How to treat seborrhea on the face

How to treat seborrhea on the face
How to treat seborrhea on the face

Causes, symptoms and treatment methods for seborrhea on the face. Seborrhea on the face is a skin disease accompanied by increased functioning of the sebaceous glands. Usually occurs in adolescence during puberty. At the same time, the skin is covered with a film of fat; in some areas, pronounced redness is noticeable. Pimples appear on the face, back and neck, which are itchy and uncomfortable.

The main types of seborrhea on the face

There are several types of seborrhea on the face: oily, mixed and dry. All these ailments are accompanied by various symptoms and therefore require adequate treatment. It is advisable to consult a dermatologist before using any drugs to find out the type of seborrhea. Improperly selected medications can harm and aggravate the situation.

Oily seborrhea of the face

What does oily seborrhea look like on the face
What does oily seborrhea look like on the face

Usually occurs during puberty, but for many years after that, it can cause trouble for a person.

External signs of oily seborrhea:

  • Comedones … These are blackheads that appear as a result of blockages in hair follicles. Due to a change in the composition of sebum, the skin is not protected, but on the contrary, it is irritated. Due to this, accumulations of keratinized skin scales, fat and dirt can form. This is the comedone.
  • Abscesses … Due to the rancidity of the sebum, inflammation occurs. It leads to the formation of acne and abscesses.
  • Greasy hair … The patient's hair looks unkempt just a few hours after washing. They are stuck together, large pieces of oily dandruff are visible at the roots, which firmly adhered to the surface of the hair.
  • Atheromas … These are cysts that form in places where there were abscesses. In the depressions of the skin, sebum accumulates, provoking the formation of a cyst.

Dry seborrhea on the face

Peeling as a sign of dry seborrhea on the face
Peeling as a sign of dry seborrhea on the face

It, unlike oily seborrhea, can occur in people of any age. It is often diagnosed in infants and the elderly.

External manifestations of dry seborrhea:

  1. The skin is very dry … This is due to a decrease or complete cessation of sebum production. The glands do not work, therefore, the surface of the face is not covered with a protective film of sebum.
  2. Peeling and roughness of the skin … Due to drying out, the epidermis bursts, it seems that the face is powdered with something. In fact, these are small grains of skin.
  3. Fine dandruff on the hair … Unlike oily seborrhea, dandruff is not coarse, but fine and dry. It falls off the hair and covers the shoulders.

Causes of seborrhea on the face

Body obesity
Body obesity

It is worth noting that dry and oily seborrhea are different, but the causes of ailments are the same.

Consider the main causes of seborrheic dermatitis:

  • Deterioration of immunity due to a decrease in hemoglobin levels or vitamin deficiency.
  • Imbalance of sex hormones. Usually occurs during puberty.
  • Disorders in the stomach and intestines. The body does not completely absorb nutrients, so there is not enough vitamins. Excrement and toxins are not completely removed from the body, as a result of which they poison it, provoking dermatitis.
  • Liver ailments. Insufficient blood filtration leads to skin ailments.
  • Mental disorders. Constant stress and depression are often the cause of oily seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Improper facial care. When using drying lotions, the skin tries to re-moisturize the epidermis, therefore throwing out a new portion of sebum. The problem is getting worse.
  • Disorders in the endocrine system. This leads to an imbalance in hormones.
  • Diabetes. The body does not adequately perceive glucose, respectively, produces more or less insulin.
  • Obesity. As a result of obesity, organs do not work properly, reactions are slower. The breakdown products of amino acids accumulate in the body, provoking dermatitis and skin rashes.

Symptoms of seborrhea on the face

Facial scars
Facial scars

Despite the same reasons for the appearance of dry and oily seborrhea, ailments manifest themselves in different ways. Accordingly, not even a specialist will be able to distinguish between oily and dry seborrheic dermatitis.

Symptoms of oily seborrhea:

  1. Increase in pore diameter … The skin appears to be like lemon peel. One gets the impression that someone has pricked her with a needle.
  2. Persistent hand sweating … If, when peeling, your palms sweat, and your hands are constantly cool, then this indicates a disturbance in the work of the central nervous system.
  3. Fat is easily removed from the face … This can be done with cotton wool dipped in rubbing alcohol or alcohol-based lotion. But after a while, the bacon appears again.
  4. Comedones and blackheads … Due to constant inflammation, the follicles become clogged, pus accumulates inside. In advanced cases, superficial treatment is ineffective. We have to resort to aggressive methods of dealing with acne.
  5. Scarring … They appear in places where acne has been. Scars are very difficult to get rid of.
  6. Miliums … These are overgrown scar tissue and white, hard clumps that look very ugly. They are not sources of infection. This is a purely cosmetic problem.

Symptoms of dry face seborrhea:

  • Small cracks on the surface of the skin … Later, pieces of the epidermis peel off, and scales are obtained.
  • Spots of red and pink … These are areas of thin epidermis that appear under the scales.
  • Dandruff and hair loss … Dry seborrhea often affects not only the face, but also the hair. Due to a lack of moisture, the tips break, the follicle stops working and supply the hairs with moisture and vitamins. Hair falls out.
  • Itching and burning … Due to the lack of moisture, the skin constantly dries out and itches.

Features of the treatment of seborrhea on the face

There are many ways to treat seborrheic dermatitis. But do not rush to buy medicines or use folk recipes. See your dermatologist because seborrhea symptoms can be confused with psoriasis, lupus, or atopic dermatitis.

How to cure seborrhea on the face with a diet

Oat bran
Oat bran

Scientists have long proven that skin condition depends on nutrition. Foods containing carbohydrates are known to stimulate sebum production, so they should be limited for oily seborrheic dermatitis.

The basic principles of a diet for seborrhea of the face:

  1. Eat small meals often.
  2. Include oat bran on the menu. This food supplement "scrapes" all old feces from the intestinal walls, preventing poisoning of the body.
  3. Watch your chair. It is advisable to go to the toilet "big" every day. To do this, you must include a lot of fiber in your diet. It is found in fresh fruits and vegetables.
  4. Eliminate fried foods and sausages from the menu. You should not eat any processed meat products. These include pates, brawn, meat rolls.
  5. Arrange fasting days every 7 days. It can be a day on vegetables or kefir. Try not to have "hungry" days on the water.
  6. Meat and fish, bake or boil in water, steam. You cannot fry meat.
  7. Cut back on salt and spices.
  8. The menu should mainly consist of vegetable and dairy soups, buckwheat, fermented milk products, fresh fruits and vegetables.

The use of ointment for seborrhea on the face

Ketoconazole ointment for seborrhea
Ketoconazole ointment for seborrhea

Ointment products are often used to treat dry and oily seborrheic dermatitis. They may contain antibiotics, vitamins, and antifungal agents. It is necessary that the remedy be prescribed by a doctor after examining the skin.

Common ointments for seborrhea:

  • Ketoconazole … It is an antifungal agent. It is advisable to use it for dry seborrhea, as well as after the addition of a concomitant infection in the case of oily seborrheic dermatitis. Kills mushrooms of the genus Candida. The analogue of Ketoconazole is Mikoket.
  • Hydrocortisone … It is a hormonal ointment that is used for weeping seborrheic dermatitis. It is characterized by severe flaking and redness. As a result of the drying out of the skin, its upper layer bursts, and a transparent yellowish liquid oozes out. The drug should be used with caution, gradually reducing the dose. With a sharp withdrawal of hormones, the disease will worsen.
  • Lamisil … It is an antifungal and antibacterial drug. It is effective against yeast and opportunistic organisms (streptococcus, staphylococcus).
  • Sulfur-salicylic ointment 5% … Used for dry seborrhea as a bandage. Usually the bandage is lubricated with a thick layer of the product and fixed on the affected areas. Change the bandage once a day.
  • Naphthalene ointment … The product is a product of oil refining. The amino acids in the ointment penetrate the damaged skin and promote its healing. Used for dry dermatitis, even in children.
  • Zinc ointment … It is an excellent antiseptic that can be used to treat oily seborrhea. The product dries out, so do not apply to skin affected by dry seborrhea.

Using a cream for seborrhea on the face

Flucinar cream for seborrhea
Flucinar cream for seborrhea

Creams are also great for treating dry and oily seborrhea. The main advantage of such tools is ease of use. It is enough to apply the cream 2-4 times a day.

Popular creams for the treatment of seborrhea:

  1. Flucinar … The active substance is flucinol acetonide. It relieves itching and has an antiseptic effect. Because it relieves redness, it can be used to treat any type of seborrheic dermatitis.
  2. Advantan … It is a hormonal drug, so it can only be used for 10 days. It relieves itching within 5-7 minutes after application. With prolonged use, it may cause partial skin atrophy.
  3. Skin cap … The active substance of the ointment is zinc pyrithione, it relieves itching and irritation. Eliminates allergic rashes. The instructions do not say that the drug contains a hormone, but many doctors are confident in the presence of hormones.
  4. Belosalik … Combined preparation based on betamethasone and salicylic acid. Perfectly fights inflammation, so it is advisable to use it for the treatment of dry seborrheic dermatitis.

Treatment of seborrhea on the face with folk remedies

Dandelion medicinal
Dandelion medicinal

Usually seborrhea makes itself felt in the fall or winter, so it is advisable to prepare. Take vitamins, try to stick to your diet. You may be able to avoid another exacerbation of the disease. If you do not want to use drugs, try folk recipes.

Traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of seborrhea:

  • Succession … A decoction of this herb is used. To prepare the medicine, 15 g of dry raw materials are poured into 220 ml of boiling water and left for 12 minutes, covered with a lid. After that, filter the broth and wipe oily skin with it. You can make baths and lotions.
  • Burdock, St. John's wort and elecampane … Herbal roots are used to prepare the medicine. Mix 10 g of grass roots in a bowl, pour 180 ml of boiling water. Leave it on for 15 minutes. Rub the liquid into your skin. Can be used to treat seborrhea on the head.
  • Dandelion … The sap of the plant is used. It is necessary to mix 10 g of dandelion juice with 120 g of boiled water. You need to drink the drug an hour before meals three times a day.
  • Nettle and vinegar … You need to mix equal amounts of vinegar and water. Pour 20 g of nettle leaves with 200 ml of the resulting mixture. Leave on fire for 25 minutes. Soak cotton wool in the broth and lubricate the affected areas. Used to treat oily seborrhea.
  • St. John's wort … To treat dry seborrhea, prepare St. John's wort ointment. To do this, chop the leaves and stems of the plant, squeeze out the juice. Reduce the juice by half and mix with the butter. Refrigerate the medicine and lubricate scaly areas three times a day.
  • Plantain … Grind fresh plantain leaves and squeeze out the juice. Add 15 ml of juice to a jar of 20 g of petroleum jelly. Put the ointment in the refrigerator for 1 hour to freeze everything. Apply the medicine to your skin after washing your face.
  • Lemon … Mix the juice of one lemon with the whipped egg white. Pour a spoonful of glycerin and 120 ml of alcohol into the resulting mixture. Shake the solution thoroughly and wipe the skin with oily seborrhea.
  • Aloe … Peel 3-4 leaves of aloe and chop with a knife. Pour the resulting mass with 150 ml of boiling water and cook for 2 minutes. Wipe the liquid over the skin. Helps with oily seborrhea and relieves acne.
  • Marigold … Pour 150 ml of boiling water over a handful of calendula flowers. Boil for 5 minutes and rub the liquid over your face. It relieves inflammation and itching well. Eliminates abscesses and peeling. Can be used for any seborrhea.
  • Viburnum … Rub a handful of viburnum berries, and squeeze the juice. Moisten problem areas with oily seborrhea with the resulting juice.

How to treat seborrhea on the face - watch the video:

Seborrhea is a serious condition that needs to be treated under the supervision of a dermatologist. Otherwise, you risk getting scars and scars that are difficult to remove!