Features of strengthening nails at home

Features of strengthening nails at home
Features of strengthening nails at home

Find out what tools and techniques you can use yourself to strengthen your nails at home. Strong and healthy nails are one of the main components of female beauty. Many women are faced with such a nuisance as brittle and flaking nails. But this problem can be easily and quickly eliminated. To do this, it is enough to deal with strengthening the nails, in addition, you can use effective and affordable folk remedies on your own at home, or use the advice of professional cosmetology.

Why do nails begin to exfoliate?

Female nails close up
Female nails close up

Before you start looking for effective remedies for strengthening nails, you need to accurately establish the reason that provoked the problem:

  1. The use of household detergents, including powders, which can interfere with the protective function of the nails.
  2. With prolonged and frequent stay of nails in water, they begin to absorb too much moisture, which is why they become very fragile and brittle.
  3. Smoking not only poisons the entire body, but can also seriously destroy the nail plate, as a result, its darkening and deformation begins.
  4. Acetone, which is part of the nail polish remover, severely dries out the nail plate. It is as a result of a lack of moisture that the nails gradually lose their flexibility and become very brittle.
  5. Damage to the nail plate, which occurs as a result of mechanical stress.
  6. Sharp changes in air and water temperature violate the natural protection of the nail, which is why its damage begins. Also, the cuticle becomes very dry.
  7. Deterioration of the condition of the nails can be the result of an unbalanced and inadequate diet. If the body lacks vitamins D, E, A, as well as valuable minerals, it is the nails that suffer in the first place.
  8. In some cases, the reason for the deterioration of the condition of the nails are diseases of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, hormonal imbalance, frequent stressful situations, prolonged use of certain medications, fungal disease.

How to prevent brittle and flaking nails?

Broken nail close up
Broken nail close up

To avoid this problem, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Do not wash your hands with very cold or hot water.
  2. Wipe your hands dry after washing.
  3. During contact with household chemicals, it is imperative to use protective rubber gloves.
  4. Before going outside in cold weather, you need to wear gloves made of natural materials.
  5. It is important to take a short break between nail extension procedures so that the nail plates have time to recover.
  6. For nail polish remover, it is recommended to use a product that does not contain acetone.
  7. The benefits are brought by the regular use of special medicinal baths, with the addition of natural ingredients.
  8. Every day, you need to moisturize not only the skin of the hands, but also the nails.
  9. It is recommended to constantly use special strengthening agents for the nail plate.
  10. It is necessary to take vitamin complexes.
  11. Nutrition should be complete and balanced.
  12. It is useful to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day.
  13. Before applying the varnish, it is imperative to use a protective coating.

Secrets of proper manicure at home

Fileing long nails
Fileing long nails

During a manicure, damage to the nail can lead to brittleness or delamination. It is very easy to avoid damage if you follow these tips:

  • do not file dry nails;
  • you do not need to use nippers or scissors to process the free edge of the nail;
  • it is important to choose the right nail file - the ideal option would be ceramic or glass, since, unlike metal, they injure the nail plate much less;
  • file the nail in the direction from the edge to the center;
  • it is better to do an unedged manicure instead of an edged one;
  • the cuticle needs to be constantly nourished and moisturized;
  • it is useful to treat nails with creams and oils.

How to strengthen nails with biowax?

Jar of bio wax close up
Jar of bio wax close up

Recently, the procedure for polishing nails using a special bio wax has become more and more popular. It can be carried out not only by a master in a beauty salon, but also by every woman independently at home. This drug has really unique properties, it helps to strengthen the thin nail plate, there is a more accelerated recovery of the nail. Also, marigolds acquire a more attractive appearance.

Such a preparation as biowax is developed on the basis of natural beeswax; it may also contain propolis, valuable minerals, resins, beta-carotene, and other vitamin complexes.

Biowax has the following effect:

  • strengthening and restoration of the nail plate, prone to delamination;
  • there is not only softening, but also nutrition of the cuticle;
  • there is an effective anti-inflammatory effect;
  • moisture remains inside the nail plate;
  • cuticle and nail plate are reliably protected from negative influences from external factors;
  • there is a more accelerated recovery of the injured and weakened nail plate after a procedure such as nail extension.

If you follow a few simple tips, you can polish your nails with a bio wax yourself at home:

  1. The wax is rubbed directly into the nail plate and cuticle.
  2. To polish the nail, use the softest possible file for a few minutes.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to the free edge of the nail during polishing, since delamination begins in this area.
  4. After polishing is completed, a small amount of nourishing oil is applied to the cuticle - apricot kernel oil, avocado, olive oil are perfect.
  5. After the procedure for polishing the nail with biowax, for some time it is worth refraining from using varnish, since the beneficial substances must have time to be absorbed and begin to act.
  6. This procedure can be carried out as needed several times a week.

