How to run to lose weight?

How to run to lose weight?
How to run to lose weight?

Learn how to run correctly in order not only to lose existing extra pounds, but also to maintain normal weight in the future. Today, running is one of the most popular and effective means in the fight against obesity. But few people know about the benefits of daily jogging and the question often arises of why someone is losing weight very quickly, while others' weight practically remains in place.

Will running help you lose weight?

People jogging
People jogging

Every girl knows that there are a fairly large number of various methods and means in the fight against obesity, but at the same time they have varying degrees of effectiveness, availability and safety.

The most optimal and popular way in the fight against excess weight is running, and it has the following advantages:

  • It is quite affordable, and it is not necessary to purchase any special equipment for classes, because today you can even study at home.
  • It is a safe sport and if practiced correctly, with all precautions taken into account, there will be no health problems.
  • Thanks to regular jogging, you can really get rid of body fat, but for this you need to choose the right training program and remember to adjust your diet, otherwise you will not be able to achieve your goal.

In order for running to help bring the weight back to normal, you need to familiarize yourself with the different options and choose the most suitable one for yourself. Today, there are several types of jogging that contribute to weight loss. Before starting training, you need to remember that you need to run correctly and only in this case training will be beneficial.

Running rules for weight loss

Girl and guy jogging
Girl and guy jogging

To get your figure in good physical shape and lose a couple of extra pounds, you need to know how to run properly for weight loss, set the optimal duration and running time, choose loose clothing that will not hinder movement, etc.

Duration of running for weight loss

People exercising on a treadmill
People exercising on a treadmill

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the duration of the run will directly depend on how intense the training itself is and how much time there is for it. Also, without fail, initial physical fitness is taken into account, therefore this indicator is strictly individual.

During the first workouts, you should not take too much load and do it for a very long time, since you need to give your own body time to adapt to new physical activity. Over time, you can gradually increase not only the duration of the run, but also the distances covered. Consequently, the more intense the training is, the less time it will take for the process of breaking down the existing fat deposits to begin. If the jogging option was chosen, the duration of the session should be at least 40 minutes, since only after this time has elapsed, excess energy will be consumed. Weight loss occurs significantly faster during interval jogging.

Preparatory and final stage

Warm up before running
Warm up before running

Many people think that it will be enough to set aside one time for running, and in the resulting gap to live the same way as before. But this is a wrong opinion, because in order for the training sessions to be really useful and help to get rid of excess weight, it is imperative to follow some rules and listen to recommendations from more experienced athletes.

Before your run:

  • you can not eat food less than 2 hours before the start of the workout;
  • it is forbidden to eat sweet and fatty foods even 3 hours before class, otherwise running will not help you lose weight;
  • it is useful to take a contrast shower before training, due to which the vessels and muscles are quickly toned, therefore, the body can tolerate physical exertion much easier;
  • Before training, it is imperative to conduct an effective warm-up, which will help to avoid injury, while jogging becomes more effective.

Between workouts you need to:

  • It is necessary to monitor the amount of salt consumed with increased attention, because it is it that prevents the excretion of excess fluid from the body. Therefore, this process is important, since harmful toxins are removed along with the liquid, and during running this happens through sweat.
  • It is not recommended to eat fried, fatty, sweet, smoked foods and foods that contain a lot of calories, as in this case, running will not help you lose weight.

After workout:

  • You shouldn't drink a lot of fluids right away, but you shouldn't be dehydrated either.
  • It is useful to take a warm shower after a run, as water procedures have a calming effect on the nervous system.
  • Hypothermia should not be allowed. While running, the body heats up, so you may not notice a draft or light breeze, which can negatively affect your health.

Selection of the optimal training intensity

Cross country running
Cross country running

One of the most important issues is the intensity of running, since the final result and the rate of weight loss will depend on this indicator. After all, you need not only to lose a couple of extra pounds, but also not to harm your own health.

The higher the intensity of the training, the faster the accumulated energy will be spent. Of course, a calm and relaxed run will not harm your health, but such exercises, even regular ones, will not lead to weight loss. At the same time, very intense training can completely weaken the body, but this will not only break down subcutaneous fat deposits, but also muscle tissue, and this will have a negative effect on the state of the heart.

That is why it is so important to gradually increase the load and maintain consistency in the classroom. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that for a certain category of people who have a very low level of physical fitness or have some kind of health problems, even minor ones, it is recommended to start with minimal loads and gradually increase them.

