How to get a slim figure in 30 days?

How to get a slim figure in 30 days?
How to get a slim figure in 30 days?

Find out how to put yourself in order in just 1 month, manage to lose extra pounds and gain a sports figure. Many different methods for getting rid of excess weight have already been created and new ones are constantly appearing. Unfortunately, most of these programs turn out to be ineffective and are quickly forgotten by everyone. Today we will talk about the famous program by Gillian Michaels - "Slim figure in 30 days."

It stands out from other techniques for its effectiveness. Many women all over the world use it and get great results. We will tell you about all the advantages and advantages of this technique, because a slender figure in 30 days is the dream of a large number of women.

Biography of Gillian Michaels

Jillian Michaels posing
Jillian Michaels posing

Today, the name Gillian Michael is well known to many women on the planet. This is a professional fitness trainer as well as a fashion model. Jill was born in the City of Angels in 1974. Only my mother, who worked as a psychotherapist, was involved in raising her daughter. As a child, Jill had serious problems with being overweight. This led to a drop in the girl's self-esteem.

Jill's parents divorced when she was barely 12 years old, and this was a lot of stress for the teenager. Perhaps this fact also affected the increase in body weight. In the eighth grade, with a height of 158 centimeters, Gillian weighed 80 kilograms. For this reason, she was constantly attacked by her peers at school. However, at the age of 14, everything changed after my mother sent her daughter to the martial arts section. It was there that the coach was able to convey to her the idea that until you start to respect yourself, others will not do it.

Jill's parents continued to be in a very bad relationship after the divorce, and at the age of 17 the girl stopped communicating with her father. At the same time, she enters the university and leaves home. Unfortunately, the girl failed to combine her studies with active sports, and she made a choice in favor of sports. At the same time, she gets a job as a bartender in one of the local bars.

In 2002, Jill, together with his girlfriend, opens their own gym. Three years later, after presenting a fake higher education certificate, she gets a job at one of the agencies for the search for young talents. So she gets on one TV show, which in many ways made her a popular person all over the world.

As part of this show, a group of young people with overweight problems competed in the rate of weight loss. Jill was one of the coaches and earned a reputation as a "tough" mentor, requiring "army discipline" from her charges. Gillian herself says that in life she is completely different and that the core that the audience of the show watched is missing. Be that as it may, after this television show, Michaels becomes famous throughout America.

In 2010, she decides to leave the show, as she is going to start a family. However, Jill did not leave television and created her own show. In addition, she was invited to act as a presenter in one very popular program in the United States, which discusses issues of excess weight and the fight against it. For all the time that Michaels spent on television, she was able to create a real fitness empire, releasing books and video tutorials. It was at this stage that the "Slim figure in 30 days" technique was created, which will now be discussed.

Benefits of the Slim Figure program in 30 days

Jillian Michaels training
Jillian Michaels training

According to the methodology developed by Jill, you have a choice of the type of activity. You can work both on the most problematic areas and with the whole body at once. The experience of millions of women who have achieved their goal of a slim figure in 30 days speaks volumes about the high effectiveness of this program. There are several levels of the program, depending on your initial physical fitness.

Michaels pays a lot of attention to motivation in his classes. If you started to study according to her video lessons, then it will be much more difficult to quit them than to continue training. This is very important, because sometimes people do not bring the business they started to its logical conclusion.

Gillian's training program is based on interval training, and classes are conducted with high intensity. So far, there is no more effective way to combat fat than interval training. Also, you do not have to select exercises on your own and make effective complexes out of them. All this work has already been done by Jill and you just have to follow her recommendations.

Basic principles of the program Slim figure in 30 days

Jillian Michaels program scheme for different levels
Jillian Michaels program scheme for different levels

Michaels training consists of two stages, each of which lasts three weeks. 21 days is enough for you to get great results from your workouts and move on to the next level. If the first phase involves work on the whole body, then in the second, special attention is paid to problem areas.

Before we look at the program itself, it is necessary to separately talk about the diet. Without following several nutritional principles, a slim figure in 30 days will become an unattainable goal for you.

  1. According to the first principle, you must adhere to an individual approach in the preparation of your diet. This is quite understandable, because each person's body is individual and universal nutrition programs simply do not exist. It is very important to correctly assess your physique, because the speed of metabolic processes is associated with this. Thin people have a high metabolism, while obese people, on the contrary, have a slower metabolism. For the first body type, Gillian recommends eating more complex carbohydrates. If you have a slow metabolism, then the emphasis in food should be on protein compounds.
  2. The second principle of the diet is to control energy intake and expenditure. Using special tables, you need to assess the energy value of the foods you eat and then determine the daily calorie content of food. You will also have to use special calculators that will help you determine the amount of energy you expend every day. Thus, you need to achieve a calorie deficit of between 400 and 600 each day.
  3. The third principle of nutrition says that during the day you need to eat four times. It is quite clear that these should only be useful and healthy foods. The basis of the diet is fruits and vegetables. Also, the nutrition program must include lean meat, seafood, fish and dairy products. To exclude the option of overeating, you should keep a diary in which you should constantly enter the number and names of the foods you eat. Everything is quite simple and if you follow all these principles in nutrition, then a slim figure will become a reality for you in 30 days.

You should start your path to a slim figure with the program for beginners. It is suitable for girls who have never been involved in sports before or have done it for a long time. All you need to do an effective workout is a rug and dumbbells. The weight of sports equipment must be selected individually, but for most girls it will be enough to use dumbbells weighing from 0.5 to 1 kilogram.

Workouts must be carried out six times throughout the week. In total, the program for beginners involves three levels of difficulty, each of which takes 10 days to overcome. One lesson consists of three segments with five exercises. They must be performed twice in a circular mode with high intensity. This is a very easy program and is only suitable for beginners. All exercises are very simple and it will not be difficult for you to master them. This is one of the main distinguishing features of the Michaels program, since many techniques involve the implementation of rather complex exercises. In the absence of sufficient experience, they can cause damage. In this case, this is excluded.

When you have passed the first stage of the program, designed for beginners, you can move on to the next level. If you have enough experience of practicing other types of spots, it makes sense for you to immediately start training from the second stage.

You have to study according to a more complex program, designed for 90 days. The total number of classes per week is six, four of which are strength, and two involve cardio. Progress in strength training should be done every 14 days. Cardio should be increased every three weeks.

The strength training program is a two-day split, and you must rotate the work on specific muscles each session. In total, the mid-level training program consists of three phases, lasting one month (four full weeks).

If the first step may seem easy for you, then in the second you will change your point of view. We do not recommend skipping the first phase because of its apparent lightness. The main task at this stage is to prepare the body.

Gillian recommends speeding up your metabolism during the first week of training and gives practical advice on how to achieve this goal. Two workouts should be done daily. The morning one is strength, and the cardio session is held in the evening. Recall that it is worth starting to train according to this program only if you have sufficient physical fitness. If you do not have it, then go back to the beginner program. Although there are two sessions during the day, their total duration will be only half an hour. Surely you can find so much time, because a slender figure in 30 days is the dream of many women.

The first level workout for weight loss according to the Jillian Michaels program in this video:

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