Prague krysarik standard, its cost

Prague krysarik standard, its cost
Prague krysarik standard, its cost

The origin of the breed, the standard of appearance, the character of the Prague rat and his health, advice on care, features of training, interesting facts. Purchase price. Looking at the Prague krysarik people think: "So small, but so smart." He is not only agile, but very smart and useful, as it turns out later. The dog will save you from small rodents, protect your wallet from robbers. In such a miniature body, the heart of a large lion - the king of beasts - beats. He is also funny, loves to play and you can take him with you everywhere. If you need a miniature and loyal companion, feel free to have such a pet.

The origin of the Prague krysarik

Dog breed Prague rat
Dog breed Prague rat

The Czech Republic is a real canine city with a large number of different breeds, but the Prague krysarik occupies a special place in it. These dogs are mentioned in historical chronicles along with the name of the great monarch Rudolf II. He had several of these beloved pets. But he went down in history not as a dog handler, but as an alchemist, devoting his life to the search for the philosopher's stone. In the second half of the 16th century, the king bought one of the most mysterious books that mankind has ever known. The alphabet of this manuscript visually has nothing in common with any of the currently known writing systems. The book has not yet been deciphered. They say that the king read it, and most likely that one of the house rats was sitting in his arms. In the company with these dogs, he spent a lot of time studying unknown sciences and discovering unexplained secrets.

In the 13th century, plague raged in Europe. From this disease, people died en masse and it spread at a tremendous speed. The city was literally littered with corpses and there was no hope of improving the situation. But the city's population was saved from this scourge by small and nimble Prague rats! The terrible illness passed, and the memory of it remained in books, statues of art and in these amazing dogs. In 1735, a monument was erected in the city of Prague as a commemoration of the fact that the city survived this terrible disease.

In the Middle Ages, people were afraid to have cats because the Inquisition, to put it mildly, did not favor these animals. They were burned at the stake along with witches and believed that cats are the messengers of the devil. Since someone had to fight with small rodents, carriers of many diseases, small dogs performed this function. They killed rats and mice not only in private lands, but also in large factories and grain storage facilities. So people could save their food supplies and protect themselves from many diseases.

These dogs almost quarreled the Moscow principality with the kingdom in Bohemia. At the end of the 17th century, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the father of Peter I, sent a great embassy to Bohemia to establish friendly relations. The ambassadors brought rich gifts to celebrate the establishment of new ties, and they were received with open arms. When the hosts laid out a magnificent festive banquet, the visiting guests saw with horror that little dogs were walking around the tables and literally crawling into all the dishes. The receiving side reacted very calmly to all this spectacle. In Russia, however, this behavior of dogs was not acceptable. The envoys thought that they were going to be insulted and were going to leave the country immediately, but the king of Bohemia very culturally and respectfully explained that the dogs were on the tables only for the safety of the guests. In medieval Europe, this was done in order to determine whether food was poisoned or not.

Prague was and remains the unspoken capital of pickpocket thieves. In this city it was very easy to lose your wallet. The citizens of Prague once solved this problem in an interesting way. In their pocket, along with the purse, they had the rat guards. They did this job perfectly. Of course, these are not shepherd dogs, but it is very easy for them to neutralize a thief with their sharp teeth.

The external standard of the Prague krysarik

The appearance of the Prague krysarik
The appearance of the Prague krysarik
  1. Head. It looks like a pear, with a pronounced occipital tubercle. The forehead is round with a slight hollow between the eyes.
  2. Muzzle. Elongated, wedge-shaped, should be in good proportion to the body and head. The exterior is designed to match the color of the nose and lips with the main color. The lips are tightly closed. Developed jaws with a scissor bite.
  3. Eyes in the Prague rat rat, they are round-elongated, set wide apart. Eye color to match the color or darker. The eyelids are dark pigmented.
  4. Ears. Large, triangular, erect. Widely located.
  5. Neck. Long and dry with a slight smooth curve.
  6. Frame. Rectangular format with a flat back. The croup is slightly sloping. The withers are not pronounced. The ribcage is oval. The belly is tucked up. The muscles are dry.
  7. Tail the little dog guard is straight and tapers towards the end. Medium-rise, in line with the back. In a calm state, it is lowered down, when moving, it is raised and slightly rounded.
  8. Extremities. With prominent muscles, straight, set wide apart. The hind ones are slightly longer than the front ones.
  9. Paws. Rounded and compact. Fingers in the form of an arch, tightly pressed against each other.
  10. Wool cover. There are rats with different types of hair: short-haired and medium-haired. With short hair, shiny hairs fit tightly to the skin, less dense on the head. With medium coat, it is shorter along the body, and on the ears, the limbs and along the bottom of the tail are longer with feathers.
  11. Color. The main color of the tanned color can be: black, brown from dark to light. The tan markings are available in red, orange, beige and yellow. Solid colors can include black, chocolate, red, milky, beige, and coffee-milky tones. More saturated shades are quoted at exhibitions, especially red.

The character of the Prague krysarik

Prague rat rat with ear pads
Prague rat rat with ear pads

These unique dogs are suitable not only for elderly people for whom heavy physical activity is contraindicated, but also for people leading a very active lifestyle. Because krysariki adapt to each owner individually. They never impose their behavior. We are ready to wait as long as necessary when their owner deigns to play with them. Very quick-witted and intelligent - everything can be understood by the expressive look of the animal. With their developed intellect, the Prague rats are ahead of their large counterparts. You do not need to lisp with them, but you need to communicate on an equal footing. Sometimes you can even say nothing, and the pet has already done what you thought of. To be always next to the owner, they invent and go to all sorts of tricks and tricks. The owners wonder how they came up with such combinations of actions.

Members of the whole family are loved, but strangers are treated with caution. Only when they get used to the fact that certain people often come to your house, then they will recognize them, but do not make close contact. They are also hot and fearless - they will fiercely defend you, even if the enemy is a toothy and angry bull terrier.

They get along well with cats and large dogs, but at the same time they consider themselves the most important leaders of the pack. Prague ratters behave as if they are in the body of a large wolfhound. In order to avoid the tragedy of small rodents, parrots and canaries, it is better not to start. The dog's curiosity and the hunter's instinct will definitely make themselves felt.

These miniature creatures are very mobile for the delight of children. For young family members, these are real friends with whom you can play and run. With what speed and maneuvers they drive - you are amazed. The rats and mice did not have the slightest chance of surviving. They have not lost these qualities and, when the opportunity arises, they must use them. So if pests appear in your country house, your Prague rat-rat will help to destroy them.

Four-legged pets are true friends and companions. Due to their compact size, it is very convenient not only to carry them everywhere with you, but you can also take them on long trips.

They have a very gentle character and balanced nervous organization. They behave like royalty - with dignity. Ratniki are not noisy, they bark only on business. They never bother and interfere with their owners in personal and household chores. Silently watching your beloved pet will patiently wait in the wings. But this does not mean that the owners should not devote at least a little of their time to them. Dogs want to feel your care, love and affection, otherwise why bother them then.

Dog health

Prague rat-man is running
Prague rat-man is running

In general, these are healthy, strong dogs with good immunity. Some individuals live up to 17 years or more. But they do have some genetic diseases such as patella dislocation (displacement of the femur relative to its normal position). Over time, this can lead to skeletal deformity and lameness. If a dislocation is detected, the operation is successfully performed and the dog fully uses the limb. In the future, in order to avoid defective offspring, animals with such a predisposition are not selected for breeding.

Small breeds are prone to periodontal disease and tartar deposition. Therefore, dogs need to brush their teeth systematically. Since they have short hair, there may be skin eczema. This also needs to be monitored, identified and treated in time. So that there are no problems with the bone apparatus and the pet has a beautiful appearance, the diet of the Prague rat pup needs to be enriched with vitamins and minerals. The energy and mobility of these dogs makes them too good an appetite. In no case overfeed four-legged pets - it can turn into obesity. It is also an additional load on the cardiovascular and skeletal system of the dog. To avoid such problems, organize your home friend a dosed and balanced diet at the same time.

Tips for caring for a Prague rat

Two Prague rats
Two Prague rats

These dogs are very unusual. They need to be looked after like real movie stars - especially if they are on show. It is necessary to accustom animals to all hygienic and cosmetic procedures gradually from puppyhood.