In the most difficult cases, it may be necessary to undergo a medical consultation, thanks to which it will be possible to establish precisely whether running or simple walking will benefit in the fight against excess weight. You can independently adjust the intensity of the workout, but for this you need to count the heart rate. For most people, running helps to lose weight when the heart rate reaches 130 beats per minute. However, if the pulse exceeds 150 beats per minute, then the load is too high, which can be harmful to health.

In the event that the intensity of the load is correct, the pulse should return to normal values no later than 30 minutes after the run was completed.

It is also important to monitor breathing, which should be natural, while it should not be allowed to increase or change its depth, shortness of breath should not bother.

Selection of clothes and shoes

Jogging Shoes
Jogging Shoes

In order for training to bring only benefits and help in the fight against excess weight, it is necessary to choose the right shoes and clothes that will be as comfortable as possible. It is important that movements are not constrained during classes.

You can pick up special clothing for weight loss, thanks to the use of which the effect is concentrated on a certain part of the body, where the greatest accumulation of fat is located. For example, today on sale you can find breeches and shorts that help speed up the process of losing weight.

Shoes should not only be comfortable, but also lightweight, ideally fit in size, so that you can reduce the stress on the joints and prevent the likelihood of injury.

Helpful running tips

Girl tying shoelaces on sneakers
Girl tying shoelaces on sneakers

While jogging, it is important not only to think about losing weight, but also not to forget to take care of your own health:

  • It is necessary to pay special attention to the state of physical health - it is important that during running there is no dizziness, pain, breathing remains even, but not heavy.
  • It is best to train outdoors, but not on asphalt. Thanks to this approach, the load on the joints of the legs, as well as the spine, will decrease, while the saturation of the body with oxygen increases, and physical endurance increases.
  • You need to constantly monitor your running technique - your posture should remain even, you need to breathe evenly, you cannot abruptly switch from one pace of running to another.

During training, you need to try to focus on a specific area of the body:

  • If jogging is used to lose weight on the legs, it is necessary to use a technique with a high rise of the thigh, alternation of running and jumping rope, use running with an additional step.
  • If jogging is used to lose weight on the abdomen, it is necessary to apply additional stress on the abdominal muscles and constantly monitor their tone.

Regular training

The guy is running
The guy is running

In order for running to help you lose weight and quickly get in good shape, you need to train regularly. If you run a couple of times a month, don't expect a positive result. However, it is not recommended to practice every day, since the body will have a very heavy load, especially if you have not previously had to go in for sports.

The best option would be to jog several times a week. Over time, when the body gets used to new loads, you can run every other day. To speed up the process of losing weight, it is recommended to run one day, and the next to do some other sport (for example, opt for strength training or go to the pool).

What are the benefits of jogging for weight loss?

The girl runs away from the cakes
The girl runs away from the cakes

Regardless of what time and for what purpose the training is carried out, the correct running for the human body brings invaluable benefits.

Running has the following effect on the functioning of the body:

  • an effective strengthening of the nervous system is carried out, while the susceptibility to stress decreases;
  • the cardiovascular system is trained;
  • the amount of subcutaneous fat deposits is significantly reduced;
  • the work of the digestive system is normalized (appetite, the functioning of the glands, pancreas, liver are regulated);
  • metabolic processes are accelerated;
  • the muscular system is strengthened;
  • the removal of harmful toxins from the body, including metabolic products, is stimulated.

Slimming jogging contraindications

Family jogging
Family jogging

Jogging is one of the safest and most effective weight loss methods. However, such training also has certain contraindications.

With extreme caution, you need to jog or completely abandon classes in the following cases:

  1. In the presence of serious disturbances in the work of the heart and blood vessels - heart failure, heart defects, high blood pressure.
  2. Varicose veins of the legs.
  3. Bronchial asthma.
  4. For severe vision problems.
  5. If there are endocrine disorders.
  6. If various inflammatory processes occur in the body.
  7. In the presence of infectious diseases.
  8. If there are diseases of the musculoskeletal system (diseases of the spine, flat feet, problems with joints).

In the event that there are no contraindications for jogging, you should not give up training, because they provide an excellent opportunity to bring your weight back to normal, correct your figure and strengthen your own health.

Learn how to run to lose weight in this video:
