Find out what vitamin and mineral complexes you need to use to gain muscle mass and increase strength. Vitamins are of great importance not only for professional athletes, but also for beginners. Intensive workouts require a lot of nutrients, which is the main reason for the need for the use of micronutrient complexes. An athlete's nutritional program should include foods that contain essential nutrients in a specific proportion, fruits, vegetables, micronutrients and antioxidants.
Although micronutrients are found in food. Nevertheless, the need for the use of additives arises. Today we will tell you which vitamins for those who go in for sports have the maximum value. There is now a large selection of vitamin and mineral supplements on the market. They are designed taking into account the characteristics of certain groups of people. You can find vitamins for kids, athletes, men, women, etc.
Recommendations for the selection of vitamins and micronutrient complexes

Very often, deciding to buy vitamins for those who go in for sports, people are lost in the abundance of supplements presented in sports food stores and pharmacies. It should be said right away that the male body is more in need of microelements in comparison with the female. This statement is especially true for men leading an active lifestyle.
The body of athletes especially needs vitamin B1. This substance is known for its ability to stimulate the growth of muscle tissue. When choosing a supplement, you should remember that manufacturers create micronutrient complexes designed for athletes of all ages. So adolescents are advised to pay special attention to vitamin C (ascorbic acid). A similar situation has developed in cyclic sports disciplines, whose representatives also desperately need this substance.
Nutritionists and sports nutritionists advise consuming more micronutrient foods. This recommendation is due to the fact that vitamins for those who go in for sports, contained in natural products, are absorbed better and as fully as possible in comparison with artificial substances.
Take micronutrient supplements according to the manufacturer's instructions. Otherwise, an overdose of some vitamins and minerals is possible.
What are the most important vitamins for those who go in for sports?

Scientists today are sure that with a deficiency of micronutrients, the work of all body systems is disrupted. Micronutrient complexes are essential for all people. However, vitamins are especially valuable for those who go in for sports. These substances perform many functions in the body, and even with a deficiency of one of them, you will not be able to get the desired result in the classroom. All professional athletes must use special supplements to ensure that the body is always provided with all important nutrients. We will now highlight the most important micronutrients for athletes.
We have already noted that vitamin C is extremely important for athletes. Therefore, we will pay a little more attention to this substance, in comparison with other vitamins for those who go in for sports. Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant and not only protects the cellular structures of all tissues from destruction by free radicals, but also accelerates regenerative processes. Also, this substance is necessary for the body to produce collagen. This protein compound is the main element of connective tissues, as well as ligaments. The more actively the body synthesizes collagen, the lower the risk of injury to the articular-ligamentous apparatus.
Also, vitamin C increases the speed and quality of absorption of iron by the body. This mineral is known for its ability to deliver oxygen to tissues. Moreover, iron is the main vehicle. An equally important function of vitamin C for athletes is the participation of this substance in the reactions of male hormone production. Testosterone is the main anabolic hormone in the body and, in many respects, with its participation, the processes of muscle tissue growth are activated and power parameters increase.
You should know that vitamin C is highly soluble in water, which contributes to an even distribution of the substance in the body. Overdose with this substance is practically excluded. And now we will consider other vitamins for those who go in for sports, which are important for an active lifestyle.
- Pyridoxine (B6) - actively participates in the metabolism of protein compounds and accelerates the processes of excretion of metabolites of these reactions from the body. Natural sources of the substance are chicken, eggs, liver, rice, fish. The daily dose for men is 2 milligrams and for women is 1.6 milligrams.
- Thiamine (B1) - is extremely important for the growth of muscle tissue. The substance is part of muscle proteins, and is also used in the production of hemoglobin. As you know, hemoglobin is essential during sports. Men and women leading an active lifestyle should consume vitamin B1 in large quantities, since its consumption is high. Natural sources of the substance are cereals, legumes and brewer's yeast. The daily dose for men is 1.5 milligrams and for women it is 1.1 milligrams.
- Ergocalciferol (D) - is necessary to improve the absorption of such an important mineral for bone tissue as calcium. Natural sources of the substance are milk and the sun (synthesized during tanning).
- AT 3 - this substance is actively involved in six dozen metabolic processes and improves the quality of nutrition of muscle tissue. Natural sources of the substance are milk, tuna, eggs and mushrooms. The daily dose for men is 19 milligrams and for women is 16 milligrams.
- E - one of the most powerful natural antioxidants and most effectively protects tissue cell membranes from the negative effects of free radicals. This is a very important vitamin for those who go in for sports, since if the cell membranes are not damaged, then the cells grow much faster. Natural sources of the substance are vegetable oils, vegetables, wheat bran and nuts. The daily dose for men is 10 milligrams and for women it is 8 milligrams.
- A - it is necessary for the reactions of the synthesis of protein compounds and thereby accelerate the mass gain. It is also important for the reaction of restoring glycogen stores. This vitamin is also extremely important for those who go in for sports. Vegetables are natural sources of the substance.
- Riboflavin (B2) - the substance is extremely important for the normal course of energy processes. This vitamin is involved in the oxidative reactions of fatty acids, glucose metabolic processes, and also improves the quality of hydrogen assimilation. Natural sources of the substance are liver, dairy products, meat and milk. The daily dose for men and women is 3 milligrams.
- Cobalamin (B12) - actively participates in a huge number of processes, for example, promotes muscle stimulation through nerve fibers. You must understand how important neuromuscular activity is in sports. Natural sources of the substance are dairy and seafood, as well as poultry.
The best vitamin complexes for those involved in sports

Although all micronutrients are included in various foods, humans are not able to fully meet the body's micronutrient requirements. In this regard, there is a need for their additional use. Today you can find a wide range of micronutrient complexes on sale. We will now tell you about the most popular supplements among athletes.
- Alphabet Effect for Athletes - one of the best products for athletes, as it contains all the vitamins necessary for those who go in for sports. In addition, the supplement contains carnitine with taurine and digestive enzymes. Throughout the day, you need to use one tablet of different colors (there are three in total).
- Orthomol Sport - the composition of this additive is very complex and it makes no sense to dwell on this in detail. We will only inform you that this product is able to fully provide the body with all micronutrients. Throughout, you need to drink the contents of one bottle and take a pill.
For the most effective vitamin complexes, see here: