Find out what should be the load in the gym for girls during critical days. Every woman involved in sports constantly has to ask the question - is it possible to play sports during menstruation? It is quite understandable that you do not want to miss classes at all, because this will violate the training plan. At the same time, training during menstruation can harm the body.
Features of the menstrual cycle

Menstruation refers to bleeding from the vagina that occurs at the moment when the endometrium is separated in the uterus. Their duration is 3-7 days, and the beginning of the entire menstrual cycle should be considered the first day when the discharge appeared.
This process is regulated by the brain, and even if all body systems are working normally, but pathological disorders occur in the cerebral cortex, then the menstrual cycle will be disrupted. Doctors distinguish several periods of the menstrual cycle:
- Follicular - the concentration of estrogen falls, which leads to an acceleration in the production of stimulant hormones. Cause an increase in the size of the follicles containing the eggs. Only one of them can occupy a dominant position. The duration of this stage is individual, but most often it is 14 days.
- Corpus luteum stage - there is a rupture of the follicle and the corpus luteum, and the body begins to prepare the uterus for a possible pregnancy.
- Agormonal stage - begins if there was no conception. The endometrium of the uterus begins to separate, which leads to rupture of small blood vessels. This is what causes bloody discharge.
On average, a woman loses about 150 milliliters of blood during the day. If this figure is higher, then anemia may develop. The puberty phase in girls starts after eight years. Of course, this process is individual in nature, and it is simply impossible to make any predictions. Most often, the menstrual cycle begins between the ages of 11 and 15. If your periods began earlier or with a delay, then you should definitely consult a doctor, as there may be disturbances in the work of the endocrine system.
The first signs of approaching menstruation in girls are vaginal discharge, growth of mammary glands and hair. At first, the menstrual cycle is not constant and can last about 45 days. However, in a short time, everything is normalized, and the duration of the cycle is set on an individual basis.
It is very important to follow the rules of personal hygiene during menstruation. Tampons need to be changed every 4 hours and sanitary towels every 8 hours. If the discharge is abundant, then replacement should be carried out more often.
During menstruation, do not use pads with a high absorbency. The desire to save money is understandable, but the discharge during menstruation is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, which can lead to toxic shock if it enters the bloodstream. The consequences of this can be very serious, up to and including death.
Sports during menstruation

So we come to the main question of the article - is it possible to play sports during menstruation? For many people today, the Internet is the main source of information on any topic. Today's question is no exception, is it possible to play sports with menstruation. Most often, it is advised to stop exercising when severe pain occurs, or to follow the instructions of a gynecologist.
It is quite obvious that if a woman is experiencing serious pain, and she has no strength for practically anything, she will not have the desire to go to the gym. In addition, you can often see recommendations to reduce the load during menstruation and devote more time to stretching exercises.
We can agree with this, because even in those cases when a woman feels normal, one must remember that the body solves its specific tasks and for this it needs an appropriate supply of energy. Some yoga asanas can reduce pain during menstruation. At the same time, to get positive results, you need to do yoga regularly, and not just on critical days. In addition, during menstruation, inverted poses cannot be used in yoga classes, as they can cause a violation in the process of energy distribution.
According to research results, on critical days, women experience a decrease in physical performance, including endurance. If at this time to conduct intensive classes, especially those aimed at developing endurance, then the functional abilities of the body are sharply reduced. Also, during this period of time, the body recovers much more slowly compared to normal days.
Some sports medicine specialists distinguish what is called anatomical menstruation. This is about three days before the onset of menstruation and during this period you should not expose the body to serious stress, but it is worthwhile to devote time to stretching. At the same time, there are a lot of conflicting advice on the net.
For example, one woman with extensive coaching experience recommends using long, uniform cardio loads during the first days of the menstrual cycle. In her opinion, this leads to a decrease in the amount of discharge, and also reduces the duration of menstruation by a couple of days.
On the one hand, menstruation in such a situation is somewhat easier, but training is much more difficult. The best answer to the question of whether it is possible to play sports during menstruation is a recommendation to listen to the voice of your body. If you find it difficult to perform any exercises, then you should definitely give them up.
Let's see what changes occur in a woman's body during menstruation and how they can affect sports. At this moment, hormonal passions are raging in the body. The concentration of progesterone begins to fall and the level of estrogen rises. Progesterone contributes to the retention of a large amount of fluid in the body and this has a positive effect on the extensibility of all tissues. It is with this that muscle relaxation and a simultaneous decrease in physical parameters are associated.
The first couple of days of menstruation at a time when the concentration of estrogens is still low, and the level of progesterone is high, any power and speed load is perceived by the female body much worse in comparison with ordinary days. But stretching exercises are perceived well.
Around the third or fourth day of menstruation, general weakness begins to diminish and estrogen levels rise. These hormones are a kind of anabolic for the female body. In addition to hormonal changes, the level of hemoglobin, which is caused by blood loss, also decreases. As a result, the tissues may not receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and it is with this fact that the recommendations to refuse classes are connected.
But the female body is ready for such a blood loss, which, among other things, turns out to be not as high as one might assume. We have already mentioned this and this practically does not affect the oxygen supply of tissues. Another thing is if the cycle has been broken or the discharge is abundant. In this case, it is better not to burden your body.
Women involved in sports carry their periods individually. If you do not take into account the painful sensations, then very often scientists talk about a drop in working capacity, an increase in irritability, etc. However, there are many examples when athletes showed their best results precisely during menstruation. Knowing about these features of the female body and their influence on sports, it becomes possible to draw a conclusion about whether it is possible to play sports during menstruation.
Is it possible to play sports during menstruation?

It should be said right away that there are no strict prohibitions on sports on critical days. What's more, some exercise can reduce pain that is caused by uterine spasms. The organ, making contractions, seeks to remove the exfoliated endometrium. The uterus is a muscle and can therefore be relaxed with certain exercises.
Absolutely, on critical days, you should not actively engage in sports. This is due to increased blood flow in the pelvic area, which can lead to serious trouble. Avoid running, strength training, or swimming during your period. On critical days, yoga and stretching movements can be done. It is very important not to overload the body these days, as it has enough of its own to worry about.
By and large, it is worth asking the question not about whether it is possible to play sports during menstruation, but how to do it correctly. You should use a certain amount of stress so as not to deplete your body's energy reserves. Almost all doctors are sure that physical activity should be shown during menstruation.
Only the woman herself can choose the right load, based on her well-being. If you decide to play sports on critical days, then it is imperative to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. We also recommend excluding coffee from the diet, since caffeine can provoke pain during menstruation.
Exercise should be in a ventilated area and avoid overheating, as this can increase bleeding. If you have a delay in the cycle, then you should first consult a doctor for advice and do not play sports until clarification. Monitor your health and listen to your body. This is the only way to get the maximum result from sports.
The answer to the question of whether it is possible to play sports during menstruation can be found in this video: