Decorating a bath with a block house

Decorating a bath with a block house
Decorating a bath with a block house

Block house is a versatile material for bath cladding. It is suitable for both interior and exterior decoration. In addition, even a beginner can sheathe a structure with them, observing all the rules and taking into account the specifics of working with wood. Content:

  1. Varieties of block house
  2. Outdoor decoration

    • Preparation
    • Finishing instructions
  3. Internal cladding

    • Preparatory work
    • Finishing features

Recently, a block house has become very popular among finishing materials for a bath. It is environmentally friendly, durable and easy to install. It is produced in different modifications and color palette, and therefore you can choose the most optimal option for the interior and exterior cladding of the bath. A block house is a type of Euro lining, it imitates a surface made of rounded logs, so a building with such a finish looks like a real log house.

Varieties of block house for a bath

Wooden block house
Wooden block house

According to the manufacturing technology, the block house is divided into several varieties: acrylic, vinyl, metal, wooden. The latter option is used much more often. Especially in demand is a wooden block house for decorating baths. However, it requires processing with a fire retardant and antiseptic every few years.

In terms of quality, the wooden block house is divided into four classes: A, B, C and the highest - "Extra". In a class C block house, there may be knots or holes from them, chips, cracks, remnants of bark. Class B material is distinguished by better processing, the presence of knots, cracks, darkening of wood is allowed. In class A, the surface of the block house is qualitatively planed, no mechanical damage is allowed. Only bitches can be found. The "Extra" class is usually used exclusively for the interior lining of the bath. Its surface is perfectly sanded. For exterior decoration, you can use material of any class.

When making a block house, it is dried up to at least 15% humidity. This increases its strength characteristics and prevents deformation. Pay attention to the moisture content of the wood when buying, do not purchase wet or overdried material.

It is also important to choose a block house by type of purpose. You can sheathe the steam room only with hardwood material (linden, larch). Ash, oak, white acacia are suitable for finishing auxiliary rooms. Aspen and conifers are mainly used for exterior decoration.

Exterior decoration of the bath with a block house

For cladding a bathhouse with a wooden block house outside, a panel 4-6 meters long and 10-20 cm wide is optimal (from 650 rubles per m2). It is possible to sheathe a block house with buildings made of any materials - brick, foam block, gas silicate blocks, timber. The class of a block house for outdoor decoration should be selected based on your own financial capabilities. Buy material with a margin, because in case of a shortage, you will have to buy wood from another batch, which may differ in color and texture.

Preparation for covering the bath outside with a block house

Exterior decoration of the bath with a block house
Exterior decoration of the bath with a block house

Before installation, it is better to lay out the finishing material under the canopy of the building for acclimatization. The wood has to get used to the environmental conditions. To increase the moisture-resistant characteristics of the block house and protect it from insects, it is necessary to carefully treat it with an antiseptic (especially thorns and grooves). When the first layer is completely dry, you should smooth out the irregularities and apply the second.

To sheathe a bathhouse with a block house outside, we need to additionally prepare an insulation (mineral wool), a waterproofing agent (mastic and a film) and a windproof film.

Instructions for decorating a bath with a block house outside

Finishing the bath with a block house outside
Finishing the bath with a block house outside

The thickness of the battens for the lathing should be greater than the thickness of the heat-insulating layer. And the frame itself for the external cladding is usually made more massive than for the internal one. Even at the stage of acclimatization of the block house, it is advisable to cover the surface of the bath with waterproofing mastic.

We carry out the work in the following sequence:

  • We fasten to the wall with self-tapping screws a crate made of 3 * 5 cm beams, slats and a corner. We place the elements of the frame with a step of about 70 cm.
  • We put a five-centimeter layer of insulation in the space between the slats.
  • We attach an overlapping wind and waterproof fabric. We glue them along the seam and fix them on the insulation with staples.
  • We mount a crate made of thin strips to the main structure with self-tapping screws to create a ventilated space inside.
  • We fix the block house board horizontally with hardware. The connecting tongue of the tongue-and-groove system must be at the top.
  • Using a drill, we make holes in the panels with a step of 60 cm. We fasten each panel with two hardware (at the spike and at the groove).
  • We process the finished structure with an antiseptic composition.
  • After drying, we prime and open with varnish.
  • We install platbands.

