Jute insulation review

Jute insulation review
Jute insulation review

What is jute insulation, how is it produced, the types of heat insulators based on this plant, technical characteristics, pros and cons, selection features and installation rules.

Advantages of jute insulation

Jute insulation
Jute insulation

Among all mezhventsovy heat insulators, jute has a number of advantages that are inherent only in it. Let's consider them:

  • Bonding ability … Jute contains a lot of lingin. It is a natural resin that prevents rotting and mold formation. In addition, it is able to glue the fibers and timber together, making the seam tight.
  • High rigidity … This quality is responsible for the fact that the jute practically does not wrinkle over time, which means that it does not lose its thermal insulation characteristics.
  • High environmental friendliness … The material of good quality contains exclusively natural components, therefore, jute cannot emit any toxic volatile compounds during operation.
  • Ease of installation … To lay jute in the space between the crowns, no special tools are required. All work can be done independently. The material does not emit dust, does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Good vapor permeability … This quality ensures that an optimal climate is maintained inside the building.
  • Versatility … Felt jute, due to its good compressive resistance, can be used to insulate not only seams in wooden houses, but also floors, walls, and roofs.
  • Aesthetics … The material has a golden natural color, which is ideally combined with the color of a natural bar or log. Therefore, no additional decorative processing of jute is required.

Disadvantages of jute insulation

Jute mezhventsovy insulation
Jute mezhventsovy insulation

The main disadvantages of this thermal insulation material include the following:

  1. Relative fragility … Since jute is a completely natural material, its service life is short. And if the tree can be covered with protective compounds, then the insulation will have to be changed from time to time.
  2. Decrease in thermal insulation properties when wet … Although jute is difficult to wet, if it absorbs moisture, then its thermal conductivity increases dramatically. It dries for a very long time. For the same reason, it cannot be laid in wet weather.
  3. Need for caulking … In order to exclude blowing and the flow of cold air into the room, the building must be additionally caulked.

Jute insulation selection criteria

Linen-jute tape
Linen-jute tape

For each type of wooden building, it is recommended to select a specific jute insulation. In addition, when choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors that characterize the quality of the heat insulator. Therefore, before you buy jute insulation, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • For laminated veneer lumber, in order not to violate its strict geometry, you should take a thin tape (3-4 mm) with a density of up to 400 g / m2.
  • For profiled timber, flax-jute is optimal.
  • For a rounded log, which creates a lot of pressure on the inter-ledge material, a heat insulator with a thickness of about 6 millimeters and with an increased density of about 550 grams per square meter is suitable.
  • If you plan to insulate a building made of low-quality wood with irregularities on the surface, then buy jute tape at the rate of installation in two layers.
  • If in the future you will cover wooden walls with a decorative layer of paint or plaster, then you can choose an inexpensive jute tow.
  • The color of high-quality jute should be golden, and the smell should be pleasant and natural, without chemical impurities.
  • The material should not contain threads of any other shade or quality. Otherwise, this is evidence that the insulation was made from recycled materials and will not last long.
  • High-quality jute has fibers that are easily separated from each other, since they are not treated with any chemicals.
  • It is recommended to choose jute tape with fibers less than three centimeters long so that they do not attract birds.

It should be remembered that the heavier the log used during construction, the denser the insulation should be.

Price and manufacturers of jute insulation

Jute insulation production
Jute insulation production

Despite the fact that jute does not grow in our area, many domestic companies produce a heat insulator based on it, using imported raw materials. Manufacturers of jute mezhventsovy insulation in Russia are:

  1. Jutov … The company produces tow, jute felt. The price for a roll of tow starts at 350 rubles, and felt can be bought from 190 rubles.
  2. Winter house … The manufacturer specializes in the production of tow and combined material from flax and jute. Oakum costs from 550 rubles per roll, and flax-jute can be purchased at a price of 170 rubles.
  3. TD Progress … The company produces mainly flax-jute of various densities. Its cost starts at 150 rubles per roll.

Note! The price of jute insulation will directly depend on the width, thickness of the tape, as well as its density.

Brief instructions for installing jute insulation

Installation of jute insulation
Installation of jute insulation

You need to work with jute insulation in dry, calm weather. There are several ways to mount the material. So, for ordinary logs, glued beams, the method without bending is used. It is necessary to insulate a house from planed beams by laying one edge of the jute tape under the other. For thermal insulation of buildings made of rounded and chopped logs, it is necessary to bend both edges of the insulation. In general, the installation scheme looks like this:

  • We roll out the tape along the length of the log and fasten it with a construction stapler in increments of up to one meter.
  • We make sure that the insulation does not protrude beyond the joint. Otherwise, moisture will enter the seam.
  • We put the material in the next bar. We cut off the excess or tamp it inside the log house.
  • After you insulate the whole house, you need to carry out caulking. A jute rope is suitable for this.
  • If you want to drill a hole for the dowel in the insulation, then do it manually so as not to violate its integrity.

Watch a video review of mezhventsovy jute insulation:

Jute mezhventsovy insulation is a classic natural material for thermal insulation of buildings made of natural wood. It is environmentally friendly, durable, easy to use and perfectly protects from the cold. It is easy to work with him and even a beginner can do it.