  • Wool. Typically, in other dogs, the first coat change occurs at seven or even ten months. In rats, molt occurs for the first time already at three months. These are early maturing dogs. For smooth-haired dogs, they molt in a very unusual way. The wool will cliff at them. It looks as if the animal's fur has eaten a moth - do not be alarmed, this is a normal phenomenon. At an older age, molting is more even and smooth, but for puppies such a sharp change in fur coat is quite acceptable. Breeders try not to knit ratters with long hair among themselves. They are afraid that they will have too thick, long coat and they will lose their recognizable appearance. Rats are bathed in the most usual way, like other short-haired dogs, with the help of specialized hygiene products. The frequency of water procedures - as the pet gets dirty. But you need to comb them out almost every day. This is done with a natural bristle brush. Then, for shine, the wool is polished in the direction of hair growth with a piece of natural suede leather. Dogs with medium hair are given special grooming before the show.
  • Ears. In these dogs, the auricles are wide open. They can get foreign particles, dust and dirt. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly inspect the ears and clean them if necessary. For this, zoological agents are used. Lotion is poured into the pet's sink and massaged well. Then the dog is released, it shakes its head and with the help of such mechanical action all the dirt is removed.
  • Eyes. They do not require special care. Sometimes they are wiped with cotton sponges from the outer corner of the eye towards the inner corner.
  • Teeth. Small breed dogs are prone to tartar formation and, as a result, gum problems. Therefore, from the age of three months, a rat puppy needs to be taught to regularly brush his teeth. The procedure is carried out using a special brush and edible paste for animals. To prevent such troubles with teeth, buy special toys and chewy treats for your pet.
  • Claws. If your pet's claws do not grind on walks, then they should be regularly cut with claws or filed with a file.
  • Feeding. Prague ratters are terrible gluttons. Therefore, whatever you feed your animal, you need to do it in dosage and at the same time. Food can be natural or ready-made concentrate. Natural should include non-fatty meat, offal, cereals and small quantities of vegetables. Buy dry food or canned food only from quality trusted manufacturers. The diet for any feeding is enriched with vitamins and minerals for a healthy physical and appearance of the beloved animal.
  • Walking. If you think that these dogs only live in apartments you are wrong. They love to walk very much. In the cold season, they need to be dressed so that they do not catch cold. If you want to take the rat-boy with you, do not carry it under your arm, you can press it down. Buy a special carrier for small dogs.
  • Toilet. Ratniki are very smart dogs and they can be trained to relieve themselves both on the street and at home in a tray. For busy people, it is very convenient and time-saving.

Training of the Prague ratter and interesting facts

Prague rat-boy is being trained
Prague rat-boy is being trained

This is a lot in small - the Prague ratters are universal. They are sociable, well trained, learn intricate tricks and have excellent working qualities. Now these dogs do not hunt rats, the need has disappeared, but they have not lost their genetic qualities.

Despite the miniature size and weight of three kilograms, they train in the same age group with setters, bulldogs and other canine breeds that are large enough for them. They are taking a course of obedience for service and guard dogs.

The revival of the national breed in the Czech Republic began only in 1980. Engineer Jan Findeys was an active fan and popularizer of the breed. He opened a breed club and was engaged in its selection.

In Russia, these animals were recognized only in 2000, and in 2009 in Moscow a special commission recognized the Prague Rattle breed and its standard. Until that time, these dogs were few in the country; they were imported as souvenirs and kept as pets.

Price when buying a Prague rat puppy

Prague rat puppy
Prague rat puppy

In order to acquire these amazing dogs, it is better to find a decent breeder in a professional nursery with animals with only selected pedigree of good maintenance. In such establishments, the breeding of purebred dogs is carried out with great responsibility. Pets are carefully selected, mating is carried out only as planned. Aggressive or sick dogs are not allowed to breed. Puppies are raised with love and care. They are vaccinated, perform antihelminthic procedures and are well fed. If necessary, at any time of the day or night, you can consult with the breeder. You will get a socialized, healthy animal with a stable psyche.

These dogs are very original. They come in from three, and very tiny up to one and a half kilograms. Such miniature individuals are purchased only for home adoration. Despite the fact that the dogs are small in size, they are very strong, brave, loyal and you can take them everywhere with you. The average price for a thoroughbred puppy ranges from 5000 rubles. up to 30,000 rubles, depending on the sex and exterior of the dog. Dogs with small deviations from the external standard are sold for much less.

If you liked these miniature and original Prague rats, feel free to get such a four-legged friend.

Find out more information about the Prague Krysarik in this video:
