Do you want to surprise your family and friends with a confectionery chocolate masterpiece, created by yourself? Then you should get acquainted with this product and learn how to melt a chocolate bar on the stove or in the microwave. Step-by-step recipe with a photo. Video recipe.

Chocolate is a capricious confection that requires special attention. But knowing some secrets, you will choose the right chocolate, learn how to melt it and create works of confectionery art.
Before you start melting chocolate, you should choose the right one. There are a huge number of types of this dessert: bitter (black), milky, white, porous, with nuts, raisins, sesame seeds, roasted nuts, etc. All of them are good, but not every type is suitable for glaze.
- It is very difficult to achieve the desired quality and required consistency of the resulting mass from porous chocolate. Since its structure is difficult to heat treatment.
- Dark chocolate takes longer to heat, because it contains a large amount of cocoa powder. However, it is this type that is most often used, because with it, sweet dishes turn out to be the most spectacular and refined.
- Milk chocolate lends itself well to melting; when hot, it is viscous and not too liquid.
- As an artistic material for decorating desserts, they take white melted chocolate with the addition of the necessary food colors.
- Chocolate bars with nuts, raisins, waffle crumbs and other impurities are not suitable for preparing a homogeneous confectionery mass.
Now let's find out how to quickly and easily make a universal cake decoration - chocolate icing, so that the coating does not crack on the products.
See also how to make chocolate butter at home.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 198 kcal.
- Servings Per Container - 1 Bar
- Cooking time - 5-7 minutes

Dark chocolate from 70 to 78% cocoa content - 1 bar
Step by step preparation of melting chocolate, recipe with photo:

1. Remove the chocolate bar from the refrigerator one hour before cooking to bring it back to room temperature. Because the cold product is slower to cook, and sudden changes in temperature are bad for the cocoa butter.
Then chop the tile with a knife or break it into pieces. You can also grate it to help the frosting cook faster.

2. Place the bowl of chocolate in a sieve on top of a pot of boiling water. It is worth noting that during the process, water must not be allowed to enter the container, otherwise the mass will not turn out to be homogeneous.

3. Cover the saucepan or saucepan with chocolate to allow condensation to occur during cooking. Leave the chocolate in a water bath to melt in a steam bath for 5-10 minutes while boiling water over minimal heat. Stir the mixture periodically to make it smooth. At the same time, keep in mind that you cannot bring the sweetness to a boil, because the boiling liquid will acquire bitterness, which will be impossible to get rid of. The melting point of dark chocolate is usually 55 ° C, milk - 45-50 ° C, white - about 45 ° C.

4. There are several ways to prepare liquid chocolate mass. For example, you can melt chocolate in the microwave. To do this, use special thick-walled glassware or a container designed for a microwave oven. Do not take plastic containers as they will spoil the taste of the dessert.
Set the device to the minimum power or turn on the “defrost” mode, then the melting will be uniform. A hundred-gram tile will become liquid within 2-3 minutes. Therefore, keep an eye on the time and open the microwave every 30 seconds to stir the contents.

5. You can melt chocolate in a natural way without using home appliances if it's hot summer outside. The temperature in the sun in hot weather usually reaches 40-45 ° C. Therefore, put the container with chocolate chips on the window. But you can only melt white or milk chocolate in this way, because they have a low melting point.
- If you want a thinner consistency of the finished chocolate mass, add a piece of butter to it at the end of cooking.
- If the chocolate is overheated, the icing on the cake will crack after 3 hours. Also, at high temperatures, the mass will become too thick and lumps will appear.
- If water gets into the glaze, then the mass will lose its viscosity and turn into a more liquid consistency.
See also the video recipe on how to melt chocolate: 3 ways.