Features of raw sugar, brief cooking technology. Calorie content and chemical composition of the product, the benefits and harms of use. Recipes and interesting facts.
Raw sugar is a sweet food product that is a semi-finished product for making sand and refined sugar. Most often made from sugar cane. The structure is polydisperse, contains crystals of various sizes (0, 2-1, 6 mm) and mother syrup (molasses), the smell resembles fermented pears. The color is usually light brown, less often gray, of various shades. A deviation in sucrose content is allowed - from 94 to 99%, as well as in moisture content - up to 1%. It is used for the manufacture of refined sugar, in the food and chemical industries.
Features of making raw sugar

The collection and storage of raw materials is carried out in places where sugar cane is grown.
The production of raw sugar can be briefly described as follows:
- The reeds are tied into sheaves and laid out on a roller press. With the help of a continuous water jet, up to 93% of the juice can be extracted with little dilution.
- The juice is sent to the pulp trap (grass mass) and returns to the juice catchers, mixing with the freshly squeezed juice.
- Digestion is carried out under vacuum, after which the syrup cannot maintain a liquid form and crystals fall out. These crystals are centrifuged to produce real raw sugar.
Such a product is not suitable for food. In the composition of the sweet free-flowing mass, the residual amount of plant fibers, insect residues, mold and yeast fungi. Primary cleaning is carried out with quicklime. At this stage, acidity is neutralized, sugars are precipitated. The precipitate is separated after combining with milk of lime.
After removing the thick defecation sediment, a clear, shiny dark syrup is obtained. Secondary cleaning and neutralization of lime is carried out using sulfur dioxide when heated or sulfitation when cooled. At this stage, the purification ends, the syrup, which has acquired a dark color due to the admixture of organic acids and molasses residues, is evaporated. Crystals are formed during the process. The sugar mass looks heavy, moist. If further processing and bleaching is required, then the raw material is packaged in bunkers and sent for bleaching and refining.
Sugar obtained in this way has increased hygroscopicity, therefore it requires special storage conditions - without access to air. With increasing humidity, the mass liquefies, sucrose decomposes. The product may deteriorate and mold.
Composition and calorie content of raw sugar

Supporters of a healthy diet believe that such a product is more useful, since due to incomplete purification, molasses remains in it, containing organic acids and B vitamins.
The calorie content of raw sugar is not much different from the nutritional value of refined sugar - 362 kcal per 100 g, of which 95, 3 g of carbohydrates.
Vitamins per 100 g:
- Niacin equivalent, PP - 30 mg;
- Riboflavin, B2 - 6 mg;
- Thiamin, B1 - 6 mg.
Of the microelements, one can single out:
- Calcium is a building material for bone and muscle tissue, which is also responsible for the elasticity of blood vessels;
- Potassium is a substance that normalizes heart rate and maintains blood pressure;
- Sodium is a stabilizer of water and electrolyte balance;
- Iron, which stimulates the production of red blood cells, which distribute oxygen to organs and tissues.
If we compare the content of microelements in refined sugar and raw sugar, we can see that the unrefined product contains 9-10 times more potassium, 6 times more calcium, and 10 times more iron.
Also, raw sugar contains a small amount:
- Pectins - accelerate metabolic processes and lower cholesterol levels, create favorable conditions for the vital activity of beneficial microflora, which is located in the small intestine.
- Aspartic amino acid - eliminates chronic fatigue and helps remove toxins from the body.
- Glutamic amino acid - regulates the acid-base balance and increases the local immunity of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs.
- Alanine - prevents age-related changes and increases endurance, prevents the formation of calculi.
- Glycine - has a calming effect, prevents insomnia and improves emotional well-being.
- Lysine - promotes the production of serotonin, stimulates the endocrine and reproductive system, accelerates rehabilitation after injuries.
- Serina - stabilizes the production of immunoglobulins and antibodies, combining with water, allows you to develop the required volume of muscles, and reduces blood sugar levels.
The fruity smell of the product is provided by essential substances that appear during the breakdown of fructose and the release of reducing sugars. It also contains fats and resins.
There are some ingredients in the raw material that should be limited to consumption. These are dyes and aldehydes that are irritating, but also have anesthetic properties.
Useful properties of raw sugar

A product made from sugar cane, when consumed in small quantities, has a beneficial effect on the body. Its main function is to replenish the body's energy supply and quickly recover from physical and emotional stress.
The benefits of raw sugar:
- It normalizes blood pressure and stabilizes the nervous system, has a calming effect, and increases the production of serotonin.
- Speeds up falling asleep.
- Normalizes fat metabolism, helps to get rid of toxins and toxins accumulated in the intestinal lumen.
- Increases bone strength and improves the quality of hair and teeth.
Official research has proven that the introduction of raw materials into the diet has a positive effect on the urinary system, suppresses the development of bacteriuria. Also sugar stabilizes the production of red blood cells and stabilizes the spleen.
Contraindications and harm of raw sugar

Vegetarians and nutritionists often advise replacing refined sugar with raw sugar, arguing that it is healthier. In fact, there are so few additional components in the composition of sweetness that you can replenish the organic reserve with the help of other products.
With intolerance to the raw materials from which the raw material was made, allergic reactions may develop. Molasses (molasses) retains the properties of the original product.
The harm from raw sugar can occur if stored improperly. The presence of molasses creates favorable conditions for the development of fungal flora, and the product can be poisoned. Deterioration is indicated by the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
Do not overuse raw:
- Fat builds up quickly and weight increases.
- The likelihood of developing diabetes mellitus increases.
- Teeth are destroyed, caries begins, hair splits.
- The body quickly loses calcium, the bones become fragile.
- Protein-lipid metabolism is disturbed.
- The lumen of the blood vessels narrows, sclerotic plaques form.
- Degenerative-dystrophic changes progress.
Note! The permissible dose of raw sugar for women is 40 g per day, for men - 60 g.
When switching to a "healthy" lifestyle, you need to adhere to the same recommendations as when using refined sugar. Moreover, it is very difficult to buy raw in stores. Brown sugar that says "raw" on the packaging is most likely regular cane or palm sugar. Organic acids and B vitamins are absent in such a product.
Raw sugar recipes and drinks

Due to the high amount of organic acids and the high content of molasses, not everyone likes the taste of raw. To an unfamiliar person, he may seem bitter. But this is not a reason to refuse a useful product. To increase the sweetness, the product is heated and then cooled.
Delicious Raw Sugar Recipes:
- Pumpkin Pancakes … In a deep bowl (preferably enameled), beat 1 egg, pour in 1, 5 cups of milk, a glass of pumpkin puree, 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil. Knead separately - 2 cups flour, 3 tbsp. l. raw, 2 tbsp. l. baking soda, 1 tsp. cinnamon, Jamaican rum and salt. Both kneads are combined and mixed from top to bottom to saturate the dough with oxygen. Fried in hot sunflower oil on both sides, served with sour cream.
- Caramel porridge … Heat the saucepan over low heat, beat an egg in it, pour in 3/4 cup of milk and add half a glass of raw and the same amount of oatmeal. Cook until the porridge becomes viscous, like caramel. A piece of butter is added before serving.
Raw sugar drinks:
- Rum … 5 liters of water are boiled, the raw material is dissolved - 2.5 kg, stirred until dissolved, covered with a lid and poured into a fermentation container. Dilute yeast, 25 g, on nutritious wort. Maintain a constant temperature of 25-28 ° C. Pour in cool unboiled water, another 5 liters, mix, introduce the wort with yeast. The dishes should be 85% full. A water seal is installed - the simplest is a rubber glove with a puncture on the finger. Once the glove is deflated, the sweetness decreases - this takes up to 10 days. The precipitate is separated, and the liquid is distilled through a moonshine still without separation into fractions. The sediment is left in a cube. The strength of the moonshine should be at 20 °. Repeated distillation is carried out, increasing the fortress to 45 °. The first portion is drained - you cannot drink it, it contains toxins from molasses. The resulting distillate is brought to the desired strength and tinted with caramel. Hydro-module for raw - 1 part sugar, 4 water, 100 dry yeast.
- Mojito … One and a half peeled limes are kneaded in a glass with 10 g of fresh mint and a teaspoon of raw. Pour 8 tbsp. l. crumbs of ice, transfer everything to a shaker, beat. Pour into a glass, separating the citrus fibers, add 150 g of cold sprite, decorate with mint.
Note! When making drinks, preference should be given to raw cane.
Interesting facts about raw sugar

Raw is an intermediate raw material in the preparation of refined sugar. The product, which was made using sugar beets, is rarely used in the food industry - it is immediately processed in a sugar factory. But palm or reed often serves as a dining room.
The best raw sugar is considered to be made on the island of Mauritius. The raw material, sugar cane, is grown on volcanic soil. In such a reed, there is an increased amount of trace elements - they are introduced by moisture that rises along the stems of the plant.
The sweetest and darkest raw is obtained in India from the juice of Arenga sugar palms. A special feature of the production is digestion in open boilers. The high temperature causes the partial breakdown of glucose into fructose and sucrose. It smells like a creamy caramel. Unlike other varieties of sweets, pressing is included in the pre-sale preparation. They sell sugar in the form of geometric shapes - cubes and rectangles.
In the United States, you can also buy raw maple sugar, from which gingerbread and puddings are later made, and in India, sorghum - from the stems of the plant of the same name. This product is used as an ingredient for fruit caramelization.
When purchasing raw materials, one cannot be sure that they are buying this particular product. Under this name, they sell dark brown refined sugar, which was first completely refined, and then molasses was again introduced using spraying. This explains the high cost of sweetness for "healing" the body. Real raw material is 1, 5 times cheaper than refined sugar, since the production process is cheaper.
Raw cane is delivered to sugar factories by rail, in closed wagons, packed in bags made of sealed waterproof fabric. Bulk storage is not allowed - it is moved to storage using conveyors or loaders and placed in several layers, placing it on wooden racks. The stacks are positioned to provide free air access, otherwise the bags will become damp. Laying along walls is not allowed.
The relative humidity in the warehouse is no higher than 60%, the temperature is within 5-10 ° С. If the conditions are violated, the moisture content of the sugar rises and the product deteriorates quickly. In this case, it will be impossible to make high-quality refined sugar.
Watch a video about the benefits and dangers of sugar: