Find out how beneficial it is to eat sweets when exercising in bodybuilding, and why sweets are a natural anabolic for weight gain. All people want to look beautiful, which is understandable. When we watch our bodies, we become more attractive to members of the opposite sex. If the beauty of the male body lies in pumped up muscles, then it is important for girls to have a slim and fit figure.
These goals can be achieved through proper nutrition and exercise. You should know that carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body and must be present in the diet. At the same time, this nutrient is usually divided into two groups - slow and fast.
If you do not delve into the differences between complex and simple carbohydrates, then the second group includes all foods that taste sweet. They are absorbed as quickly as possible by the body and cause the release of insulin. Complex carbohydrates are processed in the digestive system for a long time. Nutritionists recommend that athletes limit their intake of sweets and focus on slow carbohydrates when compiling a diet. Now we will talk about the relationship between sweets and sports.
Are sweets and sports compatible?

As a rule, all sweets have a high energy value, and this is unacceptable during the period of weight loss. At the same time, during the period of weight gain, the calorie content of the diet should be high, but only the right foods should be consumed, which do not include sweets. Although sometimes you can pamper yourself with sweets and sports will not be a hindrance. Of course, it is important not to be fanatic about this.
However, there are times when sweet food will even be useful, and again, provided that it is consumed in moderation. Here are the situations where sweetness and sports can be compatible:
- In the morning after waking up - after an overnight fast, the body needs energy, and the slow carbohydrates that you will eat for breakfast will not start working right away.
- 30 minutes before the start of the training - to increase the body's energy reserves, but the best option here, of course, is a gainer.
- During class - this way you can increase your tone and replenish your glucose reserves.
- After completing the training, it helps to accelerate the processes of replenishing the glycogen depot.
By and large, after each session you can eat sweets and sports are not a hindrance here. You can consume yoghurts, fruits, juice, sports bars, etc. during this time.
Bananas, kiwis, cherries and papaya are very popular among athletes. Bananas contain a lot of protein compounds and there is no need to talk about the importance of this nutrient for athletes. Kiwi contains collagen, which is essential for ligaments. By consuming this fruit, you can increase the performance of the articular-ligamentous apparatus, as well as strengthen the connective tissues. Cherries, in turn, are an excellent natural analgesic. But you should not use various pastries and cakes. Try to replace these confectionery products with low-calorie sweets, such as marmalade or marshmallows. Also, you should remember that marshmallows and marshmallows are not only low in energy value, but also help to improve the functioning of the immune system.
Marmalade and jellies are also dietary foods that you can consume. As you can see, sweets and sports are not always incompatible things. Sweet foods can restore an athlete's energy reserves in a short time. This is important because when you are under energy, the recovery processes will be activated later, and you will need more time to recover after exercise.
How to get rid of addiction to sweets?

Although, as we just found out, sweets and sports can be compatible in certain situations, you should not get carried away with them. This is especially true for the period of weight loss. At the same time, scientists identify addictions to sweets. Surely you yourself have noticed that one person can easily do without sweets, while another is vital.
There can be many reasons why people's desire to eat sweets is different. However, many people deny the fact that they are addicted to sweets. To check its presence, you just need to conduct a simple test, which can be easily found on the Internet and now we will not focus on this. But now we'll talk about how to get rid of this addiction.
If you decide that you consume a lot of sweets and decide to limit their consumption, then first you should decide what it is worth doing. Let's say you are sure that because of the frequent consumption of sugary foods you cannot get rid of excess weight. No one disputes the fact that sugar can be very dangerous in large quantities and there can be many reasons to want to reduce its consumption.
Of course, it is much better to use healthy foods instead of sweets. At the same time, one should not abruptly refuse from sweets, otherwise the body simply "will not understand" you, having begun to resist this decision. As a result, you will constantly break down and this is very bad. Therefore, you should give up sweets gradually. At the same time, it is quite possible that it makes no sense for you to completely abandon the use of sweets. We have already said that at certain moments they even go together.
It is quite enough to use sweets correctly, replacing harmful products with useful ones. We have already said that sweets can be healthy foods. Also, you should completely rethink your approach to nutrition, without affecting sugar. If you want to look good and be healthy, then you need to eat right.
Start by switching to fractional meals, eating food at least five times a day. In this case, you should have three full meals and two snacks. At the same time, eating more often doesn't mean more. You need to divide the energy value of the diet by the number of meals.
To get rid of your addiction to sweets, try to buy as little sweets as possible and not stock up on them. It is very difficult psychologically, seeing a tasty product, to refuse to use it. You should also consume enough protein compounds. When a deficiency of this nutrient is created in the body, then a person begins to feel hunger. Protein can help reduce your appetite, and you will not have a strong craving for a snack.
Try to consume all sweets before three o'clock in the afternoon. We have already said that after waking up, you can safely combine sweets and sports in order to restore the energy balance in the body. In addition, if you eat a sweet product in the morning, when it does not pose a danger to your figure, then it will be much easier to refuse further sugar consumption throughout the day. But after three o'clock in the afternoon, you should stop eating sweets. All fast carbohydrates eaten in the morning will be used by the body for energy. But everything that you consume in the afternoon is likely to turn into fat.
If you are constantly haunted by the desire to eat sweets, then you can recommend finding an interesting business for yourself. When your brain is busy with something, then thoughts of sweets will appear extremely rarely. Find some interesting things to do to help you take your mind off your sweets.
What sweets can be good for the body?

You must remember that not all sweets and sports are incompatible. There are foods that taste sweet and contain nutrients, not just extra calories. First of all, we are talking about honey. Of course, this product must be natural, since only it contains a wide range of various nutrients. Throughout the day, you can safely use two tablespoons of this product.
Also good for the body and dark chocolate, which contains at least 70 percent cocoa. All other types of chocolate are no longer healthy, and you should not use them. Throughout the day, you can consume about 30 grams of dark chocolate and not be afraid for your figure. Dried fruits, marmalade, marshmallow, marshmallow are also useful for the body. All of these products can be consumed throughout the day in amounts ranging from 30 to 50 grams.
How to replace sweets for weight loss, see here: