What is the composition and calorie content of Antonovka apples? Useful properties, contraindications and possible harm. Fruit recipes. Soaked apples of this variety have a large amount of useful substances, because the soaking process reduces the acidity of the fruit. Baked Antonovkas are also very useful for the human body. When processing fruits in this way, all vitamins and minerals present in them are preserved, with the exception of ascorbic acid.
Harm and contraindications to eating Antonovka apples

Despite the great benefits from eating apples of this variety, there are a number of diseases when it is forbidden to eat these fruits.
Who should pay attention to contraindications to Antonovka apples and when:
- Patients suffering from gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers … The high acidity of these fruits can provoke a deterioration in this disease. Patients are advised not to overuse these apples, but should be eaten without the peel when consumed.
- People with dental diseases … Excessive consumption of Antonovka apples destroys tooth enamel and can lead to other oral problems in general.
- With individual intolerance … There are some cases when the human body may not perceive a particular vegetable or fruit. Therefore, the question of the diet is a very individual approach.
- With bloating and flatulence … Antonovka apples have a laxative effect, so they should not be eaten with these health problems.
Antonovka's apples are advised not to be consumed on an empty stomach and not in large quantities in order to avoid problems with the digestive tract and colitis. After eating these fruits, you need to rinse your mouth so that the acid contained in them does not corrode the enamel of your teeth. And they do not recommend eating Antonovka with bones because of hydrocyanic acid, which is harmful to health.
Apple recipes Antonovka

The fruits of these apples are eaten not only fresh, they are widely used in cooking. Excellent drinks are made from this fruit: compotes, juices, wines. For lovers of sweets, you can make preserves, jams, marmalades. And what wonderful, and most importantly useful, salted Antonovki ?! And, of course, these fruits are components of salads and other dishes.
Recipes with Antonovka apples:
- Pickled apples … For the preparation of this dish, different varieties of apples are suitable, but the most delicious it comes from Antonovka. Ingredients: 2 buckets of apples, cherry and currant leaves. We will prepare the filling from 10 liters of boiled water, 150 g of salt, 300 g of sugar and 50-70 g of malt or rye flour. If for some reason the fill is not enough, then it can be made larger, taking into account all the proportions. If desired, 150 g of honey can be added to the pouring liquid. First of all, we wash the apples and leaves. Then in an enamel pan we spread in layers: leaves, apples upside down, again leaves, again fruits, and so on to the very top. Then we pour the filling into the container, do the oppression and put it in a cold place for 3 weeks. In a warm place, apples will be ready sooner, but they will also be stored worse.
- Antonovka jam … To make the jam in slices, you need to take unripe fruits. First, wash and remove seeds from 1 kg of apples. Then we cut into slices and put in a bowl a layer of Antonovka pieces, then a layer of sugar (for our recipe we need 1 kg), etc. We leave until morning, let the apples juice. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. We leave it until the evening. Then we repeat the procedure. Now we insist again until morning. And again on fire for 5 minutes. But in the evening we cook until tender, about 15 minutes. We cork it, wrap it up, and let it cool down.
- Apple compote Antonovka … Components: 1 kg of fruit, approximately 2.5 liters of water, 1-2 glasses of sugar. First, wash the apples, remove the seeds and cut into slices. Put Antonovka into a 3-liter jar and fill it with boiling water. Leave it for 20 minutes and decant the liquid. Now we will pour in syrup. Then we roll it up and wrap it up.
- Apple marshmallow … First, wash with 1 kg of apples, remove the seeds and skin. Then we twist in a meat grinder, add 0.5 kg of sugar and boil for 5-10 minutes over low heat. Let the product cool down and lay it out in an even thin layer on parchment paper. The pastila can be dried in the sun, or you can use the oven for this purpose. Our dish is rolled up - ready to eat. Here is such a healthy and tasty dish that can be prepared with these apples.
- Marmalade from Antonovka … This is a very tasty dish, for the preparation of which we need 2 kg of apples and 1.5 kg of sugar. First, we prepare the fruits: we wash, remove the seeds and skin, cut into slices. Then sprinkle with sugar and wait for the apples to juice. Now we put on fire and cook, stirring occasionally. It is better to stir the marmalade with a wooden spoon or spatula. It is considered ready if the apple mass has boiled down in half and become homogeneous. Well, and then the already familiar process of unfolding, capping and wrapping.
- Goose with Antonov apples … Ingredients: raisins, parsley, celery, cumin and dried marjoram. Is that all? No. Let's not forget about the goose and the big Antonov apple. First of all, rub the prepared poultry carcass inside and outside with salt and spices. Then we wash the apple, remove the seeds and skin, cut into slices and combine with the swollen raisins. Now we stuff the goose with this fruit, sew it up and put it on a baking sheet with our back down, on the bottom of which you need to splash a little water or dry wine. Cooking the dish in a well preheated oven. The bird began to turn red - pour it with juice from a baking sheet. The finished dish can be decorated with herbs, apples.
- Beetroot salad with vegetables … Ingredients: 1 beet, 2 potatoes, the same amount of pickled cucumbers and Antonovka apples, 1 teaspoon of sesame oil, 0.5 cups of vegetable oil, salt and caraway seeds to taste. First of all, boil the beets and potatoes, peel them. Then cut into small cubes all the products for the salad and mix them. Pour the sauce over the dish. We prepare it in this way: mix vegetable and sesame oil, add vinegar, salt, sugar. You can also add cumin and pepper to taste. We insist the salad for 2 hours. Bon Appetit!
- French salad … There is nothing better than this quick and tasty salad for late or unexpected guests. Components: 2 antonovka and fresh carrots, 4 boiled eggs, 100-150 g of hard cheese, 1 onion and mayonnaise, about 100 g. From these products we will make 8 servings. First, wash the apples, carrots and onions. Now grind all the components of the salad: apples, eggs and cheese on a coarse grater, carrots on a medium grater, onions, previously filled with boiling water for 5 minutes, into cubes. After that, lay out the salad in layers, which we smear with mayonnaise, in this order: onions, apples, eggs, carrots and cheese. Can be served at the table. Eat to your health!
- Homemade cider from Antonovka … Moderately ripe, soft and juicy fruits are suitable for its preparation. Apples do not need to be washed, but can only be wiped with a dry cloth so as not to remove dry yeast from the skin. We pass the fruits through a meat grinder along with the skin and seeds. We sterilize and dry the jars. Then fill them with applesauce 2/3 full. Add sugar in the proportion of 150 g per 1 kg of fruit. We wrap the neck of the jar with a cloth and leave to ferment in a warm place for 4 days. The mass in the jar needs to be stirred from time to time. The smell of yeast, foam and hissing - you need to drain the juice and close with special stoppers for making wines and liqueurs for 45-70 days in a dark place. The liquid has cleared, there are no air bubbles, there is a sediment at the bottom - the cider is ready. We filter the drink, pour it into bottles to the very neck and insist in a cold place (temperature not higher than 10 degrees) for 3 months. Enjoy your meal!
Well, what a delicious filling of apples for pies and pancakes. This fruit gives an unusual taste to sauerkraut. Baked apples of this variety will also add variety and benefit to your diet.
Interesting facts about Antonovka apples

There are suggestions that this Central Russian apple variety is a spontaneously bred hybrid with a wild forest apple tree. The first Antonovkas appeared in the 19th century in the Kursk province. In 1848 he wrote about this variety in the "Rules for fruit growing in open ground, greenhouses, greenhouses, etc." N. I. Krasnoglazov.
The wonderful Russian writer Ivan Bunin wrote the story "Antonov Apples" in 1900. It was first published in Life magazine. The aroma of the Antonov apples in the estate of his brother Yevgeny evokes nostalgia for the rural nostal life in the author of the work: a garden, alleys, a cart, dawn, etc.
In 1906, Grebnitsky in his book Atlas of Fruits claims that these apple trees are of Russian origin, that they have been bred for a long time, and where they come from is unknown.
Since 1939, various tests have been carried out on this variety at the state level. And already in 1947 it was included in the state register for some economic regions of Russia.
Antonovka apples are a symbol of the Kursk region. Since 2000, the Kurskaya Antonovka regional prize has been awarded. At first, these were bright green figurines made by the artist Oleg Radin. Later, a gilded apple was awarded; the author of this idea was V. M. Fangs.
And on August 19, 2008, a monument to this fruit was unveiled at Yablochny Spas. An apple with a diameter of one and a half meters from copper was created by a sculptor, already a famous performer of the fruit in gold. In the 21st century, Antonovka is considered a variety type, in other words, it combines several similar varieties. Abroad, it is considered a wild apple tree. Watch a video about Antonovka apples:

So, Antonovka apples are very useful for our health. They can and should be eaten every day. The most useful, rich in vitamins and minerals, are fresh fruits. In cold seasons, you can eat thermally processed apples, which are on store shelves. Well, spins made at home are much tastier and healthier.