Testosterone propionate: dosages and courses

Testosterone propionate: dosages and courses
Testosterone propionate: dosages and courses

Testosterone propionate has been known among athletes since the 30s. The course of anabolic steroids and dosages should be followed by every bodybuilder. How to inject propionate and its side effects can be found in this article. Anabolics are an essential part of any bodybuilder. In the first couples, you want to pump your body in a natural way. Over time, any athlete finds himself at a dead end, the progress from training becomes invisible. It is during this period that one begins to wonder which anabolic steroid to choose. The sports supplement market offers a wide range of products, one of the popular drugs being testosterone propionate.

For the development of strength and muscle mass

Athletes who have been pumping their own bodies for a long time often choose testosterone propionate. It is ideal for the drying period and develops not only muscle mass, but also the strength of the athlete. The drug is referred to as testosterone esters and is compared with the equally well-known testosterone enanthate. But, unlike it, propionate does not retain liquid in a large volume. If some attribute this factor to a positive moment, then there are those who believe that because of this it is difficult to gain additional pounds. But professionals actively use the drug before important competitions.

On the market you can find a drug from several manufacturers (price as of 2015-30-07):

  • India, Testopin from BM Pharmaceuticals 100 mg / ml (10%) - pack (10 ampoules of 1 ml) - $ 20-30.
  • Ukraine, Farmak (disadvantage - low content of active substance 5%) - packaging (5 ampoules of 1 ml) - 5-7 dollars.
  • England, Verormone (Testosterone Propionate) from Nordic 100 mg / ml (10%) - pack (10 ampoules of 2 ml) - $ 20-25.
  • Iran, Testosterone Propionate 100 mg / ml (10%) - package (10 ampoules of 1 ml) - 15–20 dollars.

To increase the activity of testosterone, manufacturers synthesize molecules by changing their basic composition. Testosterone propionate is a testosterone molecule to which propionic acid, or rather its ester, is attached. Due to this, the effect of the substance is improved several times. Professional bodybuilders love to combine several powerful anabolic steroids to improve their performance. If this drug is taken with Winstol and Primobolan, then the muscles will grow in a shorter time. In this case, subcutaneous fat will decrease significantly.

Testosterone propionate for beginners

Testosterone propionate Farmak 5% Ukraine
Testosterone propionate Farmak 5% Ukraine

In the photo there is a Ukrainian drug, Farmak. Sooner or later, any beginner will decide to try an anabolic steroid. Testosterone propionate is great for beginner athletes. Firstly, it begins to act almost immediately after the injection. Secondly, the price of propionate is low, which is important when the bodybuilder's budget is limited. Of course, modern drugs are more effective. The only problem is that their properties are not fully understood.

But testosterone propionate has been known for a long time and certainly does not have a toxic effect on the liver. Anabolic is also removed quickly, which is convenient when it comes to preparing for a competition. Professionals also use this steroid, but not everyone is satisfied with the short-term result. But at the doping control there will be no problems with the regulatory authorities. And, as you know, leaving the competition at the initial stage is very unpleasant.

Testosterone Propionate does not always attract the attention of beginner jocks. Many people want to get tangible results using modern advances in molecular synthesis. But new doesn't always mean good. To make the right choice, it is worth learning about the effectiveness of this drug.

Testosterone propionate: action and effectiveness

Testosterone Propionate 10% Testopin from BM Pharmaceuticals
Testosterone Propionate 10% Testopin from BM Pharmaceuticals

In the photo, the Indian drug Testopin from BM Pharmaceuticals The drug became known in the thirties. It was during this period that doctors synthesized the testosterone molecule and received a highly effective anabolic for that time. Until the sixties, bodybuilders actively used the drug. Currently, it has not lost its relevance and proudly stands on the shelves with expensive modern means for gaining muscle mass and increasing strength.

Professionals have long understood that there is nothing better for drying and preparing for a competition. Sometimes the drug is difficult to get, and modern advertisements are promoting innovative injections. Due to this, it is quite difficult to make the right choice. Despite this, testosterone propionate is time-tested and has a number of advantages over its counterparts:

  1. The exposure period is long. If you introduce 50 mg of Testosterone Propionate, then the athlete will enjoy an increased testosterone content for two days. And 250 ml is charged with hormones for 10 days.
  2. The minimum amount of accumulated liquid. Due to this, the drying period is also minimized. Everyone knows that excess water creates a bloated effect. While taking propionate, the quality of muscle tissue is several times better.
  3. The increase in muscle volume is an important indicator that interests every pitching.
  4. Accelerated burning of subcutaneous fat, due to which muscle reliefs become attractive and visible.
  5. Strength endurance increases. The athlete feels a surge of energy and training is easier.
  6. No liver poisoning.

After a week's course, bodybuilders notice a surge of strength and an increase in endurance. At the same time, the mood improves, and the energy turns into high-quality muscles.

Propionate dosages and the use of anabolic steroids

Testosterone propionate 10% Verormone, Nordic
Testosterone propionate 10% Verormone, Nordic

In the photo, the English drug Verormone, Nordic The effectiveness of testosterone propionate will be noticeable if the dosages are observed. Otherwise, you may not feel the desired result or face an overdose.

Testosterone propionate instruction:

at the initial stages, it is worth injecting the drug intramuscularly every other day in an amount of 50 mg (this is 1 ampoule with a 5% solution or 0.5 ampoules with a 10% solution). This applies to novice athletes who are just starting to build anabolic courses. This will be enough to jump over your natural limit and improve your fitness. Experienced athletes do injections daily, inject from 100 mg and more. It all depends on the goal of the athlete and individual physiology. Thus, the result is not long in coming.

