Can you pump up without steroids?

Can you pump up without steroids?
Can you pump up without steroids?

Many bodybuilders take "chemistry" to achieve rapid advances in sports. But there are those who want to achieve everything naturally, without steroids. Is it possible? Natural bodybuilding is of interest to many athletes. Not everyone wants to take chemotherapy to build muscle or increase strength. Is it possible to achieve everything naturally? Can I Start Without Steroids? This question worries many, which means it's time to find answers to it.

Basic rules for straight people

Natural bodybuilder
Natural bodybuilder
  1. Nutrition. Weight gain without steroids depends very much on how the athlete eats. This also applies to other achievements. You should draw up a certain schedule according to which you will eat at least five times a day. Next, calculate your one-time protein intake at each meal. The diet should contain foods such as meat and cottage cheese, fish and chicken. Many athletes use sports supplements to replenish their protein stores.
  2. Workout. It is quite difficult to train without steroids. Be sure to make it a rule to constantly increase working weights. But there is a danger of overtraining, the body does not have time to recover from one training session to another. Overtraining itself disappears only after a three-week rest. Many people are faced with another problem - this is the Plateau, a period when the muscles have stopped and do not grow further, no matter how many workouts and what kind of difficulty they are. In this case, many athletes give up, become disappointed, and even quit training. One must always go towards the intended goal, without fear of difficulties on the way. This is the only way you will achieve the desired results.
  3. Can you pump up without steroids? Yes, but important here recreation … If you feel tired or have a headache, or maybe you are not in the mood, then it is better not to exercise that day. As a result of training in such a state, you will get even more tired, you will not achieve any results from doing the exercises. It is necessary to enter the regime of proper rest and sleep. Then you will be energetic and vigorous, you will have a desire to go in for sports.

Straight and chemist - what's the difference?

Chemist and Straight
Chemist and Straight

First, the process of influencing the DNA of cells with information about protein synthesis in athletes taking steroids occurs faster and in greater volume. Against the background of taking "chemistry", the recovery rate of muscles damaged by training is higher, it becomes possible to overcome the physiological ceiling.

Training for those who take steroids is more impressive, and even more frequent. Due to the large stimulation of the necessary receptors, muscle growth occurs quickly and in large volume. In a person who wants to gain weight without anabolic steroids, a certain amount of anabolic hormones is produced in response to training - they perform the same functions as anabolic steroids. But the size of the impact in this case is much smaller than that of a chemist.

As soon as the athlete approaches the physiological ceiling in the growth of muscles and strength, then there is a stop of progress due to the fact that the effect of the natural amount of hormones is limited. It is necessary to increase the volume of the lungs - the amount of hormones in the blood. In addition, you should pause after exhalation, and then inhale again - this is sports periodization.

How fast can you build without steroids?

The athlete before and after using steroids
The athlete before and after using steroids

There are various factors that affect how quickly you build muscle.

  1. Your experience. For those still new to bodybuilding, muscle growth is faster than for experienced athletes, but then it slows down when you reach your genetic limit.
  2. Own hormonal background. The hormone levels for increasing muscle mass can be different, depending on what kind of training regimen. If you do not swing your legs, do not lift heavy weights, then testosterone growth is impossible.
  3. Genetics. We are talking about the normal distribution of genetic predisposition. Some are given by nature to develop their muscles, others do not have such maximum potential. Genetics affects hormonal balance. The same applies to the structure of the musculoskeletal system. Despite the fact that taking steroids can level the odds to some extent, still a genetically untalented athlete will never be a champion in bodybuilding. There are people who tend to build a lot of muscles, and there are those who will always have muscle building problems.
  4. Muscle memory. If you decide to quit training, and then lost ten kilograms of weight, then returning to classes after a while, you will be able to gain this weight much faster - in just a couple of three months.

For muscle growth, it is not necessary to use steroids, but you can even use sports nutrition as an assistant. What is needed to gain muscle mass without steroids?

  1. A special program based on basic exercises.
  2. Intensive training.
  3. High protein diet.
  4. The correct training regimen.
  5. Strict daily routine.
  6. Gym Partner - He will assist with heavy weight training.

Instructions for gaining mass without steroids

Bodybuilder exercising
Bodybuilder exercising
  1. It is necessary to provide a nutritional base for the muscles. Every day a bodybuilder needs about 2 grams of easily digestible protein per kilogram of body weight. Pay attention to chicken breast, cottage cheese and fish. Be sure to add nuts and boiled eggs to the list.
  2. It is necessary to do work aimed at a large muscle group. Do basic exercises to work out as many muscle fibers as possible in a minimum amount of time. This is a bench press and a standing press, as well as squats and deadlifts. The best exercises are lifting the barbell to the chest and a weightlifting push or jerk.
  3. It is necessary to work with free weights.
  4. Muscles need rest - it's best not to exercise every day. Muscle recovery takes about two days. Therefore, when working with a large weight, even one day of rest between trainings is not enough. Muscle fibers must have time to fully recover.
  5. It is good to train together. For muscle growth, you will have to train to exhaustion. When your strength is running out, your partner will hedge you and help you remove the barbell from your chest.
  6. Drink plenty of fluids. Mineral water is best without gas. The thing is that along with sweat, the athlete loses a lot of fluid. Microelements are removed from the body, the acid-base balance of the body is disturbed, the work of the joints is disrupted, and muscle growth is reduced. During intense workouts, you should drink three to four liters of water per day.
  7. It is necessary to give rest not only to the muscles, but also to the whole body. Therefore, you must sleep for eight hours. Fall asleep before midnight, do not break your sports regimen. Sitting at the computer at night and strong muscles are incompatible.

On the physiological differences between straight and chemists in bodybuilding in this video:

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