It does not matter in which direction the block house is laid - from bottom to top or vice versa. The main thing is that the spike of the boards "looks" up. This will prevent moisture from accumulating in the grooves.

Please note that when assembling block house panels, it is important to leave a thermal gap of about 3 mm. This will relieve stress in the skin when the temperature or air humidity changes.

Internal cladding of a bath with a block house

To decorate the bath with a block house inside, it is recommended to combine types of wood. Hardwoods are ideal for a steam room. But for the washing department it is better to use coniferous wood. In any case, before finishing work, you should leave the panels of the block house in the room for acclimatization. This time can be devoted to preparing the premises.

Preparatory work before fixing the block house inside the bath

Fixing the block house inside the bath
Fixing the block house inside the bath

The interior wall cladding must be started after the floor has already been laid. When decorating the walls with a block house, wooden flooring will look more harmonious. If you decide to leave the concrete floor, then before finishing it can be leveled with a self-leveling mixture.

Level the ceiling, brick or block walls with putty or plaster. On a wooden surface for leveling, you can attach slats or plywood with self-tapping screws.

To carry out finishing work, you need to stock up on a block house 8-9 cm wide. It is advisable to use the "Extra" class (from 1300 rubles per m2). You will also need an antiseptic, fire retardant, hydro, steam, heat insulator (basalt or mineral wool).

Please note: the material for the steam room does not require additional processing before finishing. After installation, it can be impregnated with oil compounds. It is better to cover the finishing wood for auxiliary rooms with an antiseptic and fire retardant.

Features of finishing the bath inside the block house

Block house for finishing the steam room
Block house for finishing the steam room

When installing the battens, use slats with a thickness corresponding to the layer of insulation. If the internal insulation of the steam room is not planned, then the best option is a 2 * 4 cm bar. It is better to pre-treat the bars for the lathing with an antiseptic.

We carry out the work in the following sequence:

  1. We cover the wall with a waterproofing layer.
  2. We mount the extreme lathing bars with a step of about 50-70 cm. Pull the fishing line between them to check the evenness of the wall. If you plan to lay the block house horizontally, then fix the frame elements vertically. We fasten the battens to the brick surface using dowels, for wooden walls we use self-tapping screws.
  3. We put insulation (optimally - mineral wool).
  4. If the bath is heated with a wood-burning stove, then we insulate the space near the chimney with basalt wool.
  5. We cover with overlapping waterproofing and vapor barrier membranes. We glue the joints with tape.
  6. We fill the crate with a cross-section of the bars of about 5 cm2.
  7. We attach the first block-house board with a thorn upward with screws or nails, driving them into the groove at an angle of 45 degrees. Hats must be hidden to prevent rust. It is undesirable to use kleimers.
  8. We leave a few centimeters of space near the ceiling and near the floor to ensure ventilation. They will not spoil the appearance, since they will be covered with baseboards.
  9. We aesthetically fasten the elements in the corner by sawing the boards at an angle of degrees or using a square lath.
  10. As with siding, an expansion gap should be left between the planks.
  11. At the final stage, we sheathe the ceiling with wooden clapboard and mount the platbands.

It remains only to watch the video instructions for decorating a block house:

It is recommended to open the surface with protective solutions every few years. This will improve the performance of the coating and extend its life. Adhering to the above recommendations, even a beginner can do all the work. Instructions and photos of finishing the bath with a block house will help to sheathe the surface according to all the rules and provide high-quality heat, steam and waterproofing of the bath room.
