The article describes the latest technologies for breeding and caring for rare and original varieties of roses. It is difficult to meet a person who would remain indifferent to the marvelous rose flower. Since ancient times, she has enjoyed immense popularity, she is called the queen of flowers.
Popular types of roses
The roses of the hybrid tea group are very beautiful: Norita dark red, Gloria Day yellow, Karina pink, Red Queen scarlet, Lady X pale lilac, Pascali creamy white, two-color varieties. Their flowers are large, often fragrant. Beautiful climbing and spray roses. They are very effective. Whole cascades of flowers on bushes 2-3 m high are a very impressive sight: Simpati ruby red, Krymson Rambler pink, Excelsa bright red, Goldenberg dark yellow, New Dawn pale pink, very fragrant. Adorable miniature roses, climbing mini-roses tightly wrap around the supports.
Many people find it very difficult to grow roses. This is not entirely true, roses are quite unpretentious plants and, with proper care, can successfully grow for many years.

Grafted rose seedlings
it is better to plant with a deepening of the grafting site by 5 or 10 cm, self-rooted ones must be planted so that the root collar is at the level of the soil. The best soil is loam, well fertilized, neutral reaction. Over the summer, rose bushes need to be fed 2-3 times with full nitrogen fertilizer or infusion of mullein with ash, in early August only with potash fertilizer, from July 15, nitrogen fertilization, loosening and watering are excluded. In summer, it is necessary to fight aphids in a timely manner.
In the northern and central areas, roses need shelter. At the end of October, the stems are cut to 5 buds, all the leaves are removed, leaving the stalks 1 cm, peat or soil up to 20 cm is poured under the root necks, covered with flax or reed mats, covered with a film on top. Climbing roses do not cut, bend the branches to the ground and press down with wooden hairpins. The shelter is carried out in dry weather, when the average daily air temperature has dropped to -5 ° C. The vitality and flowering next year depends on the correct shelter.
The shelter is removed in late March - early April gradually, so that the buds and stems do not receive sunburn, which can destroy them. The easiest way to reproduce is green cuttings. It is believed that this method is most effective in the south, but I successfully apply it in our middle lane. Roses planted by cuttings in mid-June bloom already in August and winter well under cover, planted later, I have to transplant in pots in the fall and transfer to the basement, I leave very small ones to winter in an apartment on the windowsills. Planted in the ground next spring, these seedlings are quickly gaining strength and catching up with the rest in development.

Own-rooted seedlings have a number of advantages: they do not give wild root growth, their roots are located closer to the soil surface and therefore the seedlings respond better to watering and feeding, if ground stems die, underground buds often wake up and bushes are restored, while grafted seedlings are deprived of such possibilities.
Green cuttings with 3-4 buds need to be rooted in cuttings under a film, I spray every day. Cuttings take root within 25-28 days. From the beginning of June until deep frost, roses decorate my garden, delight me with their lush bloom and aroma.