The duration of the course for beginners is from 4 to 8 weeks. Experienced athletes administer propionate for up to 16 weeks. It all depends on the preparation phase: off-season or pre-competition period.


Testosterone propionate is injected intramuscularly or under the skin with an insulin syringe. Practice shows that the first option is more acceptable for the rapid absorption of the active substance from fat depots.

Very often Testosterone Propionate alone is not enough, then athletes combine it with other drugs. The normal daily dosage for experienced bodybuilders is 100–250 mg. The use of anti-estrogen drugs cannot be ignored. This will avoid gynecomastia. They are introduced in the third week after the course of the main anabolic. In order not to lose the muscle mass earned, you need to use drugs that block cortisol after the cycle. The mistake many beginners make is that they start to ignore sports nutrition. In no case should this be done, only a competent diet will have a beneficial effect on pumping the body. If an athlete is interested in drying, then you can safely combine an anabolic with other drugs:

  • Winstrol orally (there is an increase in quality muscle mass).
  • Stanozolol.
  • Masteron.
  • Turinabol (suitable for security forces).
  • Methane (you should immediately foresee that there will be a lot of water. It is important to exit the course correctly, otherwise the loss of muscle mass will be noticeable).

These are not all substances that lend themselves to combination. Below is a course for aspiring bodybuilders on using this drug and combining it with others:

  1. After one day, testosterone propionate (50 mg) is used.
  2. Oral Winstrol daily. The dosage starts with 10 mg, then it increases within a week to 30 mg.
  3. The course lasts six weeks. After waiting three days, post-cycle therapy begins. It is essential for maintaining muscle mass, preventing hormonal disruption, and as a prophylaxis against unwanted side effects.

There should be breaks in any course. The minimum break lasts at least two months. Ideally, you need to pump your body with chemistry once a week. Combining testosterone propionate with methane is effective, but the blow is not weak to the body. And a considerable amount of water is collected. In this case, methane is drunk three tablets every day, and propionate is injected every other day, 50 mg. Such a course lasts no more than 35 days. Ideally, professional bodybuilding trainers advise replacing methane with turinabol. Then Testosterone Propionate is injected at 50 mg every day, and Turinabol is used in the amount of 50–80 mg every day.

Ideally, an individual course is selected. All these data are revealed from the peculiarities of the reception of various athletes. It is always worth considering physical fitness, fitness level and chronic organ diseases. Healthy eating should not be neglected. Combining steroids with alcohol and tobacco is a sure way to another world. Overdoses have a deplorable effect on the hormonal background and inflict a painful blow on the liver.

Tips for women

Testosterone propionate: dosages and courses
Testosterone propionate: dosages and courses

In the modern gym, there are often women who pull iron on an equal basis with men. At the same time, someone calls them phyto-babies, and many do not perceive them as the weaker sex. In any case, ladies also do not disdain vaccines that pump their fragile body. But not all anabolic steroids can be used by women bodybuilders.

As for testosterone propionate, it is allowed to be used by girls with athletic muscles. There are restrictions on the number of vaccines. If men do injections every day or every other day, then women need a break of 2-5 days. The volume of the drug is halved, the amount of the vaccine should not exceed fifty milligrams. The course lasts 4-6 weeks, but it should be stopped immediately if such changes are noticed:

  • The voice gets rougher.
  • Hard facial hair appears.
  • Body hair gets bigger.
  • The ribcage takes on an unnatural shape.

You cannot neglect your health by pumping your body. Only in a healthy body will there be tangible progress. Women quickly lose their sexuality if they get hooked on asteroids. Any anabolic is a concentrate of men's health. Large dosages will disrupt the natural hormonal balance and lead to infertility.

Side effect of testosterone propionate


Any drug has its own side effect. There is no escape from this, but you can always prevent their formation. Many athletes complain of pain and redness at the injection site. That is why the vaccine should not be injected in the same place. If seals are noticed, then it is better to take a break. Again, it is important to administer the drug correctly and use only disposable syringes. Elementary non-observance of hygiene will lead to disastrous results. Any athlete can infect an infection. Therefore, it is not recommended to lose vigilance.

It is worth remembering that testosterone propionate lends itself to aromatization. In order not to cause gynecomastia, it is worth using special additional drugs. For this, tamox in an amount of 25-40 grams daily is ideal. If this is not done, then female breasts will become the athlete's main problem. During the neglected form, surgical operations are performed. Due to the hormonal release, the skin becomes more oily. This leads to the formation of acne. It is important to maintain good hygiene and shower after every strength training session. Otherwise, acne will develop rapidly. After discontinuation of the drug, the skin will regain its original appearance.

Hair follicles manifest themselves in different ways. Someone starts baldness, and some notice active growth. It all depends on the individual predisposition. A decrease in the natural level of testosterone is typical for any anabolic. The body is restored after two months. You can always help your glands by using additional medications. During this failure, depression and antipathy to training are possible. This is a normal price to pay for the rapid growth of your own muscle mass. The main thing is to prepare in advance for these difficulties, otherwise colossal losses in muscle mass will begin.

All these side effects can be covered by the fact that the disintegration of the drug occurs in the shortest possible time. Due to this, no doping control will be tied to a bodybuilder. At the same time, an important organ of the liver will not suffer from pain and increased stress. Of course, if you combine testosterone propionate with methane, then it makes no sense to expect a sparing effect. In a single dose, this drug is very gentle and mild. Recommended for all novice athletes who dream of incredible muscle size. The main thing is to comply with the norm and not go astray. You can not use anabolic steroids without a break, it should be done after each course. The minimum pause period should be 60 days. Only with this approach will the results be tangible, the muscles pumped, and the body healthy.

Testosterone propionate review videos and tips on how to inject correctly:
