyes with honey infusion.
Contraindications and harm of eucalyptus honey

Beekeeping products are a strong allergen. And eucalyptus honey is no exception. In addition, one should take into account the special properties of the product, the presence of a high amount of menthol and cineole. Intolerance to other types of honey plants may occur.
Use with caution in diabetes mellitus, although the disease is not an absolute contraindication.
Eucalyptus honey can cause harm with exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis and liver failure.
You should limit the amount of beekeeping product in the diet if the goal is to get rid of excess weight. The rate of weight loss slows down.
Abuse increases the load on the pancreas, can provoke intestinal colic, increased flatulence, unpleasant symptoms - itching and irritation of the skin, swelling and rash.
Attention! In the complex of eucalyptus essential oils, eucalyptol prevails, which is an organic toxin. Therefore, a valuable product should be consumed with caution. The maximum "dosage" is 2-3 tablespoons per day.
Eucalyptus honey recipes

It is unlikely that someone, having bought such a valuable beekeeping product, will use it for making baked goods or sweetening drinks. But the nutritional properties of this variety do not differ from others.
Delicious recipes with eucalyptus honey:
- Chak-chak … Beat 5 eggs with 2 tbsp. l. sugar, set aside. Better to refrigerate. Homemade butter, 150 g, melt. To do this, the piece is divided into several parts, laid out in a metal plate, placed in a water bath. Allow to cool, but so that the oil mixture does not thicken, pour a thin stream into the eggs and mix. Pour in the sifted flour. The average amount is 500-600 g. You should not knead everything at once, they are guided by the consistency of the dough. It should become dense, elastic. Sticking to hands is not allowed. Leave the batch to brew for 15 minutes, then roll it into layers and cut into strips no more than 1.5 cm wide. Each strip is rolled with palms into flagella, which are cut into pieces 3-4 cm long. The melted lamb fat is poured into a hot deep frying pan and all the pieces of dough are fried in it until they acquire an appetizing golden crust. The process is similar to making donuts. Remove with a slotted spoon, spread on a paper towel to remove excess fat. The cauldron is washed after frying, mixed over low heat in it honey, 250 g, with half a glass of sugar. Do not bring to a boil. Place the fried pieces of dough in hot honey broth, mix them thoroughly and put them in a pyramid shape on a dish.
- Honey nuts … Walnut kernels are washed under water and dried, poured with honey, and allowed to soak. They put it in a jar. An adult can eat no more than 1 tablespoon per day.
- Baked oranges … The citruses are peeled and cut into slices. Chop the walnut kernels. Pour cinnamon into the nut powder and pour in eucalyptus honey. Each slice is dipped into the honey mixture, laid out in a silicone wide form. Bake for 10 minutes.
Eucalyptus honey is good for salad dressing. It is added to fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, combined with carrots and cranberries. One of the most interesting recipes: mix 200 g of sorrel and spinach slices, add 2 hard-boiled eggs, mashed with a fork, 4 chopped garlic cloves, a little chopped cilantro and dill. Refuel 3-4 tbsp. l. sunflower oil and one honey.
Eucalyptus honey drinks:
- Smoothie … Put kiwi in a blender bowl, cut into pieces, pour in a glass of kefir or unsweetened yogurt, add 2 tbsp. l. beekeeping product. Beat, serve chilled.
- Honey drink … Mix 0.5 liters of still mineral water with 2 tbsp. l. eucalyptus honey, add the juice of two lemons, mix everything. For taste, squeeze a couple of mint leaves.
Interesting facts about eucalyptus honey

To increase the shelf life of a beekeeping product, you do not need to take it out of the honeycomb. This natural container ensures complete tightness - bacteria and fungi from the external environment do not get into the unique honey.
To prevent eucalyptus nectar from spoiling, it is recommended to pour it into small food-grade plastic containers or baby food jars with a tight lid. All containers are thoroughly sterilized and wiped dry. Put away in a cool place protected from light, but not in the refrigerator.
To distinguish natural eucalyptus honey from fake:
- They try it … There should be a pronounced taste of menthol without bitterness, but at the same time it should be a little clogged in the throat. If bitterness is present or the mint is too strong, it can be assumed that artificial flavors were used to counterfeit.
- Consider … Foam or foreign additives on the surface are not allowed.
- Evaluate the color … It should be reddish, amber. Too light or dark indicates an excess of foreign honey plants.
- Transfused … Scoop up a small amount with a tablespoon and observe the stream - it should drain evenly, without interruption.
Important! After crystallization, the appearance of astringency and bitterness is allowed, the mint taste does not disappear, but the color changes - from amber red to light brown.
Eucalyptus honey is widely used in home cosmetology. For weight loss and cellulite elimination, wraps are recommended. Pre-take a shower, steam the body, remove dead cells with a scrub and a hard washcloth. The beekeeping product is mixed with mustard and vegetable oil in a 1: 1: 2 ratio, applied to problem areas, wrapped in cling film and fixed. The mustard burning sensation is neutralized by the cooling effect of menthol. There are still debates about how to activate the beneficial properties of the composition - to actively move or lie under the covers and lie down. Wash off after 30-40 minutes, first with warm and then cool water to close the pores. If irritation does appear, a nourishing emollient cream is applied.
How to choose honey - watch the video:

Eucalyptus honey is not suitable for family teas. It is not washed down with hot water, it is not smeared on a bun with butter. If you managed to buy a treat, it is better to leave it for recovery.