Strengthening nails with gel polish

Several bottles of gel polish
Several bottles of gel polish

The gel polish was created on the basis of a simple polish with the addition of special resins and other nutrients. Gel polish has a lot of advantages, unlike a simple varnish:

  • strengthens the nails, prevents the onset of their delamination;
  • thanks to a special coating, the surface of the nail plate is protected from various mechanical influences;
  • the gel polish contains proteins that provide additional nutrition;
  • helps to get rid of irregularities in the surface of the nail plate;
  • color gel polish retains a glossy shine for several weeks and does not chip off, so that the manicure remains in almost perfect condition for a long time.

Like a simple nail polish, a firming gel polish is applied. The main difference is that a special UV lamp must be used to dry the gel polish. This coating option is easy to make yourself at home, or you can trust an experienced master.

If the gel polish will be applied independently at home, you must adhere to the following steps:

  1. First, the free edge of the nail is processed, giving it the desired shape.
  2. The upper keratin layer of the nail is removed using special polishing. You need to work very carefully so as not to damage the nail plate too much.
  3. Nails are treated with a special degreasing solution, which can be replaced with plain alcohol. Thanks to this, the gel polish will last much longer and will not chip off.
  4. A special base coat is applied, which must be dried for about 10 seconds under a UV lamp.
  5. Then a layer of colored gel polish is applied, which is dried for 2 minutes under a UV lamp.
  6. The final coat is dried under a UV lamp for a minute.

After applying the gel polish, you can be sure that the nails are reliably protected and strengthened, and the manicure will remain in almost perfect condition for several weeks and no additional correction is required.

Strengthening nails with cream

A special cream is applied to the nail
A special cream is applied to the nail

It is useful to use special creams for daily nail care. It is necessary to choose those products that contain minerals, vitamins, collagen, keratin, panthenol, seaweed extracts, and other valuable elements.

It is very simple to use such creams, the main thing is to do it regularly. The product is applied only to the clean surface of the nail, after which it is thoroughly rubbed in until it is completely absorbed. You can apply a cream to strengthen nails and leave it overnight to enhance the benefits, it is recommended to wear thin cotton gloves.

Healing varnishes to strengthen nails

The healing varnish is applied to the girl's nail
The healing varnish is applied to the girl's nail

In specialized stores and pharmacies, you can buy special varnishes designed for the treatment and restoration of nails. This varnish is no different from a simple colorless. The composition of this tool includes nutrients, minerals, vitamins that penetrate into the nail plate and ensure its strengthening from the inside.

Among the advantages of medicinal varnishes is the fact that they reliably protect the nail from the effects of various external factors, the nail plate is strengthened, and its surface is leveled. The product can be applied as a base for varnishes or used as a base coat.

Masks for strengthening nails

Liberal application of the nail mask
Liberal application of the nail mask
  1. Lemon peel is taken, with which the nail plate is massaged for several minutes. Then you need to wash your hands with cold water and apply any nourishing cream. Lemon juice not only strengthens, but also whitens the nail plate. It is recommended to use this tool to strengthen nails no more than once a week, since lemon juice has an aggressive effect.
  2. A small amount of natural beeswax is melted in a water bath. Fingers are dipped into the resulting mixture for a couple of seconds, then dipped in cold water. The wax will harden on the nails, after which you need to put on cotton gloves and leave the mask overnight. Beeswax has a healing effect on the nail plate, perfectly nourishes, accelerates damage recovery.
  3. Lemon juice is mixed with honey in equal amounts. The resulting composition is applied to the nails. The mask is washed off after 15 minutes with warm water. The nail plate is saturated with nutrients, thereby becoming more elastic.
  4. Take the same amount of cocoa butter, natural honey, coconut oil. The resulting composition is rubbed into the nail plate and left for 15 minutes. Remains of the mask are removed with a napkin.
  5. Olive oil is applied to the nail plate and cuticle and left for a while until it is completely absorbed. This tool will help to quickly get rid of the problem of dry cuticles and peeling nails.
  6. Sea salt (1 tablespoon) is mixed with any essential oil (1 drop) and water (1 drop). In order to strengthen nails, it is recommended to use oil of ylang-ylang, lemon, rosemary, bergamot or eucalyptus. The composition is gently rubbed into the nail plate. This procedure must be carried out several times a week.
  7. Egg yolks (2 pcs.) Are whipped with honey (1 tbsp. L.), Then warmed milk (4 tbsp. L.) Is added. The resulting composition is applied to the nails, after 10 minutes it is washed off with warm water.
  8. Take burdock oil (30 ml.), Lemon essential oil (20 drops), rosemary oil (20 drops). The composition is thoroughly mixed until it acquires a homogeneous consistency. The finished product is used to lubricate the nail plate several times a week. Under the condition of regular use of this composition, an accelerated restoration of the damaged nail plate occurs, its color improves, and the recurrence of the problem is prevented.

Strengthening weakened and injured nails can be done quickly enough at home. For this purpose, the above tips and tricks can be used.

For more information on how to strengthen your nails at home, see below: