Milk diet menu for 3 and 7 days

Milk diet menu for 3 and 7 days
Milk diet menu for 3 and 7 days

Features of nutrition on a milk diet, what you can and cannot eat. Sample menus for 3 days and a week with seasonal variations. Results and real feedback.

A dairy diet is a proven way to lose a few pounds quickly with minimal health risks. Usually, for the menu, cow or goat milk of medium fat content (1, 5-2, 5%) or products based on them are used. The great thing about the diet is that it is not harmful to your muscle mass and can be used as part of a strengthening program in fitness or bodybuilding.

Features and rules of the milk diet

Dairy diet for weight loss
Dairy diet for weight loss

A dairy-based diet usually comes in two flavors - a three-day diet and a seven-day diet. A seven-day diet is a complete dairy menu. A three-day one can be represented as a "half" version of the milk diet for 7 days, and a rather extreme "hungry" version - a mono-diet, in which only fresh milk and water are allowed. In the second case, milk must be drunk strictly by the hour. For a dairy diet, it does not need to be boiled.

Any dairy diet will primarily be low-carb. Due to the specifics of the products in its classic version, there will be practically no fiber. The relatively high protein content will help fuel your muscles while dieting.

Dairy products almost completely satisfy the daily requirement for calcium, B vitamins, and partially for vitamins A and D. But they cannot fully cover all the daily needs of the body - for example, they are extremely poor in vitamin C. To maintain the balance of trace elements during a milk diet, additional vitamin and mineral complexes can be taken.

Eating should be fairly frequent, once every 2-3 hours, but the portions should be small, about 200 grams per snack.

During the diet, every day you need to drink 1, 5-2 liters of water (while food or milk should not be washed down - drink separately). It is better to drink mineral and non-carbonated water - excess bloating will be very inappropriate.

A dairy diet for weight loss should not be tried by people suffering from lactose intolerance, gastrointestinal disorders, metabolic disorders (for example, diabetes or hypoglycemia), and also weakened after a long illness.

Allowed foods on a dairy diet

Allowed foods on a dairy diet
Allowed foods on a dairy diet

If you choose the milk mono diet, you are allowed to drink milk and water.

In a mixed milk diet for a week, it is additionally allowed to eat some non-starchy vegetables, fruits, berries, a variety of dairy products - yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, cheeses. Instead of bread, it is better to use cereal loaves.

Pay special attention to dates, prunes, pears, apricots - these are sources of fiber necessary for normal digestion. It is its deficiency that will be most acutely felt even in a sparing mixed milk diet.

Let's take a look first at the energy value of milk and some dairy products.

The calorie content of cow's milk is from 44 to 64 kcal per 100 g, depending on the fat content (1.5% and 3.5% fat, respectively), of which:

  • Proteins - 2, 8-3, 3 g;
  • Fats - 1, 5-3, 5 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 4, 8 g.

The calorie content of cottage cheese is from 110 to 236 kcal per 100 g, depending on the fat content (from low fat to 18% fat), of which:

  • Proteins - 15-22 g (the fatter the cottage cheese, the proportionally less protein it contains);
  • Fats - 0, 6-18 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 3 g.

You can not only drink kefir during a mixed milk diet, but also season salads with it.

The calorie content of kefir is from 30 to 59 kcal per 100 g, depending on the fat content (from low fat to 3.2% fat), of which:

  • Proteins - 3 g;
  • Fats - 0, 1-3, 2 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 4 g.

In dairy diets, it is not necessary to use only low-fat cottage cheese - on the contrary, in medium-fat cottage cheese there will be an optimal balance of proteins and fats.

For mixed dairy diets, it is recommended to use unsalted hard and low-fat cheese. The calorie content of the product depends on their variety. The lightest are tofu, ricotta, chechil, favita, their energy value is 140-180 kcal per 100 g.

Consisting of:

  • Proteins - 15-20 g;
  • Fat - 5-15 g or more (the fat content of the cheese is usually indicated on the package);
  • Carbohydrates - 0, 1-3 g. Smoked cheeses are mainly rich in carbohydrates.

Prohibited foods on a dairy diet

Fast food is prohibited on a dairy diet
Fast food is prohibited on a dairy diet

In a mixed diet, limit yourself to the use of sugar and sugar substitutes, exclude alcohol, fast food, sauces, fatty meats and fish, as well as starchy vegetables and cereals (potatoes, white rice) from the diet.

In general, any notable sources of carbohydrates should come under your close scrutiny and not be used during a dairy diet.

In a mono-diet, your diet should be exclusively milk and water, any other foods are prohibited.

Milk diet menu

The dairy diet menu differs depending on its duration: for 3 days or for a week. In the first case, the diet is more strict and involves only the use of milk and water. The weekly menu can be diversified with some other products, depending on the season: some of them will be easier to use, depending on whether it is winter outside or summer.

Milk diet menu for 3 days

Milk diet menu for 3 days
Milk diet menu for 3 days

Dairy diet for 3 days is primarily a mono-diet. The rules are as follows:

  • On the first day, we drink a glass (250 ml) of milk every 2 hours, starting at 8 in the morning. We drink the last glass at 8 pm. We consume at least 1.5 liters of water, while trying to take it in such a way that at least half an hour passes from the moment of the last glass of milk to the moment of the next.
  • On the second day, reduce the interval between glasses of milk to 90 minutes. At the same time, we try to drink as much water as on the first day.
  • On the third day, we reduce the interval to 60 minutes. Don't forget to drink water.

It is easy to calculate that on the first day you will need 1.75 liters of milk, on the second - 2.25 liters, on the third - 3 liters, in total - 7 liters. Milk, of course, must be fresh, so you will have to purchase at least twice.

It is better to leave such a diet gradually: on the fourth and fifth day, in the first half of the day, we continue to drink milk 1 time in 2 hours, for lunch we prepare ourselves a light salad, have dinner with a soft-boiled egg or unsweetened tea with bread.

It is recommended to supplement the milk mono-diet with the intake of a multivitamin complex or at least vitamin C.

The three-day milk diet menu can also be viewed as a variation of the seven-day diet: you can take any of the three-day intervals below as a basis. The result in this case will be proportionally less, but this option is ideal for beginners or people who are not confident in their abilities.

Milk diet menu for a week

Milk diet menu for a week
Milk diet menu for a week

The "winter" menu of the dairy diet for a week looks like this:

  • Day 1 … Breakfast - cottage cheese with raisins (no sugar), a cup of green tea with honey. Lunch - soft-boiled egg. Dinner - fruit yogurt, 100 g of hard cheese.
  • Day 2 … Breakfast - cottage cheese with sour cream and herbs, coffee without sugar. Lunch - cottage cheese casserole or sugar-free cheese cakes. Dinner - a glass of kefir or drinking yogurt.
  • Day 3. Breakfast - oatmeal in milk without sugar. Lunch - cottage cheese with grated banana. Dinner - a cup of tea with milk without sugar.
  • Day 4-6 … It is necessary to repeat the menu 1-3 days in any order.
  • Day 7 … It should be carried out on kefir, drinking 500 ml for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

There is more variety in recipes for a dairy diet in summer:

  • Day 1 … Breakfast - fruit salad of pears and plums, a glass of kefir as a second breakfast. Lunch - vegetable salad dressed with sour cream or yogurt. Dinner - a pear or apple, before going to bed a glass of fermented baked milk, milk or kefir.
  • Day 2 … Breakfast - cottage cheese with berries, tea or coffee without sugar. Lunch - fruit and cheese salad with yogurt. Dinner - a glass of kefir and an apple.
  • Day 3 … Breakfast - yogurt, a handful of prunes or dates. Lunch - boiled egg, 100 g of hard cheese. Dinner - 200 g of cottage cheese with fruit.
  • Days 4-6 … We repeat the menu of the first three days in random order.
  • Day 7 … We carry out on kefir similarly to the "winter" version.

The exit from the diet is carried out within 5-7 days: leave dairy products in your diet for this time. Return carbohydrates to the menu gradually, start with lean meat and fish, use sugar in moderation. Strengthening exercises and long walks will help to consolidate the lost pounds.
