Do you also believe that sport is health? Find out why in 90% of cases sports ruin your health. It is generally accepted that playing sports can eliminate the symptoms of the development of many diseases. If you decide to find out what sport can do - benefit or harm, then most articles talk only about the positive aspects. At the same time, playing sports can also have a negative effect on the body. For a long time, the question of the benefits and dangers of sports remains open. This gave rise to a lot of statements, many of which have nothing to do with reality.
Most often, people under the word "sport" mean light physical activity, for example, morning exercises. One, in practice, playing sports involves training with the maximum possible dedication and the most powerful loads on the body. The amount of stress on various parts of the body depends on what kind of sport a person is engaged in. For example, swimmers have better muscles in their chest, back and arms, and for runners it is important to develop their leg muscles.
Be that as it may, sport is a grueling workout with a constant increase in physical activity. It is impossible to notice the benefits and harms of sports after a few sessions. However, with the right approach to organizing the training process, you can get positive effects from sports.
It is also necessary to consider the concept of physical activity, since without it it is simply impossible to talk about sports. This is a set of physical exercises that allows you to develop or maintain the muscles in the body. Depending on your desire, physical activity can be regular or periodic. If you choose the right loads and exercises, then the benefits of playing sports are obvious. You will improve muscle tone, your health will return to normal, blood circulation and the work of the endocrine system will normalize.
The positive aspects of playing sports

With proper exercise, you will not be able to harm your health. If we talk about the benefits of sports, then you will become more disciplined. In addition, with the growth of physical strength and the improvement of the aesthetic appearance of the body, self-confidence rises. Today, the problem of excess weight is relevant for a huge number of people. You can get rid of this problem with the help of sports. Every person wants to look slim and fit, but some effort is needed to achieve this goal.
Sport rejuvenates the body, because with constant movement you keep your body in good shape. Your well-being will improve significantly. Carrying out morning exercises, you will quickly get rid of sleep residues and recharge your batteries for the entire next working day.
The quality of sleep is also very important for a person, because the body recovers as well as possible at night when we sleep. Sports will also help you with this. In training, you will get tired, and this will allow you to fall asleep quickly. Moreover, the sleep will be deep and the body will have a great rest. Get used to your daily morning stresses, such as jogging, and you will quickly start waking up on your own, and you will no longer need an alarm.
Today, in addition to being overweight, the problem of a depressive state is also relevant. A lot of people complain about this, and sports can help you find inner peace. We have already noted that sport is able to increase a person's self-esteem, which makes it impossible to achieve success in everyday life. If you are confident in yourself. Then it is much easier for you to climb the career ladder. There are a large number of sports disciplines and everyone will be able to choose the kind of sport that they like.
Negative moments of playing sports

A conversation about the benefits and harms of sports will be incomplete if we do not note the negative aspects. Very often people, starting to practice, expect a quick result. However, this does not work, and you will not be able to build up or lose weight in a month. To achieve your goal, you need to make an effort to do this and exercise regularly.
It is very important to stop in time, because "fanaticism" in any business can be harmful. If you only want to benefit from exercising, then you should learn to listen to your body language. If you are immoderate in your desire to achieve sports progress, then the body will begin to wear out quickly, which is fraught with serious troubles.
Be careful with the use of various energy drinks before class. These supplements allow you to train to the limit, which leads to the expenditure of all the energy stored in the body. Don't be overly demanding on your athletic performance. You are doing for yourself and it is better to slowly go towards your goal and get positive effects than to force events and harm the body.
How to get only benefit from sports?

We talked about the possible benefits and dangers of sports, and now it is worth giving some advice on how to get only positive effects from physical activity. First of all, you should use only those loads that are normally perceived by the body.
Sports can be harmful to your health in cases where you use excessive loads. They put a lot of stress on all body systems, and this can lead to injury. It is very important to monitor the volume of loads not only in a particular lesson, but also throughout your training program.
You must ensure that your activities create a moderate stress state to which the body is able to adapt. It should be admitted that talking about the benefits and dangers of sports is not entirely true. Sport is a tool that, in the right hands, will prove beneficial to your health or cause serious harm if used thoughtlessly. There are several principles, following which you will definitely get significant benefits from physical activity. In this case, one should also remember about possible contraindications. In the presence of certain diseases, sports may be prohibited. Let's take a look at the basic principles of safe exercise.

This principle should be understood as the correspondence of a person to the sport that he is engaged in, as well as to his training program. If you have not been involved in sports for about three decades, then you should not immediately start doing bodybuilding according to the Arnold Schwarzenegger program.
Each sport has guidelines for designing training programs for beginners. You can also seek help from a professional trainer who will tell you about all the nuances of a particular sport. In the presence of chronic diseases, you should first consult a doctor about the appropriateness of practicing a particular sports discipline.
In addition, if you decide to start playing sports, you should switch to a healthy lifestyle. You should not smoke a cigarette after completing the lesson. If you have made the decision to start playing sports, then you need to adapt your nutrition program and your entire lifestyle to this.
Cycling loads

This principle is important in any sports discipline. Monotonous training programs cannot help you achieve your goals. Moreover, the monotony of the training process can lead to injury. Remember that physical activity is stressful for the body.
The more intense your workouts, the more stress builds up, which can lead to serious trouble. When composing a training program, you should periodically change the load so that the body can fully recover.
Safety in the classroom

Safety in sports should be understood as a whole range of measures and principles, the observance of which will allow you to avoid injuries. It should be remembered that now we are talking about those damages that occur accidentally. There are so-called accumulated injuries, which are the result of the gradual wear and tear of muscles, joints, etc.
It is very important at the initial stage of classes to thoroughly study the technique of performing all the exercises. This will not only make your exercise as effective as possible, but it will also reduce the risk of injury. Of course, doing, say, bodybuilding, you can find video tutorials on the network and learn the technical nuances of exercises on them. However, we recommend that you seek the help of a professional trainer.
It is not necessary to use his services all the time, because you can study the technique of basic exercises in one or two months and draw up a training program under the guidance of a mentor. In the future, you will be able to adapt it yourself to your level of training. Also, remember the importance of warm up and cool down in every workout.

Perhaps it is this principle that is the most difficult to implement. People tend to go to extremes and this is true in all matters, including sports. You must understand that you will not be able to reach the heights of the same Iron Arnie. Millions of people are engaged in bodybuilding all over the world, however, there are only a few famous athletes.
It is very important to learn how to deal with your vanity and understand that it is impossible to achieve positive results in a short time. You must exercise regularly to gradually get closer to your goal.
Here one more nuance appears - impossible tasks. You should not set a goal for yourself to pump up 50 centimeters of biceps in a month or two. This is simply not possible. Set yourself only realistic goals and gradually change them in accordance with your level of training. And again, a coach can be very useful here, because from the outside it is much easier to see all the advantages and disadvantages of a person. The trainer will help you choose the right load and create an effective training program.
For the benefits and dangers of running, see here:
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