Features of choosing the best weight gainer

Features of choosing the best weight gainer
Features of choosing the best weight gainer

Find out which weight gainer is best for you to quickly recover from your workout and kickstart anabolism and protein synthesis. You probably know what a gainer is, and we just need to remind you that the main active ingredient in this supplement is carbohydrates. In this case, the most common ratio is 80 to 20 in favor of carbohydrates. As you know. Protein compounds account for 20 percent. In addition, very often manufacturing companies add adaptogens, amines, stimulants, micronutrient complexes, etc. to their products.

Immediately, we note that you should not pay attention to various advertising slogans about the presence of, say, creatine in a gainer. All additional ingredients are contained in minimal quantities. If you decide to use a gainer as a source of micronutrients or creatine, then this is not the best idea. Today we will talk about the selection and use of these products, and also consider the best gainers for gaining muscle mass.

How to choose a gainer for gaining muscle mass?

Weight gainer in package
Weight gainer in package

If you analyze the state of affairs with gainers in the domestic sports food market, you immediately notice significant differences in the composition of these products. Today, there is a lot of talk about the need to use gainers for thin athletes, but almost no one mentions the composition of supplements. When deciding to buy a gainer, you should remember that these supplements can be divided according to the type of carbohydrates used:

  • With simple ones - as a rule, manufacturers use cheap carbohydrates, dextrose, starch, etc. These gainers have a high glycemic index.
  • With complex - quality slow carbohydrates are used and gainers have a low glycemic index.

You also need to know that gainers can be effective in speeding up the processes of glycogen replenishment, as well as for increasing the energy value of the diet during the period of weight gain. At the same time, to solve each of the tasks, it is necessary to use a certain type of gainer. As you can see, in order to determine what are the best gainers for gaining muscle mass, you should proceed from your goals.

During training, glycogen is actively consumed, and it is this substance that the body primarily uses to obtain energy. Essentially, glycogen is a carbohydrate that has been stored up by the body. First, glycogen is converted into glucose, and then energy is generated from it. When you start to feel tired during exercise, this is the first sign that glycogen stores are severely depleted, but not completely.

To restore your glycogen depot, you need a simple carbohydrate gainer. Take this supplement after completing your workout. To know exactly which are the best muscle gainers designed for this, you just need to study their composition. Manufacturers today use maltodextrin, starch, syrup (rice and corn), dextrose, and glucose polymers as sources of simple carbohydrates. If your chosen product contains (in the first place) at least one of the above substances, then you can purchase it. We will also give you advice that will allow you to increase the time spent on glycogen stores. Take a serving of the simple carbohydrate gainer about half an hour before class. As a result, the body will first use the freshly obtained carbohydrates and only then glycogen.

We have already said that supplements based on simple carbohydrates have a high glycemic index and should be avoided from their use on rest days. In addition to the fact that this can lead to the accumulation of fat, since energy will not be consumed by the body, you also load the pancreas. To increase the energy value of your diet, you need to use complex carbohydrate supplements. After consumption, such a gainer is able to supply the body with energy for several hours. In this case, the concentration of glucose in the blood does not increase significantly, and there is no strong pressure on the pancreas.

To determine which are the best muscle gainers for a given task, look again at their composition. Sources of complex carbohydrates in a gainer can be oats, legumes, cereals, bran, barley, or buckwheat. If at least one of these substances is in the first place in the composition of the product, this is what you need. However, in this case, the content of protein compounds is also important. Buy only those gainers that contain at least 30 percent protein. It is worth using these products on days off from classes.

How to take gainers as efficiently as possible?

The athlete drinks a gainer
The athlete drinks a gainer

So, we've just learned how to choose the best muscle gainers for your goals. However, it is equally important to use supplements correctly. Very often on the network you can find recommendations on strict adherence to the manufacturer's instructions. In principle, there is some common sense here, but more often than not, these instructions only tell you how to make a cocktail.

You should also know when it is most appropriate to take a supplement. Let's start talking about this by making a cocktail. Everything is quite simple here and you need to dissolve from 150 to 300 grams (each manufacturer has a different serving size) in 0.3–0.6 liters of liquid.

Choose the dilution liquid to your liking, but with the total calorie intake in mind. There are a lot of options here, ranging from plain water to drinking yogurt. Also, the cocktail should be mixed until smooth. If you are preparing a gainer at home, then you can use a mixer (blender). If you are going to take the supplement before / after class, then we advise you to get a shaker.

The ability to prepare a supplement is also not enough to get the most out of its use. You need to know what time the cocktail should be consumed. The answer to this question depends on the goals set for you. Hardgainers can consume carbohydrate-protein mixtures not only before / after training, but also in the pauses between meals. This will increase the calorie content of your daily diet and will make it easier for you to gain weight.

If you want to suppress catabolic processes and accelerate the replenishment of glycogen stores, then you should take the gainer only after completing the training. This is true for endomorphs and ectomorphs. If athletes with this physique take a gainer more often, then they will gain fat mass, which will then be difficult to get rid of. But before going to bed, the gainer should definitely not be used, although sometimes athletes do this. During this time, you need casein to help protect your muscles from nocturnal catabolic reactions.

The best weight gainers

Jar with a gainer
Jar with a gainer

Now let's look at the best weight gainers on the sports nutrition market for gaining muscle mass, or rather, some of them that are most in demand by athletes.


Cytogainer in the bank
Cytogainer in the bank

One serving of this product contains 65 grams of protein compounds and about 80 grams of carbohydrates. The fat content is minimal and can be neglected. To increase the calorie content of the product to the maximum values, dilute the powder in juice or milk. The supplement manufacturer used whey-type protein concentrate and isolate as a source of protein compounds.

True mass

Gainer True Mass
Gainer True Mass

A great product that deserves your attention. In addition to the main ingredients, it contains a large number of useful substances, for example, carnitine, BCAAs, micronutrients, beneficial fatty acids, etc. Protein compounds are contained in the amount of 50 grams per serving and are represented not only by whey protein compounds, but also casein, egg and milk proteins. To relieve you of possible problems with the digestive system during the period of weight gain, True Mass contains special enzymes and enzymes.

Serious mass

Gainer Serious Mass
Gainer Serious Mass

This weight gainer is designed for lean athletes as it contains 250 grams of carbohydrates per serving. We also note the presence in the product of 50 grams of protein compounds, creatine and glutamine.

For more information on gainers on the sports nutrition market, see here:
