Find out the benefits and harms of melt water and whether it is worth regularly drinking such water for athletes and ordinary people. You can talk a lot about the importance of water for the human body, but we all understand that it is simply impossible to survive without it. Today, all nutritionists speak about the body's daily need for water, but often they forget to mention its quality. For example, the question of whether it is possible to drink melt water from snow is quite relevant, because today you can find the statement that such water can be an excellent means for losing weight.
It should be noted that people have been aware of the beneficial properties of melt water for a long time. This fact has also been proven by scientists, but there are some nuances that you should remember. Today we will consider the question - is it possible to drink melt water from snow in as much detail as possible, highlighting it from all positions.
Useful properties of melt water from snow

Once in the body, water performs its main task - it normalizes metabolic processes. When there is not enough water in the body, all metabolic processes slow down, which immediately affects the operation of all systems and the general condition of a person. In the course of research, it has been proven that the use of melt water leads to a sharp increase in metabolism.
You probably know that the higher the rate of metabolic processes, the faster toxic substances and toxins are removed from the body, and the reactions of utilization of adipose cellular structures are activated. In this regard, it is fat people who are often interested in the question - is it possible to drink melt water from snow?
In addition to the already noted positive effects of melt water, scientists talk about improving the work of the heart muscle, as well as improving the quality of blood. All this leads to a decrease in the risks of developing heart diseases, for example, a heart attack. An improvement in the functioning of the digestive system is also noted, since the body processes food faster and as efficiently as possible. At the same time, even having answered yes to the question of whether it is possible to drink melt water from the snow, you should not immediately run into the yard and start collecting snow.
All the positive effects described above are possible only with the correct use of melt water. However, let's talk a bit more about the benefits that can be gained from drinking water from snow. There are no pathogens in it.
Snow is formed when water is exposed to low temperatures, which leads to the death of almost all microorganisms. This suggests that you may not be afraid of various viral diseases.
How to get melted water from snow?

We figured out the positive properties of melt water, and now we need to talk about the rules for its use. Already from the name it is clear that it was obtained, perhaps as a result of melting snow. After this happens, you will have pure water, which in addition has beneficial properties.
The death of harmful microorganisms does not mean that any snow can be used to obtain melt water. It is quite obvious that it should not contain toxic chemical compounds either. In modern cities, this is simply not possible. Similar words can be spoken about the countryside, gleeter snow is possibly somewhat cleaner in comparison with urban. But you should not use it to prepare melt water.
Thus, having received a positive answer to the question whether it is possible to drink melt water from snow, we are faced with a very serious problem - the search for clean snow. Nutritionists suggest using tap and mineral water to get melted water later. This approach to solving the problem will eliminate a large number of dangers caused by the unfavorable environmental situation on the planet.
First, you need to fill an enamelled container with tap water and mark it in the freezer. When a thin, persistent crust of ice appears on the surface, it must be removed. This is due to the fact that all harmful substances are collected in it.
Then you have to freeze the remaining water completely. When this happens, leave the container of ice at room temperature and wait until it melts completely. However, this is not all, and you must heat the resulting melt water to temperatures of 90 degrees. If you don't have a thermometer handy, watch for small bubbles. As soon as they begin to rise to the surface, remove the cookware from the heat and refrigerate the water.
All the actions described above mimic the natural cycle of water movement. After completing them, you will be able to get melt water, which is close in its characteristics to natural.
How to use melt water?

We carefully studied the recommendations of leading nutritionists and formulated some simple rules for drinking melt water:
- Drink melt water about 30 minutes before meals, even if they are not essential. As a result, the digestive system is activated, and all food will be processed efficiently and quickly.
- A glass of melt water should be drunk immediately after waking up and before going to bed.
- If you want to get rid of excess weight, then you need to drink melt water every time you feel hungry.
Also, you should remember that it is not worth preparing melt water in reserve. Try to use it as soon as possible after cooking. If melt water is stored for more than seven days, then it loses its useful properties.
Is it possible to drink melt water from snow for weight loss?

Nutritionists constantly remind us to drink a certain amount of water throughout the day. However, not all of us listen to this recommendation and gain weight as a result. This is due to the fact that with a shortage of water in the body, a person often arranges snacks, although he could well eliminate the feeling of hunger with a glass of water.
One of the advantages of melt water over ordinary water is the absence of deuterium in it. This substance can be considered a poison for the body. Deuterium cannot be processed in the digestive system, resulting in increased energy expenditure. But water, in which deuterium is absent, can rightfully be considered the elixir of youth and longevity. With its help, you can rejuvenate the body, speed up metabolism and waste disposal processes.
The whole valuable property of melt water is the normalization of the work of the heart muscle and the entire vascular system. With regard to weight loss, in addition to increasing the rate of metabolic processes, melt water will allow you to improve the functioning of the digestive tract. We will not forget to note the positive effect on brain function, in particular, improving memory. If you have frequent allergic reactions, melt water will help in this situation as well.
By consuming this water while losing weight, the results will appear much faster. This is due to the fact that slags and toxins are disposed of at a high rate, which allows the body to activate lipolysis processes. We can recommend melt water to people who are engaged in manual labor. We have already talked about the methods of obtaining melt water and the rules for its use.
Myths and facts about melt water

We talked about whether it is possible to drink melt water from snow, and what benefits you can get from it. In conclusion, it is worth recalling why it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of ordinary water. For a long time it was believed that a person should drink at least one and a half liters of water during the day. However, the results of recent scientific studies refute this postulate. Let's take a look at other popular facts about drinking water.
- The more water a person drinks per day, the more actively the kidneys work. Today it has been proven that this statement was wrong. The kidneys are a self-sufficient organ and can do their job without our help. What's more, too much water can have a negative effect on kidney function. This is due to the ability to reabsorb water already treated by them. When we drink often and a lot, then this ability is gradually suppressed. As a result, during extreme heat or severe physical exertion, the kidneys will not be able to cope well with this task.
- A large amount of water will protect you from urinary tract infections. This is another myth that has been refuted by research results. If an infectious disease has already begun to develop, then drinking a lot of water will reduce the concentration of harmful microorganisms in the bladder and force a person to empty it more often. However, it is impossible to prevent the development of infectious diseases with the help of water. To do this, you must observe intimate hygiene.
- Water has no energy value. You can't argue with that, and there really isn't a single calorie in the water. Of course, now we are talking only about plain drinking water, which does not contain food additives.
- A large amount of water will quickly get rid of excess weight. Another myth that has no scientifically substantiated confirmation. Water is unable to accelerate the lipolysis process or dissolve sugar. Claims like this are a marketing move. Nutritional advice to consume enough water is related only to the need to maintain water balance in the body.
- You must drink while flying on an airplane. Again, we will not refute this statement, since it is completely correct. You should drink in any room with a high temperature. Since the air in the cabin is under high enough pressure, it is very dry. This leads to malfunctioning of the mechanism that regulates our feelings of thirst. Drink water during the flight without waiting until you feel thirsty.
More about the beneficial properties of melt water in this video: