Testosterone boosters in sports

Testosterone boosters in sports
Testosterone boosters in sports

Find out how there are ways to naturally increase testosterone levels in the blood to kick-start the protein synthesis process. Testosterone boosters in sports are supplements designed to increase the concentration of the male hormone. This will accelerate the mass gain, increase strength and sex drive. The desire to accelerate testosterone production is understandable and justified, especially for natural athletes.

Testosterone boosters can be produced in various forms, and they can be purchased at specialized sports food stores or pharmacies. These are legal drugs and do not require a prescription to buy them.

Most often, boosters contain herbal ingredients and vitamins. Synthetic substances are used much less frequently in their production. For obvious reasons, each manufacturer of this type of sports nutrition assures that testosterone boosters are very effective in sports, but in practice this is often not the case.

An example is ZMA, the ineffectiveness of which has long been proven not only by athletes, but also by scientists. However, this supplement continues to be produced and companies claim to be highly effective. Testosterone boosters should not be used by people under the age of 25. This is due to the fact that the endocrine system during this period is still being formed and the use of drugs that accelerate the production of hormones can not only be ineffective, but even dangerous. In addition, in the body of young people, the concentration of testosterone is very high even without the use of additives.

But for men over 30 years old, testosterone boosters in sports can be useful. And this applies not only to athletes, but also to ordinary people. It is known that aging, the body begins to not so actively produce sex hormones. The process of slowing down the rate of secretion begins somewhere after thirty years.

Very often, testosterone boosters are used by builders after completing AAS cycles in order to restore the endocrine system as soon as possible. Most often, athletes use tribulus for these purposes. It should also be noted. That the effect of the use of testosterone boosters you can only see while taking them.

The most popular testosterone boosters in sports

Tamoxifen packaged
Tamoxifen packaged

Let's take a closer look at the most popular testosterone boosters used in sports:

  • Tamoxifen. This medication is used by athletes during rehabilitation therapy after the completion of steroid cycles. On average, Tamoxifen can increase testosterone concentrations by about 15 percent of the original level.
  • Tribulus. Perhaps this particular supplement can be called the most popular in this group. Note that relatively recently, Tribulus was classified as a drug, and you can buy it at a pharmacy. At the same time, you can find Tribulus in sports food stores.
  • Aromatase inhibitors. This is a whole group of medicines and, if used correctly, they will be safe for the body. These drugs help lower estrogen levels while increasing testosterone levels at the same time. For example, with a daily use of only one tablet of Letrozole, which is 2.5 milligrams, for 30 days, the concentration of testosterone can be increased by 50 percent.
  • ZMA. This supplement has already been mentioned by us above and is ineffective. Again, we remembered about it only so that you do not waste your money.
  • Forskolin. It is a plant-based substance and is often included in various supplements. Scientists have proven the effectiveness of forskolin.

How to use testosterone boosters in sports?

Sportsman with pills in hand
Sportsman with pills in hand

The duration of the booster course is on average one month. These supplements should be taken according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Most often, this is done one to three times during the day after a meal.

Speaking of testosterone boosters, it should be remembered that this should be approached with full responsibility. Any drugs that affect the endocrine system can be potentially dangerous.

First of all, the conversation is about the body's habituation to the effects of these additives, which can lead to a slowdown in the process of secretion of the male hormone when the boosters are canceled. It is for this reason that it is necessary to limit the time from use. Often, when using boosters, athletes increase aggression and irritability, and acne may also appear on the skin. More serious side effects, such as gynecomastia, are extremely rare. To avoid these unpleasant moments, it is necessary to take testosterone boosters in sports in strict accordance with the rules.

Find out more about testosterone boosters in this story:
