

What useful properties an apple has, how useful is the peel of apples and whether its seeds are so harmful, will be described in this article. One of the most delicious and healthy fruits is an apple. The wild apple tree was one of the first trees cultivated by man. Its founders are the inhabitants of Asia Minor. Subsequently, it was brought to the territory of Egypt and Palestine, and later - to Ancient Greece and Rome. From history it is known about the existence of at least 25 varieties of apple trees in the 2nd century BC. Today it is the most eaten fruit in the world.

Vitamins and trace elements in apples

Calorie content of apples

per 100 g is 47 kcal, as well as:

  • protein: 0.4 g
  • fat: 0.4 g
  • carbohydrates: 9, 8 g
  • dietary fiber: 1.8 g

These fruits are valuable natural a source of vitamin C … Moreover, sour and green apples contain more of it than red ones. Vitamin C in apples contributes to:

  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
  • Reducing their permeability to toxins.
  • Rapid rehabilitation of the body after illness.
Cut apple, seeds
Cut apple, seeds

In addition, apples are rich in natural antibiotics - phytoncides, which have a detrimental effect on Staphylococcus aureus, influenza viruses, and dysentery pathogens.

Apples have a high content malic, tartaric and citric acids, which together with tannins prevent fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines. With the help of these acids, the intestines are restored, the symptoms of flatulence and bloating are relieved. In addition, apples have been shown to contain substances that stop the growth of cancer cells in the liver and intestines. Tannins help in the prevention of gout and urolithiasis. With the help of these substances, uric acid salts do not precipitate, therefore, in the case of uric acid diathesis, they not only treat, but also are an excellent preventive measure against urolithiasis.


in apples helps with anemia in children and adults, especially in pregnant women. This trace element is noted for high biological assimilability.


these fruits contain 11 times more than sodium. This means that apples are good as a mild diuretic and help reduce swelling in the body.


contained in apples counteract toxic substances. Therefore, they are very useful for those who work in hazardous industries where heavy metal salts and radioactive substances are concentrated. Thanks to pectin, excess cholesterol in the liver is bound and removed.

The peel is high in the antioxidant quercetin

the action of which together with vitamin C does not allow free radicals to harm the body. It is known that iodine in apples much more than any other fruit, second only to seafood. In grapefruits, oranges and bananas iodine is 7-10 times less than in apples. Hence it follows that they are an excellent prevention of thyroid diseases.

Apples - useful properties

The beneficial properties of the apple have long been proven. They effectively help lower blood cholesterol. All of its beneficial properties are contained in fibers and pectin. One average apple contains 3.4 g of fiber along with the peel, which is 10% of the fiber norm per day that our body needs. With the help of fibers, harmful cholesterol is removed from the body, thus reducing the risk of blockage of blood vessels, as well as the occurrence of heart attacks.

Green apple, juice
Green apple, juice

What are the health benefits of apples?

  1. This fruit has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, it is good to use them for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, colitis, dysentery, constipation.
  2. Recommended for chronic cholecystitis and sluggish digestion, because they have a choleretic, diuretic and mild laxative.
  3. Apple compote helps to eliminate stress and calm the nervous system.
  4. The metabolism in the body is normalized.
  5. Good for dieting. By consuming this fruit regularly, you can lose weight, as they prevent carbohydrates from turning into fats. But the apple diet itself can be harmful, which will be described below. The energy value (caloric content) of an apple with a diameter of 5 cm and a weight of 95 grams is 42.7 kcal.
  6. Their use reduces the risk of atherosclerosis due to the presence of magnesium salts, ascorbic acid and pectin in them.
  7. With the help of insoluble fiber, constipation is prevented and the risk of colon cancer is reduced.

The harm of apples to the body

Apple on black background
Apple on black background
  1. With long-term adherence to the apple diet, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract is possible, as well as exacerbation of colitis. Those who suffer from gastritis and duodenal ulcer should not get too carried away with the apple diet.
  2. People suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system should refrain from eating varieties of red apples. Green apples are healthier.
  3. Tooth enamel can be damaged due to the action of fruit acids. Therefore, after eating them, you should rinse your mouth with water.

Are apple seeds harmful?

The pits of apples contain hydrocyanic acid, which is a potent poison for our body. In the case of eating a very small amount of apple seeds in order to replenish iodine in the body, this does not threaten anything. However, do not overuse them.

Video about the beneficial properties of apples:
