Types and cultivation of begonias

Types and cultivation of begonias
Types and cultivation of begonias

To admire the beautiful flowers of begonia, you need to know how to grow and propagate it. The article reveals all the secrets of florists for great results.

Variety of begonias


The genus of begonia has about two thousand varieties, about half of them are suitable for indoor gardening. They can be conditionally divided into 3 large groups, begonias:

  • tuberous;
  • with a thickened stem;
  • bush or with a common rhizome.

Tuberous begonias have arisen from the crossing of several species that grow favorably in South America. In warm countries, in open ground, in the rest - in a bright, warm room, such begonia is grown as a perennial crop.

Peeled begonia tubers. In its upper part there are dormant buds, traces of stems, and in the lower part there is a root system. The leaves of this ornamental plant are asymmetrical, large, fleshy stems. Flowers can be of three types:

  • semi-double;
  • terry;
  • non-double.

Tuberous begonia blooms for a long time - from May to October.

There are three groups of tuberous begonias:

  • small-flowered;
  • with hanging stems;
  • large-flowered.

Small-flowered begonias grow up to 15–20 cm. On thin, highly branched stems there are beautiful showy leaves. The plants are covered with flowers, the diameter of which reaches 5 cm. The color range of this type of begonias: yellow, white, pink, red.

Begonia with hanging stems looks amazing in hanging pots. Its stems grow up to 40 centimeters, they are covered with large double flowers, the diameter of which reaches 15 centimeters, and the color range is also diverse - from white to deep red.

Tuberous large-flowered begonias grow up to 20 cm in height, the diameter of their flowers is 15 cm, and can reach twenty centimeters. Flowers are double or non-double, yellow, pink, orange, white, red.

Shrub and ever-flowering begonia

Two vases with begonias
Two vases with begonias

The bush group is quite popular with flower growers. Tall large species look especially impressive, such as: coral begonia (Coccinea), in which the leaves are covered with white spots, bright red begonia (Corralina), it has beautiful shiny leaves. If these two species are not cut, then over time they will grow up to 2 meters in height.

Most often, ever-flowering begonia is used to decorate flower beds, but sometimes it is also grown as a pot plant. She comes from Brazil, where in natural growing conditions it reaches a height of 2 meters. The stems of this species are fleshy, the leaves are serrated, asymmetrical, green. The flowers are monoecious - that is, each plant has both female and male flowers. They can be distinguished by their appearance. Women have 5 petals, men only 4.

Eternal begonia pleases all summer, flowering begins in June and pleases until frost.

There are 4 main groups of ever-flowering begonias:

  • Flora Pleno;
  • Simperflorence;
  • Gracilis;
  • F1 grades.

The first group includes begonias with double flowers, the second - tall large plants with large flowers and leaves. The third group includes small plants with not so large flowers, the fourth includes begonias that bloom for a long time and profusely.

Cultivation and reproduction of tuberous begonias

Tuberous begonia
Tuberous begonia

These ornamental plants love well-structured, fertile soils with a slightly acidic reaction. The place for them is selected bright so that direct sunlight does not fall. The temperature should be moderate + 16– + 23 ° С.

Water the begonia enough, but in moderation. It cannot be sprayed, since then the leaves and tubers can rot, but the air around the plant must be humid, so it is periodically sprayed. At the end of the growing season, watering is reduced, fading shoots are cut off.

Begonia is fed with organic or complete mineral fertilizers. It is important that the plant has enough light, if this condition is not met, the leaves may turn yellow. This can happen not only for this reason, but also due to too frequent watering of the soil. If the buds fall, this is a consequence of too dry air around the plant. If a tuberous begonia is sick with gray rot, then the soil or the air around it is waterlogged.

They are propagated in three ways: by seeds, cuttings and tubers. If you decide to try the first one, then prepare a box where you pour sand, peat, leafy soil in a ratio of 1: 1: 2. Pour with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, sprinkle seeds on top, which do not cover with earth. Place the container where the temperature is + 20 ° C.

After 2 weeks, cut out the seedlings, planting them at a distance of two centimeters from each other. When the leaves of the small begonias begin to close, plant them three to four centimeters apart. After 3 weeks, make a third dive, placing the plants at a distance of 6 cm.

Sowing begonias with seeds is carried out at the end of February or in March. At the end of May, plants are planted in separate pots in open ground in the country in a flower garden. All summer long, this type of begonia will delight with its beautiful leaves and flowers. At the end of September, the plant is dug up, the tubers are cleaned from the ground, dried for 2-3 days in the shade. Then the stems and leaves are cut off, leaving 1 centimeter at the tuber and stored at a temperature of + 7– + 10 ° С.

Next year, in March, the tubers are planted in pots, taken out into a room where the temperature is + 16– + 22 ° С. Soon they will sprout, and you can grow begonias on your balcony, window, or backyard.

If you want to propagate begonia by cuttings, choose the method that suits you best:

  • Cut the stalk along with the tuber part. In this case, the tuber will die, but the stalk, having received enough nutrition, will grow quickly.
  • Cut the stalk so that you leave one bud on the trunk, from which a new stem will grow. In this case, the tuber will remain intact.
  • Break off the stem at the base of the tuber. This method is also gentle for the nodule - it will not die.

Plant the seedlings in a mixture of peat and sand, root them at a temperature of + 20 ° C. It is desirable to use the preparation for rooting, then the chance of getting a new plant will be higher.

By dividing the tuber, begonia can be propagated, in which it is powerful and large. To do this, in March, plant the tuber in a box where you pour peat and sand and keep the container at a temperature of + 20 ° C. When the stems just begin to grow from the buds, remove the tuber from the soil, cut it into several parts so that each has a developed bud. Sprinkle the place of the incision with crushed coal, put the resulting cuttings in the air for a day so that the wounds dry out. After that, plant the tubers in a container where sand, peat, earth are poured and put the bowl in a bright place where the temperature is + 20 ° C.

Growing bush begonia

Shrub begonia
Shrub begonia

The beauty of this species is that such plants bloom all year round. To do this, they need to be provided with a well-lit place where the temperature is + 16– + 21 ° С. Water the plants in moderation and regularly, and in the warm season, take them out into the fresh air, but it is necessary to exclude drafts. From spring to autumn, it is necessary to feed the bush begonias with full mineral fertilizer. Spraying the leaves is not recommended as this can lead to the spread of a disease called gray mold.

Ornamental shrub begonia for three years, then the quality of flowering decreases. To give begonias a second life, cuttings are made. To do this, you need to get planting material, from which a full-fledged plant will soon develop. You can propagate bush begonia and seeds. To do this, they are sown from February to early March in a bowl, where a mixture of peat, sand, and earth is poured. The seeds are not sprinkled with soil, but slightly pressed to the ground with the palm of your hand.

The container is covered with glass and placed in a room where it is light and the air temperature is + 20- + 22 ° С. After 3 weeks, the seedlings dive and grow at + 17 ° C. A month later, they are seated in separate pots, and in the summer they planted a flower garden or on a balcony, where they will delight with their beauty for a long time.

For more information on growing begonias, see this video:
