Indoor roses: care, reproduction

Indoor roses: care, reproduction
Indoor roses: care, reproduction

Indoor roses require increased attention to themselves. Find out what they prefer, how to propagate them by cuttings and seeds. Set up a real greenhouse at home. Indoor roses bloom for a long time, decorating the room. For this, the plant needs to create optimal conditions and take proper care of it.

What to do after buying a rose?

Purchased indoor roses bloom
Purchased indoor roses bloom

After beauty lovers buy indoor roses in the store, bring them home, sometimes the plants start to wither and eventually die. To prevent this, pay attention to the purchase. Of course, flowers with a large number of buds attract more attention to themselves, therefore they are bought most often, but you need to pay attention to young shoots, if there are any, then feel free to buy a plant.

When you brought it home, you don't need to create too greenhouse conditions. Place the pot on a cool windowsill, where the temperature is + 20– + 25 ° С. Give the plant a couple of days to acclimate. After that, pay attention to the soil in which the decorative rose is planted. If in peat, then you need to transplant it into a special soil for these plants, in such a soil the roots will receive enough moisture. After all, peat dries quickly, and a room rose is hygrophilous and in such soil will not be able to provide itself with a sufficient amount of water and nutrients.

Before replanting a plant in new land, carry out pest prevention. To do this, make a lather, rinse the leaves with it on both sides, then rinse them with clean water. Pay attention to the roots, if they are rotten, then cut off these areas.

Prepare a pot of suitable size for the plant, transplant it into new soil. If there are flowers and buds on a room rose, cut them off, then it will have enough strength to take root in a new place. To improve immunity, it would be good to spray a home rose with a growth stimulant, for example, "Epin". Place the pot with a lovely flower in a bright place, where the temperature is about + 25 ° C, when the plant takes root, you can slightly lower it.

If you decide to buy a miniature indoor rose in winter, place a fluorescent lamp above it, spray it every 2 days if the air in the room is dry due to heating appliances.

Too often they do not need to be sprayed, as high humidity can lead to the appearance of fungal diseases and pests. Therefore, if the air is not dry, it is better to spray the plant or give it a shower only once a week.

Indoor roses - care

Woman caring for indoor roses
Woman caring for indoor roses

Contrary to popular belief, the rose does not like excessive heat, so the temperature of its content should not be higher than + 25 ° C. The plant will feel best on the east or west window. In the south, the indoor rose will overheat in the summer, so you can place it here only in the cool season.

Water the rose abundantly; if the soil dries out, the plant may die, especially during flowering. Over-watering is also harmful, so pour excess water that has not been absorbed in time from the pan after 20 minutes.

Indoor rose blooms for a long time, so it needs to restore strength with the help of nutrients, they are given by dressing for the rose. For indoor, you need to use liquid organic and mineral dressings (alternating them), which are intended for this plant and are sold in specialized stores.

In the spring, when the warmth is established, and in the summer, it is better to take the indoor rose out into the fresh air, placing it in the yard or on an open loggia. Here the plant feels great. Experts recommend cutting off the first buds so that indoor roses can gain strength and grow stronger. Caring for them requires close attention. Keep an eye on the appearance of the plant, remove withered flowers, drying leaves and twigs in time. From spring to almost August, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium should be present in the dressing. At the end of summer, nitrogen must be eliminated so that the plant is prepared for winter.

In the fall, it would be good to put roses on the balcony, where the temperature is about + 10 ° C. With the onset of severe cold weather, place the pot with the plant between the frames either on a cool windowsill or on a glassed-in balcony, where the temperature is around + 10 ° C.

The dormant period for the rose lasts from October to February. Do not be alarmed if a room rose turns yellow. The leaves take on this color and fall off, as the plant prepares for the autumn-winter rest. At this time, reduce watering, you do not need to feed the rose.

In mid-February, transplant the decorative rose into new soil, and place the plant pot in a warmer room. Then soon new leaves will appear on it, and in March the rose will delight you with the first flowers. So that it is at this early time that flowering begins, when the first buds appear, you need to cut the roses. To do this, the branches are shortened by a third, and the plant itself begins to be watered more abundantly, fed.

Propagation of a room rose by cuttings

Propagation of a room rose by cuttings
Propagation of a room rose by cuttings

The best time to breed this charm is during the summer. June cuttings are considered the most suitable for this. Cut off the faded branches, make an oblique cut, so that each has 2-3 buds and about the same number of leaves. When rooting, pay attention that the buds look up. The bottom cut should go under the bud, it will help the roots grow faster, as they will draw nutrients from the bud.

All the buds of the cuttings must be removed, the extra leaves too. Leave 2 leaves, cutting off half of each. Then the twigs are placed for a day in a solution of a substance that stimulates root formation. Saplings can be rooted in:

  • a jar of water;
  • soil;
  • potato tubers;
  • flowerpot.

To root roses in water, cuttings are freed from leaves, placed in a container, placed in a warm room, where there is enough light. The water should be changed every other day and the cutting should be examined to see if mold has developed on it. Such planting material is unsuitable for further use. When the so-called callus, which looks like a white cloud, appears on the lower part of future seedlings, it is a harbinger of the appearance of roots. They will start to form soon. Let them grow, and then plant the cuttings in a pot of loose potting soil, cover them with a transparent bag or jar. Spray the seedlings occasionally, but remember to ventilate by removing the cover.

An interesting way of propagating roses in potatoes. This vegetable contains moisture and starch, which will help better rooting. Tubers are washed, discarded sick, damaged, rotting. A stalk is placed in the center of the potato, deepening its lower part by 2 cm. You can preliminarily mark this place on the tuber with a knife. Next, the potatoes are placed in a pot of clean sand so that the top of the tuber looks out a little. From above, the seedling is also covered with a glass jar or plastic container or a transparent plastic bag.

For better rooting, the seedlings are watered with a solution consisting of:

  • 1 glass of water;
  • 2 h. L. Sahara.

This feeding is done once a week. For two weeks, periodically open the shelter for airing, after this period it is removed and the leaves from the buds are expected to appear. If this happened, then the seedlings have taken root.

Reproduction of roses in the ground is as follows. Chopped cuttings are placed in a mixture of humus, black soil, peat, sand is poured 2 cm on top. Then the cutting is dipped obliquely shallowly into this soil mixture so that its lower part is in the sand, not reaching the ground. Cover with a film or jar on top, light spraying as needed.

For rooting in a flowerpot, first expanded clay is poured into it, and on top - fertile soil, the last layer consists of sand. A cutting soaked in a root formation stimulator is planted in the same way as when rooting in the ground.

Propagation of roses by seeds

Propagation of a room rose by seeds
Propagation of a room rose by seeds

Growing a room rose from seeds is an exciting experience. Over time, a small seed will develop into a small lush flowering bush. Planting material can be purchased at the store or by using your own plants.

Those who have roses in the garden know that after the end of flowering, the petals fall off, and in the place where the flower was attached to the stem, there is a seed capsule. The same applies to a room rose. You need to let the seed pod ripen and then harvest the rose seeds in late summer without waiting for them to fall off.

Cut the seed pod in half, freeing it from the pulp. Place the seeds for 20 minutes in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide for disinfection. After that, the planting material is not dried, but cooled for some time so that the rose seeds undergo stratification. The same is done with purchased seeds.

In the same hydrogen peroxide solution, dampen cotton pads, a cloth, or paper towel. Place these materials in a plastic box, sprinkle seeds on them, cover with the same cloth or cotton pads also dipped in the solution. Throw cellophane on top, in which small holes are made.

All this must be removed to the vegetable section of the refrigerator for 2 months. Periodically inspect the seeds, if condensation appears on the cellophane, ventilate. If the fabric or cotton wool dries up, moisten them.

At the end of the indicated period or earlier, the rose seeds will begin to germinate. Then take them out of the refrigerator and place them in bowls or small peat pots with light soil. Indoor roses are grown at a temperature of + 18– + 20 ° С, with daylight hours increased to 10 hours. Use special lamps to extend it.

Do not overmoisten the still weak borings, as this can lead to the "black leg" disease. When the buds appear, cut them off. This will help the plant to grow stronger and its root system to develop well.

It is better to buy rose seeds at the end of summer. They are laid out in bowls with damp earth, slightly sprinkled with wet sand (4–5 mm). First, the containers are kept in a room at a temperature of + 18– + 20 ° С, then they are put into a refrigerator or basement, where the temperature is + 3– + 7 ° С.

Stratification is carried out for 1, 5–2 months. Examine the containers so as not to miss the moment when shoots appear. Then, without delay, put the pots on a light cool windowsill, light up and water the seedlings moderately. When the small pots are too small for the sprouts, transplant them into larger containers. Next, take care of your home rose as described above.

For more information on the propagation of indoor roses and caring for them, see here:
